
Shortcut and Friends: Australian Outback Adventure

This is a story about Shortcut, a young Aboriginal boy, who lives in the Outback of Australia with his animal friends.

The Aborigines are native people of Australia who live off the land, hunting wild animals, different plants and roots.


Marianna Peters, the daughter of German-speaking parents, takes us back to quieter times when a family’s life and industry was centered in the family farm. As you read Growing Up in Prune City, you will walk through that delightful time at the turn of the century when the “stuff” of life for many families consisted of hard work, making clothes, cooking, baking, and canning, along with social breaks for church and school. In 1917, the Peters and other farmers planted many acres of prune trees around Dallas, Oregon. The town became known as “Prune City.” Prunes were shipped from Dallas throughout the United States, to other countries, and to troops deployed in Europe.

You will enjoy getting to know Marianna, the youngest of four siblings, as she goes to the small country church where she learned, and then embraced, her family’s religious values and practices. You will sit beside her in a country school as she learns. You’ll smile with her at cherry and prune-picking antics and activities. You will watch her play with other young friends as they wait for the daily mail delivery. You’ll hear her gasp, a few years later, when her name is called as valedictorian for Dallas High School’s graduating class of 1934. Then after a few years in college, your heart will be warmed as you see her falling in love and becoming Mrs. Elvin Quiring.

About the author:

JULIA D. QUIRING-EMBLEN is Marianna Peter’s daughter and Jason M. Quiring is her first grandson. Both spent countless hours listening to the stories Marianna told about her life on the farm. For years, Grammie, as Marianna is called, entertained neighbor kids, her own children and grand children, and the children in her classrooms as she told these delightful stories. With her permission, we have captured a few of these stories of her life in Prune City, Julia Quiring-Emblen lives in Dallas, Oregon

The Sweetest Taste of Love

This is a life of hope and gracefulness a struggle that only I and God knows about, I am a woman of many measures and have seen so many things in my time, I hope for much more than what I am giving right now.

The State of Oz

Everyone has heard of little Dorothy Gale of Kansas and her exciting adventures in Oz. Not everyone knows there is more to tell beyond the 1939 MGM film. Those in the know have read some stories shared by L. Frank Baum, Royal Historian of Oz, and his successor Ruth Plumly Thompson. But what is happening in Oz now?

Two youngsters named Jon and Ben enter Oz accidentally when they follow a strange, old man across a bridge at Hawk Mountain. They find themselves caught in a bizarre series of events as Oz’s citizens celebrate the opening of their new hall of fame while trying to understand several natural disasters.

Princess Oima takes Jon and Ben on the adventure of their lives: flying in the reconstructed Gump, facing bandits, enchantments by a long-lost magic mirror, and a showdown with representatives of the American government. It will take every bit of bravery and skill they can conjure to help the princess and make it back home.

About the author:

Christopher Schmehl is tickled pink to offer you his first published novel. He has dreamed of this since his days at Wilson G. Sarig Elementary School. Schmehl has a BA in English/professional writing from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania. He is an Eagle Scout. At different times he has been a summer camp counselor, a machine operator in a microelectronics/integrated circuit facility, a security guard, a produce selector, a cashier, a material handler, and a grocery stocker. He lives with his family in Laureldale, Pennsylvania.

Untangled Spirit and Unfrozen Heart

Take the HEART CHALLENGE for free at www.NBVelasco.com

Welcome to a beautiful encounter, an untangling of your heart. Does your life feel like a bunch of daily traffic jams that leave you in a rut and not moving forward as you had hoped? Come experience a defrosting, a thawing out of a numbed heart, the releasing of a heart that goes through the motions. Put the breaks on just mundane existence, and propel forward in the developing of a deeply intimate, faith growing, and trust relationship with God. A relationship that activates into a power daily walk forward. This book takes you at whatever stage you find yourself today in a relationship with knowing God and encourages you to take the next step. If you happen to just be starting out in trying to understand the Christian faith, or if you have been worshiping God for many years, this book has been written with you in mind. Encourage yourself to grow, and to purposefully live life to the fullness. Get out of the staleness and encounter joy, a joy found in knowing God deeply.

About the author:

Nancy B. Velasco has a heart for serving Jesus Christ, has an anointing of the Holy Spirit upon her life, and actively serves in ministry in Southern California. She has served in multiple capacities including church administration, technical and media support, life group Bible Study teacher, children’s church director, and prayer intercessor. Nancy holds an M.S. degree in Education and currently encourages both children and adults by providing mentoring, tutoring, and technical consulting throughout her community. Ms. Velasco’s dream includes reaching out as Jesus’ hands and feet and envisions developing an equipping center or school to encourage and propel people forward in their God designed purpose.
Feeling God’s call upon her life. Nancy left a nice position in the Christian corporate environment to serve more directly in church and community. Nancy B. Velasco, at the leading of the Holy Spirit, and in untangled and unfrozen fashion, recently began transitioning to Regency Chino Valley Church (RCVC) located in Chino, California. You may follow Nancy’s journey via social media and by viewing her website at www.NBVelasco.Com.

The RH Factor

After years of trying to conceive, George and Virginia were very excited,
Virginia was pregnant. The day of the birth arrived, and they headed to the
hospital. After long hours in labor, the baby boy arrived. Virginia was unable
to see the baby at that time, but after the baby was cleaned up, George was
allowed to see him and immediately went into shock; the whole left side of
the baby’s face was very distorted, all out of shape. George told the nurse
that he didn’t want his wife to see the baby, but Virginia insisted. They
brought the baby in for her and as soon as she unwrapped the blanket, she
screamed and said, “take it away and put it in a Children’s home. I will not
have it. Unbeknownst to the couple, they both has the RH Factor and would
have been advised to not have children, but they had never been tested.
Thirty years later, the boy/man found his biological parents and then …

About the author:

I have loved to write all my life and in 2008, that opportunity became available. God saw I need to moved from the city of Little Rock, where I was
raised to Newport, AR. My first book was titled Patience, but I didn’t have
any. God said, “How can you write a book and published it, called Patience
when you don’t have any?” So I worked on my patience, and about 10
months later my book was published. I have written six more and am on my
8th. I am retired from the AR Dept. of Veterans Affairs after 21 years have
been a widow for over 20 years, have plenty of time to write.

Behind the Scenes of Jenna Shale

“The adult Jenna Shale looks back on her life, explaining how life is no more than a series of television programs, as she recounts her childhood, the rise of her dance career, and the scandals that resulted from being a teenager in love with two brothers, both much older than herself, who are connected to the glamorous—and the not so glamorous—dance world. The story is written with a unique framing that allows the events of Jenna Shale’s life to be viewed through a lens that allows for a comparison to her life with various types of television shows. Complete with directors, producers, commercials, newsflashes, and soundtracks, Jenna recounts her life experiences to the reader in ways that are both humorous and provocative. Growing up is not easy and happens all too fast for young Jenna, who leaves little out when recounting the experiences that would lead her to be a fan favorite of the viewers around her. She is, after all, the owner of JSN (the Jenna Shale Network), where nothing is sacred and very little is as it really seems.”

About the author:

Chelsie Keller was born in and has spent the majority of her life in a small town in Northwestern Ohio. During her teenage years, she focused her energies on her academic studies as well as the performing arts. However, she left both arenas when her daughter was born. Afterwards, Chelsie focused mainly on her family and worked at various jobs until her passion for learning called for her return to academia. Chelsie eventually earned her associates degree from Northwest State Community College and, later, graduated magna cum laude with her bachelor of arts in English from Bowling Green State University, where she also studied education, psychology, and American popular culture. She is interested in studying complex interpersonal relationships and the way in which people interact with and interrupt their cultural surroundings and popular media.

I Will Disentangle Myself …. and Leave

The author, raised in a mellow fundamentalist Christian sect, spoke out in defense of egregiously abused members of the group. That precipitated a decade of false accusations, harassment, and ostracization; and subsequently failed health, a lost career, and separation from a lifetime social support system. Forced to leave, he researched, the origins and history of the group and scandalous events that belied the group’s harmonious reputation. Further, in his search of what to safely believe in, he gained the equivalent of a major in religious studies. He concludes with what he found would satisfy his sense of morality.

About the author:

Bob Williston was raised in Miramichi, New Brunswick, and is a graduate of the University of New Brunswick. His post-graduate schools have included Université Laval, Boston University, and College of Southern Nevada. His career has included teacher of French, English Language, U.S. History, and Political Science in several provinces of Canada and Nevada. For a short time he taught Character Education at a middle school for delinquent students. As well, he served in one session of the Nevada Legislature as Secretary to the Senate Finance Committee. He is now retired and living in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Tina et Rudy

— Mais Rudy, tu ne peux pas abandonner ces choses-là : le pñturage, monter à cheval,
planter du pois et piquer des herbes.
— Jamais, mademoiselle Lucienne ! Si je ne le fais pas, je trahis mon pays agricole, je trahis
mes origines, je trahis mes parents et je vous trahis aussi, les gens de la ville.
Si le hasard existe, la destinée aussi.
Les gens affranchis sont réellement riches.
Les jeunes gens sont capables ! Ne les limitez pas !
Ne trahissez jamais vos amis !
Un bon ami peut ĂȘtre de n’importe quelle nationalitĂ© !
Certains hommes sont réellement transnationaux.
RĂ©pondez Ă  l’appel de votre coeur !
Le monde est Ă  nous.
Donnez et prenez aussi !
Si nous avons besoin de l’intelligence et du courage pour la vie, bien sĂ»r, pour bien mourir,
nous avons besoin de la foi en Dieu Ă  travers son Fils JĂ©sus-Christ.
C’est bien le contenu de Tina & Rudy.

About the author:

Roland RodenĂ© est nĂ© Ă  Les Anglais, HaĂŻti. Ami de Dieu, auteur de Cynbel et Zothia, Tumulte en Terre Haute ?, il est dĂ©tenteur d’une licence en Ă©conomie et d’une maĂźtrise en commerce international de l’universitĂ© de Boston.

Tree of Life

The Catholic faith has a great gift of Miracles and a great esteem for private revelations. Contained in this devotional is a compilation of traditional Catholic prayers and practices as well as devotions revealed by Our Lord, Our Lady and the Saints.