
A Perfect Companion

Here for you is an entertaining collection of five short stories. For starters, how about a little hand-to-hand combat with Arab terrorists and then, how about attacks by pirates? Maybe also survive horrendous storms at sea. Then—How about some fantasy just to try something different? Maybe you would just like to travel to interesting places with interesting people?

No social messages included here. No problems to solve, just good, old fashioned entertaining adventures with a touch of humor here and there.

Of course, of course, of course, there have to be pretty girls around somewhere, right? What is a good adventure without some? I (Your Author) always say: you can never have too many ladies/girls around! Every story here has at least one, somewhere—guaranteed.

Maybe for some of you, you would like to go back to yarns set in a previous era or maybe at times, something current is what you are looking for; it’s all here—somewhere, I do believe. Take a look. Anyway, how can you not have a good and an interesting time when you are lucky to have with you, “A Perfect Companion”?

The Incredible Wedding of a Dictator

This novel is a mock epic, a satirical, and an allegorical view of a dictator and his evil influences. Two friends share their manuscripts describing one of the first European settlements in the Americas; the finding of the original Journal of Christopher Columbus; the development of a cruel dictator; his extravagant wedding; the struggle of a hero against the dictatorship; and the end of it caused by the destruction of a great tsunami. It is a description of the struggle between good versus evil. This book will be perfect for anybody interested in reading literature: historical fiction, magic realism, religion, mythology, folklore, etc. because of all the entertainment and humor involved in it.

Not by Chance: God’s “Coincidental” Guidance of My Life

“A wonderful, inspiring, unforgettable, rollercoaster ride that will leave you breathless and amazed at God’s goodness.”

Doug Wead
-New York Times bestselling author

Not By Chance is the inspiring true story of God’s coincidental guidance of one woman’s life journey. A series of remarkably improbable events signal the path she should follow as she confronts myriad challenges: polio, devastating accidents, major depression, divorce, unemployment, multiple sclerosis, and a miraculous rescue from a house fire. Discover how, during this arduous journey, God faithfully provides for her employment, her education, and then gives her a sense of purpose. Rejoice when God also blesses her with improved health and leads her on a path of service to others who also confront physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges.

Dreamland: Fruits and Veggies Coloring Book

In the stillness of the night, everything comes alive in paradise…

In the most beautiful place on earth called the Garden of Eden, there lived Adam and Eve. They lived in harmony together with the fruits and vegetables in the land. Everything was so perfect until a mistake changed everything for the worse. Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree. As their punishment, God banished them from paradise and everyone experienced the downfall, even some of the fruits and vegetables.

Oh, no! What are they going to do?

Retribution: A Story of Domestic Abuse

Felicia Jernigan seemed, from all appearances, to be a typical suburban housewife. But behind her closed doors she kept a dark and shameful secret. Gradually she had become victimized, and had been repeatedly beaten, verbally abused, and even raped by her husband, Craig, a police reporter for the local newspaper. But unknown vigilantes somehow discover the truth and decide to take the law into their own hands, to teach abusers a lesson they won’t soon forget. As the local police and the FBI desperately try to uncover the vigilantes’ identities, startling secrets are slowly brought to light and the notions of justice, crime, punishment, the development of an abusive relationship, the nature and consequences of abuse, and the dark undercurrents of private bedroom society are explored.

Journey Into Darkness: a Story in Four Parts (2nd Edition) Full Color

In a war in which more than a quarter million boys age seventeen and under fought in the opposing armies, Journey Into Darkness, a researched blend of fact and fiction, is about a young boy in the Civil War. Written specially for students, enjoyed by adults as well, it takes the student reader into the events of the war through the experience of a peer.

Originally published in four books at the request of a young reader on behalf of others who don’t like thick books.

“This would be an excellent resource for middle school American history classes, giving a boy’s-eye view of the Civil War and reminding students that kids their own age were caught up in active duty during the war.” – Blue Ink Review

Look Into The Darkness: A Bill Ramsey Mystery

A young Heiress jumps to her death from the Golden Gate Bridge. The family wants to know why. How could this happen? Someone must have pushed her. Who would do this, and why? There were witnesses; the Police have determined it was a suicide. The family was not satisfied and hires a Private Detective, Bill Ramsey. Ramsey uncovers a sibling rivalry and assumed he had the answer, until others begin to die. This simple suicide becomes a tangled web that now threatens the entire family.

Look Into The Darkness is the first of three books in the Darkness Series, and is now available now. The second book is due out late summer 2016.

Author: James E. McDowell
A writer of Fiction, Mysteries, Novels, and Illustrated Books for Children.

Author: Mission Statement
A writer creates pictures with words that only the mind can see. It is where
Dreams and Imagination flow into the Rivers of Reality, adding new colors to the
Sea of Life. Each new day is your Palate; Read, Dream, Imagine what could be;
Paint your Story upon the Sea of Life.

The House on Shadow Lane: A Love Story

Peopled with remarkable and varied characters, the plot of The House on Shadow Lane required a skillful hand to keep events moving at its almost frantic pace while remaining believable. As Robert Heylmun weaves the lives of his characters into the nap of his plot, their connections produce the complicated, even twisted, events that make the novel captivating. How, the reader wonders, will the romance developing between Hal and Simon survive the challenges they face? How will Carl, who is “in love with two people of different genders,” decide? While readers have likely never known such characters or situations, the author’s ingenious interplay brings them into vivid reality. As a result, readers will likely share on finishing this page turner, a “joyful sense of loss” that paradoxically occurs whenever I finish a novel I have much enjoyed. Good stories like this leave the reader to ponder what will happen next to those characters that he has come to know so well. The author’s story telling expertise establishes him as a writer whom readers of gay fiction will want to read again … and again.

– Michael Dryden, American River College, Sacramento.

Truths Within: Authentic Messages from the Masters Book 3

If anyone had ever told me I would be publishing a book, let alone in automatic writing of messages from the masters of peace, inner truths, love, and community, I would have thought that’s impossible! Now it has become a reality.

Onesong is a name that encompasses the group known as the Ascended Masters. They are known as the truth-bearers and are meant to spirit those who are searching to find the meaning of whatever this life brings them.

They are a group of ascended souls with the higher and best intentions of the within; all that is, around and through the universal fields of existence. They have been united to create the love of what is of benefit for the continuation of the soul’s growth and the provisions to move forward in the light to come to the point of serendipity. In 1995, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. This created significant feelings of helplessness, denial, anger, and guilt for me. I felt revictimized, as it brought back the eight-year-old who had been sexually abused.

I had my time of fear and loss and decided to educate myself on the matter of MS. I became aware that the best thing to do was to make friends with this challenge and continue on. I believe my MS was a catalyst, for it forced me to slow down and go within myself. I feel honored and blessed to receive these words of wisdom.

Truths Within: Authentic Messages from the Masters Book 2

If anyone had ever told me I would be publishing a book, let alone in automatic writing of messages from the masters of peace, inner truths, love, and community, I would have thought that’s impossible! Now it has become a reality.

Onesong is a name that encompasses the group known as the Ascended Masters. They are known as the truth-bearers and are meant to spirit those who are searching to find the meaning of whatever this life brings them.

They are a group of ascended souls with the higher and best intentions of the within; all that is, around and through the universal fields of existence. They have been united to create the love of what is of benefit for the continuation of the soul’s growth and the provisions to move forward in the light to come to the point of serendipity. In 1995, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. This created significant feelings of helplessness, denial, anger, and guilt for me. I felt revictimized, as it brought back the eight-year-old who had been sexually abused.

I had my time of fear and loss and decided to educate myself on the matter of MS. I became aware that the best thing to do was to make friends with this challenge and continue on. I believe my MS was a catalyst, for it forced me to slow down and go within myself. I feel honored and blessed to receive these words of wisdom.