
Truths Within: Authentic Messages from the Masters Book 1

Onesong: a group of ascended wisdom with the higher and best intentions of the within; all that is, around and through the universal fields of existence. They have been united to create the love of what is of benefit for the continuation of the soulā€™s growth and the provisions to move forward in the light to come to the point of serendipity.

In Truths Within: Authentic Messages from the Masters, author Rosemary Gabourie imparts her wisdom and insight through a fascinating piece of work thatā€™s designed for everyone based on her personal experiences. Itā€™s an easily treasured work that taps into our inner struggles.

Dreamland: Fruits and Veggies

In the stillness of the night, everything comes alive in paradiseā€¦

In the most beautiful place on earth called the Garden of Eden, there lived Adam and Eve. They lived in harmony together with the fruits and vegetables in the land. Everything was so perfect until a mistake changed everything for the worse. Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree. As their punishment, God banished them from paradise and everyone experienced the downfall, even some of the fruits and vegetables.

Oh, no! What are they going to do?

The Gold Mine: What would you do?

Could Godā€™s love really be more valuable than gold? Does God have the power to change a person from the inside out? Take a couple of hours, and see what you think. Then ask yourself: how do I value the love of God? Is it way more valuable than I think?

The Gold Mine is a book that aids us in understanding the love of God and its value. It helps us comprehend how much it encompasses even the most precious of gold. It teaches every believer that even with the numerous circumstances, Godā€™s love is as valuable to us as we are to him.

Don’t Forget Your Keys: Each Key Holds the Power to Your Career Advancement

You are being evaluated on factors that go beyond your technical abilities, personality or past performance. To get through certain doors, you need to know how to communicate and perform confidently in any situation.

Barbara B. Bergstrom, a recognized authority on executive presence and international protocol, knows how to succeed. Every week, business executives throughout the country read her syndicated column, “Executive Etiquette,” to gain advantages over their competitors. Now you can also benefit from her insider knowledge.

Get ready to discover:

  • Why doors only open for some people
  • How to determine the right thing to say
  • Leadership-building techniques
  • The power of professional packaging
  • And most importantly – how to acquire the right keys

You choose your behavior so you determine the consequences. Make a conscious decision to join the successful people who are unlocking doors. It’s as simple as knowing how to stand out from the competition and do the right things.

The Value of a Homemaker: A Memoir

“I was fortunate to have three sisters and two brothers. I would be the youngest of three or the oldest of four. Growing up would not be an ordinary experience for any of us. Yet, amazingly we persevered. I believe all of us were determined and chose to do and be betterā€” not repeat the same mistakes. Memories of our mother gentle and loving but frail and medicated too often. Our father instilled fear for he never was taught or shown real nurturing love himself. Later, we would all understand the dynamics of both our parents and we would forgive.

My dreams were to be a singer, dancer, artist and missionaryā€”one day. I have done it all in some small capacity and on borrowed time. I would marry while a junior in high school and have a son on my husbandā€™s birthday. Then, we were young and in love and determined to defy the odds. We would have three children and achieve incredible financial success during the process. But, in the end I would be sacrificed and my husband rewarded. Divorced, appealed and annulledā€”I was compelled to write my first bookā€”my story, for understanding and to make a difference…”

Bye, Bye, Bow Wow : An Adventure

Bow Wow lives with a nice little family, in a nice home, in a nice neighborhood, in a nice little town. As he watches the family go through the daily morning routine of getting ready to leave for work and school, he knows he will be left at home to entertain himself. It seems unfair to him that the family gets to come and go while he is left behind. Every day, he hears the words, ā€œBye, bye, Bow Wow,ā€ as they go out together.

Although the beautiful backyard with a tall white fence is a wonderful place to hang out, he senses there must me something he might be missing. Children often feel that way too. The emotions of the little dog and his loneliness are easily understood by the youngest reader. Well then, in a very innocent turn of events, Bow Wow gets out of the house, and thus the adventure begins.

Born to Create

Born to Create is an inspirational autobiography chronicling Dr. Rosalie H. Contino's professional transition from successful seventh-grade English teacher to a newfound career in the arts. While most forty-year-old professionals are busy building upon the foundation that several years of hard work produced, Contino made the bold decision to quench the burning desire within to pursue the passion to create. Enjoying her creative careers as a costume designer, costume historian, playwright, and lecturer, Contino provides hope and a blueprint for those considering making the foray into the unknown and sometimes scary realm of the future. Written in a comfortable, conversational manner, Born to Create maintains a swift tempo while consistently providing an inspirational message for those harboring unrealized ambitions.

Magical Wings

Join Khalia and Ella, two sisters, two caterpillars on their journey to meet new friends and work together to face new challenges along the way. Their dream is to fly, and what lessons they learn along the way are priceless.


To receive a dedicated signed copy by the author or more information on any of the fine products of Magical Wings; with much lower shipping prices; please visit my website. www.magicalwingsjourney.com.

A Long Stretch of Blue

Arfel Booker is a great young blues musician in the 1940s South. One night, after playing a blues gig in a new town, a beautiful woman takes him back to her log cabin to make love. In the morning (after blacking out from too much liquor), he awakens to an unwelcome surprise. Instead of the woman, an unfamiliar white man is in the bed, and the manā€™s throat has been slashed with Arfelā€™s knife.

Arfel knows heā€™s been framed, and he makes a run for it and heads north by hopping trains. Once in a safe distance from the southern town, Arfel makes the acquaintance of Lemontree Johnson, a fellow blues man who helps to reestablish Arfelā€™s music and him. Despite this spot of good luck, Arfelā€™s troubles are far from over.

Lemontree is the only person who knows the truth about Arfelā€™s run from the south and his current state as suspected murderer. All seems lost when a bounty hunter arrives looking for Arfel. Who is the strange murdered white man and how will Arfel Booker escape the long arm of the law this time?

MIRACLE HERBS & PLANTS: Medicinal Remedies Manual

Born and raised in the Carpathian Mountains Cami had the privilege of the teachings of historical lessons of the elders and the privilege to understand and learn about the Power and Healing Properties of Plants and Herbs since childhood.

Growing up, there was never a memory of ever getting a cold or having any allergies, there was always many kinds of homemade syrups and teas. Every time our feet got wet or we came in the house frozen from walking a mile back from school in the snow, there was always a natural organic elixir or tea to boost our immune system. At the age of ten she contracted a form of hepatitis, that year was one of the worst years of her life. She was in and out of the hospital getting sicker with other illnesses, more than any child should bear. But it was not until she left the hospital with her Grandmotherā€™s care and the homeopathic remedies finally cured her. This was the year when Cami really gained a serious interest in the herbal remedies. Over the next decade she often gave herbal remedies to friendā€™s to cure different ailments. There was always great praise for helping and the request to please write down all the herbal knowledge but school and life kept it in her head. At the age of 25 while overexerting herself between medical studies and work, Cami collapsed. This time a more powerful hepatitis. Laying in the hospital in a coma for 46 days, when she finally opened her eyes they told her that the hepatitis case was very dire and her liver was in the last stage. The Doctors gave her few days to live. She left the hospital to go home and live out her final days. On her death bed but under the care of an Guardian Angel, who rushed around to gather natural plants known for helping liver disease and hepatitis, shortly after Cami arrived home she was cured through homeopathic remedies. Today, Cami is living proof that herbal remedies are the Miracle Herbs of Nature and God. All you need is to believe and have patience. Most of the herbal medicine takes a little time to work but there are little to no side effects.