
Welcome to Summersville, USA

Welcome to Summersville is a humorous, satirical novel.
Sal Dā€™ Angelo hopes to give his son, Randy, $1,500 to start college in 1972, but
is broke. Though Sal lacks restaurant experience, Pearl persuades him and his
family to run her luncheonette at her Catskill bungalow colony, claiming theyā€™ll
profit $5,000.
The soda counter and vital kitchen equipment is old and unworkable, he
soon discovers. Thereā€™s no air conditioning or acoustical ceiling tiles to absorb
the deafening noise. Playing pinball, campers push, fight and shout. They curse
when they tilt the machine or when balls land in traps and they try to rewire
the machines to get free games. Salā€™s wife touches a girl while leading her out
for screaming hysterically at a misbehaving ball, and her father threatens to sue.
Lounging, teens are reluctant to remove their feet from tables containing salt
and sugar they pile and squirt with ketchup. Two male dogs knock over chairs
while tearing after a female poodle in heat. Waiting on line for their orders, parents
push one another, demand better service, and curse the family for running out
of spaghetti.
Girls scream when the campers flap a dead snake on the counter. So do their
moms playing mahjong outside after receiving the same gift. A bully ties up the
Dā€™ Angelosā€™ youngest son inside a dilapidated bungalow.
Before Sal leaves, Pearl falsely accuses him of taking home most of his stock
instead of leaving it for her. Consequently, she persuades Bernie, renter of the
machines, to give her Salā€™s share after adjusting them to provide extra free games.
More curious about the obvious record take than angry, exhausted, Sal drives
home instead of calling the police.


An old archeologist slips a small block of wood with an ancient Roman coin imbedded in it into Mark Blackstoneā€™s jacket, whispering a manā€™s name and a town in Europe. Will he discover the true meaning of this mysterious coin in his pocket?
Mark Blackstoneā€™s life is falling apart and his international trading business is collapsing. Just when he thinks his life canā€™t get worse, the ferry he was on explodes and throws his whole life into chaos. An old archaeologist slips a small block of wood with an ancient Roman coin imbedded in it into Markā€™s jacket, whispering a manā€™s name and a town in Europe. That night the old man is murdered, Blackstone is attacked, and the FBI contacts him for help. Could all of these events be connected in some way? Blacksstone heads to Holland to search for the answers to his problems and finds himself chased by criminals and Jihadists who believe the small antiquity he holds is the key to a kingā€™s treasure. His trail leads him in a chase across the globe, from the Netherlands to Puerto Rico, Panama, Rome, Pompeii and finally to Jerusalem. Will he discover the meaning of this mysterious coin in his pocket? Can the key to his future really be found in Antiquity?

About the author:

David Cabbell is an international businessman involved in international trade and transportation. He has lived in Europe, traveled around the globe, and has been involved with all sorts of people ā€“ good and bad. He has since retired and lives in Southeastern U.S.

The Adventures of Willy Waterdrop

The story of The Adventures of Willy Waterdrop is the story of water and its cycles from oozing out of a rock face on the side of a mountain to its journey down the creeks, lakes and rivers to the sea. The setting takes place in a southern state and follows from the mountains through the midlands and low country as the story unfolds. Willy meets another female water drop names Wanda and they become instant best friends. Their journey together down the creeks, lakes and rivers to the sea and beyond is filled with many exciting incidents. The colorful descriptions and illustrations carry one along on their journey with much mystery and excitement around every bend of the river. They encounter many new creatures and finally man as they make their journey to the sea. What happens to them as they pass through a large city points out the truths of what is happening in many waterways across the country. The story is not only interesting but informative and tells about the delicate balances of nature and clean water in the world around us. May all who read these adventures learn about the world of water and have a new respect for the water ways of all of our states, country and world.

About the author:

Although Barnieā€™s talents lie in the art world, he has always had a passion for writing. When he was very young, he hand wrote long letters to his grandmother, aunts and uncles and this carried on through the use of typewriters, word processor and finally, computer. Barnie writes mostly about his life experiences, which is very colorful. Losing his mother at age seven caused him to grow up early and the hardships gave him the character and experiences to fill many volumes of stories. He likes to incorporate his childhood memories into the characters of his
books. Barnie enjoys illustrating his own books and takes great pleasure in writing new adventures with his characters. His cartoon work has been in several magazines and newspapers in his southern state. There are many books in his head and, God willing, he plans to get them all in print. Barnie resides with his wife by the sea near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

The Gold Redemption

For Jesse Riddle, time had brought too much change. Caught between the excitement of life on Harrison Avenue and his commitment to the Lord, it was time to decide. Work in the mines had exposed him to a new world of hard living and excitement. He knew the direction his life was taking was hurting his preacher-father, and he could not let that go on. As a boy, the church had been the center of his life. Now, he was being drawn to the exciting life that could be found in the saloons. Soon, he gained a reputation as a man to stand aside for on the Avenue. Yet, he could not shake the commitment he had made to the Lord. He needed to get away for a while where he could think. The mountains had always been his place of sanctuary. Would he find the answers there?

About the author:

All of my youth was spent dreaming of a land called Colorado. My life began in Iowa and from that perspective, it was hard to imagine what it would be like to live in a world so different from the one I knew. I was 29 before I got my chance and for the next 40 years, I worked and played in those magnificent mountains. I discovered a land of high places and vast expanses of wilderness. I visited the old mining camps and sought out the history of the colorful people that lived in those places so long ago. In so doing, I discovered a world of high adventure and larger than life characters that created an empire of freedom and opportunity like the world has never seen. I decided to put some stories together that closely paralleled the actual history of those places from a Christian perspective.

Wet Confetti

Rolled, silver white hair created a halo about the womanā€™s head. The lamplight cast oblique shadows on her delicate, high cheekbones. Above the cheekbones, her eyes were ice blue and steady, belying the eighty years of this statuesque woman. Her demeanor exhibited and commanded an aura of aristocracy. Kathleenā€™s throat tightened and felt dry. She trembled slightly as she spoke. She was a reasonably intelligent, thirty-eight-year-old woman quite capable of comprehending all that had been depicted and yet, the shocking concept of the old womanā€™s claim was loathsome and incredulous. Acceptance of such cruel allegations against her grandmother, whom she so admired, was totally denied. In this emotionally charged family saga, Kathleen is shocked to learn of her grandmotherā€™s wicked past from her Great Aunt Rose. As if the shocking revelations arenā€™t hard enough for Kathleen to deal with, she is forced to make a decision that will determine the course of her future.

About the author:

JENN SHELL is the author of Wet Confetti, Purple Gold, Destinyā€™s Gamble and Turbulent Tunnel and is published in The National Library of Poetry. Her lifelong passion for books and history is the catalyst that embarked her on the journey of writing. Originally from Pennsylvania, an avid golfer, she now calls Myrtle Beach, South Carolina home.



In ā€œFrom Spam to Baloneyā€ you will find everything from mild chuckles to hearty belly-laughsā€¦from podium to Lazy-boy entertainmentā€¦Itā€™s all here for you to enjoy!ā€ Leonard Oā€™Donnell

ā€œA visiting soloist at a church function bragged to his audience in a booming obnoxious voice, ā€˜Two years ago I insured my voice with Lloyds of London for a million dollars.ā€™
There was a hushed and awkward silence in the room until an elderly woman yelled out, ā€˜So what did you do with the money?ā€™

Now thatā€™s funny! Youā€™ll love itā€¦

ā€œā€¦Some of the funniest I ever read, but I just learned to read last yearā€¦ā€
H. Oā€™Donnell ā€“ New Brunswick, Canada

ā€œā€¦Easy Readingā€¦funny and entertainingā€¦couldnā€™t put it down.ā€
G. Dennis ā€“ Lake Brantingham, N.Y.

ā€œFor a quick laugh, it canā€™t be beat!ā€
Rev. W. Young ā€“ Wesleyan Village, Fl.

About the author:

Leonard Oā€™Donnell is a retired Wesleyan minister from the Florida District. He proudly claims his roots are still firmly planted in ā€˜The Might Miramichiā€™ district of Atlantic Canada. He has never denied his great love and appreciation for a good laugh hereā€™s the proof!
(ā€˜A goldmine of hilarious reading!ā€™)

To Divorce or Not To Divorce

Husbands and wives in an unhappy marriage inevitably find themselves on the horns of a dilemma. While part of them is unable to continue to hold on, another part of them is unable to let go. In the terms that To Divorce or Not to Divorce puts it, they are unable to decide whether to go forward and end their marriage by getting a divorce or to go back and attempt to work on the problems in their marriage in an attempt to save it. That is their dilemma, and they will commonly remain frozen in indecision not only for months on end but often, for many years. It is the purpose of To Divorce or Not to Divorce to help those locked in such indecision to resolve their conflict by answering this question. Moreover, it is anticipated that they will be able to do that by the time they finish reading the book. Why do husbands and wives have such difficulty making this decision? More importantly, why do they so often feel that the mental health professionals to whom they turned for help were not able to help them? It is the thesis of this book that the answer to both of these questions is the same. They and the mental health professionals to whom they turned to were asking the wrong question. In the terms that To Divorce or Not to Divorce puts it, they were lost because they were using the wrong road map. It was a road map that caused them to focus their attention on the symptoms of their problems rather than on their cause. The books purpose is to give them a better road map, one which will encourage them to ask the right question and, in doing so, resolve their conflict. That is the burden of part I of the book. Part II is intended to help them once they have made that decision. Whether they decide to go forward and end their marriage or go back and address the problems in their marriage, they are going to need help. All too often, however, the help that husbands and wives get, whether from lawyers or from mental health professionals, doesnā€™t help. On the contrary, it only makes things worse. The burden of part II is to enable them to avoid this.

About the author:

Lenard Marlow, a graduate of Columbia Law School, spent more than fifty years of his professional life helping husbands and wives address personal and practical problems that they found themselves faced with as a result of their decision to divorce. His experience is unique in that in that he worked both as a traditional divorce lawyer (he is a fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers) and then, for the last thirty-five years, as a divorce mediator (he is the past president of the New York State Council on Divorce Mediation). He has lectured and put on trainings on the subject of divorce mediation throughout North and South America and in Europe. He has also written many books on the subject for the general public (including The Two Roads To Divorce and Common Sense, Legal Sense and Nonsense About Divorce) as well as for the academic legal community and the divorce mediation community (including Divorce Mediation: A Practice in Search of a Theory and Divorce Mediation: A New Vision of the Law).

Middle East Quicksand

This is a ā€œhistorical espionage thriller,ā€ that names people, places and events that have happened, and those that are likely to soon come to pass. Some of the key players in this international plot include: Presidents Bush, Obama and Trump; former Secretary of State John Kerry, Hillary Clinton; and key influential leaders of EU, NATO and the Middle East.

Vincent Renaldo was leading a sedate suburban life and mundane corporate job until now. Heā€™s now on a quest for real meaning in life, passion and true love. Vince gets ensnared in the ā€œquicksandā€ of espionage plots, and love affairs with three women. Which of these women will satisfy his quest: There is Eva, the wild seductress of Monaco. There is Anne, the beautiful double agent, with all the right connections. There is Susan, the devoted loving wife and mother of his children.

Vincent learns the lessons of life when he becomes involved in an international plot between Iran, Syria, Israel and the United States comes together to confront him. He discovers that the real battleground on earth is that one absolute freedom that we all have: choosing between good and evil.

Quicksand is a page-turner you wonā€™t be able to put down!

ā€œThis author has certainly done his research. ā€¦ His ability to keep readers entertained with the [actual] historical facts, as well as romance and corruption, adds to the excitement. The author has done an extraordinary job of describing events, corruption, and seedy characters. Readers will feel as if they were right there. Quicksand is scary, informational and very entertaining.ā€ Carol Hoyer, PhD., for Reader Views.

About the author:

Robert Thomas Fertig is a veteran of the USAF. At the Columbia University Graduate Physics Lab, he was responsible for setting up experiments. At General Electric, he taught computer programming, nationally. At Sperry Univac, Fertig was a Competitive Analyst. He later became Vice President of Advanced Computer Techniques Corporation. He established Enterprise Information Systems, Inc., an IT Consulting Firm. Robert T. Fertig is the author or co-author of nine books: Quicksand, Guardianship Reality, Culture Battles, Consequences, the Beauty and Wonder of Transcendent Truths, The Software Revolution, Best Interests of the Children, and Engineering Workstations. For five years, he was a volunteer with Guardian ad Litem (CASA), and is currently an Eldercare Guardian, in Pinellas County, Florida.

Escape to Faith and Freedom

A battle for the very souls of the people he loves. . .

ā€œPapa, why are they burning Bibles?ā€
ā€œBecause they are afraid of truth.ā€
ā€œWhy are they afraid of truth, Papa?ā€
ā€œBecause truth frees us from their tyranny.ā€

BENJAMIN BENAMOZ FLEES FOR HIS LIFE from the Empire’s tyranny. He finds freedom and faith in Christ, but even in America, vicious enemies seek to wipe out his people and their cherished way of life. As Western Civilization hangs in balance, Ben must restore the ancient birthright to its sacred place. Can he fulfill his epic quest before it’s too late?

About the author:

C.A. DAVIDSON grew up during the Cold War era, so she writes about the deadly assault on the Judeo-Christian culture that she has seen for herself. Her deep love of faith, family, and freedom has inspired the creation of the Birthright Covenant trilogy. Her mission is to help parents recapture, restore and transmit the biblical values that are heart and soul of Western Civilization, and that are key to the very survival of liberty for rising and future generations.

The Uncovering of the Greatest Story Never Told

In between the covers of this book you will be shown information that will, if taken with the right perspective in mind, show the reader a way to a realm of light that is different than the natural sunlight because it is a light that comes from within and is eternal. Eternal in a sense that it never fails to eliminate because it is not related to time. It is a light that shines between our heartbeats and if you latch on to this perspective that is in sync with this realm you will be as free as a bird to surf through the heavens unto your heartā€™s desire. The reader will see information that was perhaps never realized before but always there just waiting for the right moment to come alive. You will see that this information is tied to the very fabric of your being and is related to the perspective of your conscious soul waiting to prosper.

About the author:

Gerald L. Vano is a retired electronics engineer. For more than 50 years he has been involved in the study of science and its relationship to the spiritual aspect of things. In 1982, he went to Israel and Egypt with a church group and while in Egypt at a hotel next to the pyramids he had a life changing supernatural encounter with the Holy Spirit. The Evangelists of the group spoke to him publicly spiritual words of knowledge that set him on a new course in life that changed his whole spiritual outlook towards religion and science.