
Princess Anissah and The Dark Queen

In a beautiful kingdom where the king, his daughter, and their people live in peace, there is nothing else that is missing except for one thing: a queen. But when the loving queen the king marries turns out to be an evil witch, the once harmonious kingdom is besieged with hunger and sadness following the king’s mysterious death. The kingdom’s brave men want only one thing: to save the princess from the hands of the queen. But little do they know of the secrets they will uncover and the allies they will discover as they execute their plans to prevent the dark queen’s reign.

Learn of Me: Passions from my Heart

Ned E. Hoopingarner was born to Dee W. and Leura Maude Hoopingarner on December 17, 1924 in Uniondale, Indiana. He grew up in Zanesville, Indiana, and graduated from East Union Center High School in 1943. Ned in 1943 was drafted in the US Army and served three years in World War II in Honolulu, Hawaii at First Haftner Army Base.

Ned was released from the army in 1946 and for the next twenty years worked for his dad who owned a lumber yard and construction company. In 1966, Ned, then president of the lumber company, decided along with his brother Neil to sell the business and move to Florida. He relocated with his wife and seven children ages three to fifteen years to Palmetto, Florida where he still resides.

Yet Ned found something noteworthy, as he tapped into the inner longing of his heart, finding a faith so dormant, and a desire to pursue a live pleasing to Christ. Learn all about Ned’s tale as you read through this extravagant work that’ll surely inspire everyone.

Hip, Hip, Hip-PITY No! : My Easter Journey

Hip, Hip, Hip-PITY No! proposes that…the human psyche, the heart, and the spirit are resilient enough to overcome any misfortune, even the seemingly impossible because courage and a firm will are powerful forces within our nature;

  • reflective discernment heightens an awareness that adversities grow us and armor us if we dare to override temporary disruptions;
  • positivity and laughter lift and heal the spirit;
  • wisdom is born from our struggles;
  • who we are far outweighs what we can do;
  • the only moment within our control is the present;
  • fueled energies can be channeled into creative memories;

“Every injury has its own unique rate of healing.” (M. D. Curry MPT)

Kinsman Redeemer

A promise pact written on parchment was made between the Englishman Lord Harold of Rockhaven Castle and Kormac the Dane. But the parchment was stolen and altered. When King Svein Forkbeard arrives at Rockhaven in the spring of 1013 with that parchment he claims to be the recipient of the promises.
Wiley,13, alias Son of Nobody, is recognized by two Danish strangers. The parchment disappears again and Wiley flees for his life. Aided by an alchemist with Greek Fire, Thoren the Viking, a dwarf named Toadskin plus Forkbeard's son Knute, 17, Wiley learns his history and gains insight into God's foreknowledge.

Underground Stories

Blaring sirens broke the stillness of the night. Fast-running footsteps are heard through the dark. Oh, what crime is happening now?

Underground Stories is a collection of gritty tales of crime that will make you stay wide awake at night. Fill your time with hair-raising tales about crime drama, political suspense, edgy literature, and even poems that are sure to keep you engaged. But always beware: some of these stories are not for the weak of heart.

With the turn of every page, ready yourself to be kept at the edge of your seat.

As Life Goes On: Lessons One Doesn’t Want to Have to Learn

One phone call hurt Rosalie so much. Bob's boss told her that her brother has to retire because he wasn't as reliable as he used to be, and the company didn't want to be liable for any accident caused by his disability. She couldn't believe that the company whom Bob served for forty years treated him like a thing—he was dispensable. Nonetheless, she agreed that her brother has to retire.

Robert “Bob” Contino was diagnosed with a mild case of “schizophrenia,” or as Dad used to say, “A tip of the iceberg. A tip,” as a young man, and Rosalie knew that taking care of her sixty-one-year-old brother would be a challenge. She noticed her brother's limping, but Bob was more physically sick than she thought. As laboratory tests were administered to him, more and more ailments manifested themselves–some even fatal. For the love of Bob, Rosalie put off many of her plans to take care of him as she has vowed to their deceased parents.

He annoyed her with his sarcasm and impertinence, but looking back at her brother's life and the painful experiences he had to endure, she put everything into its proper perspective and remembered Bob fondly, as she reflects on the lessons.

Five Ways to ‘Jazz Up’ Your Marriage: Investing H.E.A.R.T. Into Your ‘Ever After’

If you want to put some pizzazz in your marriage, read Five Ways to Jazz Up Your Marriage for proven and practical steps to take your marriage to the next level of intimacy!

As a couple goes through the different stages in marriage, the husband and wife have the opportunity to bring life and freshness to their marriage as they incorporate hope into their relationship, especially when challenging times come; they gift each other with empathy, when one is having a bad day; they strive towards agreement and compromise as an expression of love and respect; they enjoy remembering where they’ve come from and look forward to where they are going; and finally, they forsake their independence in order to cherish and maximize their togetherness for the glory of God.

Investing H.E.A.R.T. into their marriage will jazz it up towards their ‘ever after’!!

World Revolution 101

One hundred years ago, the victory of Chinese October Revolution led by Dr. SUN Yat-sen and the victory of Russian October Revolution, headed by V.I.LENIN, opened up the new era of the Infant Socialist Revolution that has dominated the world affairs ever since. They pioneered the socialist revolution, yet they may have not realized the infant nature of such revolution. Without existing successful example to follow, they naturally always try to compare their behavior to the standard of Marx’s Orthodox socialist theory: that often caused them to make the mistake of leaning too far left. Yet there is no reason to expect that the Infant socialist countries which came from feudalist or undeveloped countries should be perfect; it cannot be, simply because they created such unprecedented social systems-beyond any revolutionary’s wisdom.

This book comprises:

  1. Contributions of main revolutionary theorists and practitioners, selectively chosen; to the present day socialist camp, from Karl Marx to Mr. DENG Xiao-ping; theory of Infant Socialist Revolution.
  2. 77 pieces of revolutionary songs, poetry.
  3. Some scientific articles dealing with health issues; some articles show that bourgeois scientists or experts make pseudo statements or judgments because they cannot tell right from wrong, white from black.

It is impossible for anyone with bourgeois ideology to not express his or her bias. The main contents are contained in 101 passages. Yet, the people of the developed countries, of the third world and of the Infant socialist countries are waiting for the coming perfect socialism to happen. That will be the Orthodox socialist revolution, the most important part of the world socialist revolution, the main leading force of the world revolution.

Love, War and the Ninth Michigan Volunteers

Anyone who had first-hand knowledge of the greatest American conflict has long since passed into their grave. Today, personal knowledge of that period comes through viewing deteriorating grave stones or walking through the few surviving antebellum homes where men and women lived, loved and sometimes died. Occasional visits to dressed up battlefields helps visitors to reconnect to the most terrible or triumphant moments of that war. Viewing Civil War re-enactors who stage mock battles while wearing and carrying clothing and equipment duplicating the 1860s items, adds a vital look at the enormous efforts that terrible war required. With the exception re-enactors, the modern American has lost all personal connection to the men and women who fought, suffered and died to carry our nation into its present.
This book as an effort to return the civil war reader to a more personal identity with the men and women of yesterday. It started by focusing solely on a specific group of men, the men and boys who were the rank and file of Company B of the Ninth Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment. But, as the research proceeded deeper into the past, it became apparent that their story had to be told as part of a larger narrative. The narrative now includes the entire Ninth Michigan Regiment and especially Colonel John Gibson Parkhurst who did have a story worth telling.

Revelations Road to Armageddon

From the beginning of time, man has questioned himself as to where mankind came from. Obviously, the human race is the creation of the almighty God, who created mankind in his own image. We have to accept the fact that we didn’t evolved from animals as others may say. Mankind is the greatest creation of God, and the way mankind has developed in technology, is proof of this. Mankind can do just about anything, which animals don’t have the same privilege of, with the technology that they have developed, other than breathing breath into man. The human DNA cannot change, nor can animals DNA change from animals DNA to humans DNA. However, mankind found it hard to live in harmony and unselfishness, and kept on fighting among themselves; this fighting led to the great war of the super powers of our modern world, as we read about in Revelations, predicted in the Bible. However, after the battle of Armageddon, mankind will finally reunite and live in harmony. The “Revelations Road to Armageddon” begins here.