
Fighting The Black Robe Conspiracy

There are two women which are totally opposite. The Statute of Liberty represents freedom and allures peoples to this country to acquire the American dream. However, there is another woman which often destroys the citizens of this great Country. She is the Lady Justice who is a myth or an illusion of the promise of “Liberty and Justice for all”! What are you going to do when you realize that America has the best justice that money can buy, but you don’t have the money? What can you do when you are in a Family or Civil Court where you do not get a Public Defender? What if the judge runs out of the courtroom as you enter it for your hearing? When she is above the law, and all other authorities and superiors refuse to look at your case, what can you do then? There is a remedy but you will not win by playing a corrupt court’s game. It is a shame whenever the knowledge of how to succeed happens after the damage is done and thousands of dollars were squandered away. If you truly are innocent, and you are battling a corrupt conspiracy, you must fight with unethical tactics to win.

The Wayfarer (Revised Edition)

The Wayfarer is a story based upon an ancient legend of Taoist mystics who were known to appear whenever a people were suffering from oppression, disaster, or injustices from rulers.

One such mystic in contemporary times was a spiritually powerful woman, trained in the mystical arts of Central Asia. Her story is a suspenseful, violent drama played out against the backdrop of modern political corruption and the international drug trade.

The Sinner

An exceptional story that cuts through the bare denuded trunk of humanity and let the pus of inhumanity, barbarism and sadism ooze out. The novel expounds humanity in a completely newfangled sense, absolutely different from all known dimensions. It unearths all the abstruse desires on humans that may or may not have been spewed out by them. The work ferociously abrades each and every layer of the society, brutality unmasks its true evil face and reveals the ever cryptic and wholly self-centered yearnings that together fabricate the fundamentals of a human (at least biologically). The novel also examines the ancient cultural heritage of India on the broad parameters of utility, value and need and, at times amiably but mostly savagely, butchers the social conventions based on the sham grounds of gender, caste, religion and economic status. This entirely merciless work ruthlessly marches into the socio-economic and politico-cultural domains of the so-called human society, assesses the efficacy and utility of ancient and neo traditions of India and accurately determines the factors required in the bare struggle for survival. The Sinner effectually deals with the entirely antagonistic dimensions of life and lifelessness and also the at times complementary but mostly contradictory timespan between them.

This work is a must read by all those who value humanity, respect women, believe in dynamism and change and are courageous enough to beard the Evils of the society, economy, polity and morality and have the mettle to welcome Good. This novel is not an endeavor for a kingly life but a headlong struggle for survival. Reading this novel may altogether after your conviction of being a human and you’re sure to involuntarily raise a question that the novel also evokes at its concluding juncture.

Boondoggle: The Grand Delusion of American Education

The author provides abundant, compelling, anecdotal evidence for what is really wrong with American education, and it isn’t what both the U.S education establishment and the politicians (“No Child Left Behind” & “Common Core”) have led Americans to believe it is.

What’s REALLY wrong is that it is the re-arranging of the deck chairs on the Titanic of a rigid, mechanistic education paradigm that has characterized American schools from the 18th through 20th centuries, but is inappropriate and inadequate for the 21st.

It goes on to describe how it SHOULD be, which is humane and Socratic, rather than sterile and dogmatic.

When Harry Met Lila: Letters of love… Lessons for Life

“He was a poor farmer living a simple country life marked with toil and missing the luxuries of his time. She was a young, devout Christian woman living life to its fullest in a nearby town.
Eight miles separated them but could not keep them apart. What transpired was a relationship via the post; letters of frustration, celebration, sorrow, and comfort; reflections on life, death, friendship, and love. Living and breathing through each correspondence is the very spirit of a Holy
God whose presence and purpose would define a family for generations. They may have been simple people living an ordinary life, but their faith-filled examples left a legacy of love that will last forever.”

The New Road Leading To Christ

From a childhood of abuse came loneliness, fears, and torments in my life. Then going through a nervous breakdown, an abusive marriage, and a desire no longer to live, one day miraculously it all began to change.

Reading my testimony you too will come to realize that God not only protected me, but God Himself is now using my yesterdays for His Glory. God saved me to be here for each one of you.

The spark of life that seemed to no longer be within me was still present, and burns more than ever brighter today.

Never did I imagine after raising a family that God would so powerfully come into my life. It all began 1993 when He led me to Yugoslavia on a pilgrimage, then in 2003 He once again led my husband and myself to a Bible College in Colorado.

Then upon graduation we were ordained as ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God had already let us know that we were to be founders of Message of the Cross Ministries, which today gives me more joy than I had ever hoped for in this life.

Just as my earlier life began as a mighty disaster, this now new life in and through Jesus Christ has just the opposite effect and meaning!

Traveling is one of my desires, and I patiently wait to see yet more of God’s creation and beauty for all of us.

Without Jesus Christ I am weak; with Him I am strong. He is my all. Visions, Dreams, Signs, and Wonders!

God began to show me things in the Supernatural realm almost twenty years ago; but until now He has never led me to talk about them.
God has chosen this book for me to tell and reveal things that some of you may have never heard of before now.

Through me God wants you to know more about Him while you are still on this earth. So as you read the words written in this book, you too will discover that there are deeper things about God then what we as humans may think there is sometimes!

Contact Information:
Reverend Joan Bellrichard
Message of The Cross Ministries
P.O. Box 9992
Colorado Springs Colorado 80932-0992

Unloved Daughter

From a childhood of abuse came loneliness, fears, and torments in my life. Then going through a nervous breakdown, an abusive marriage, and a desire no longer to live, one day miraculously it all began to change. Reading my testimony you too will come to realize that God not only protected me, but God Himself is now using my yesterdays for His Glory. God saved me to be here for each one of you. The spark of life that seemed to no longer be within me was still present, and burns more than ever brighter today.

Never did I imagine after raising a family that God would so powerfully come into my life. It all began in 1993 when He led me to Yugoslavia on a pilgrimage, and then in 2003 to Bible College along with my husband.

After we graduated we were ordained as ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God had already let us know that we were to be founders of Message of The Cross Ministries, which today gives me more joy then I had ever hoped for in this life.

Just as my earlier life began as a mighty disaster, this now new life in and through Jesus Christ has just the opposite effect and meaning! Traveling is one of my desires, and I patiently wait to see yet more of
God’s creation and beauty for all of us.

Without Jesus Christ I am weak; with Him I am strong. He is my all.

Contact Information:
Reverend Joan Bellrichard
Message of The Cross Ministries
P.O. Box 9992
Colorado Springs Colorado 80932-0992

Hands Across The Sea

What happens when real talk gets a little too real? That’s the 800-lb. gorilla confronting the Office of the Sheriff.

This character-driven saga puts the rear echelon in the crosshairs as Brian Cook gives it to you straight, no chaser with his debut vehicle, Hands Across the Sea.

Hands Across the Sea delves into the professional and personal sides of the badge where the rubber really meets the road. Explore how the Command staffers of The Office of the Sheriff, known as the Agency, come face-to-face with the unexpected: the changing of the guard.

Their larger-than-life Sheriff, Garrison Cottrell, abruptly resigns and passes the torch to his hand-picked successor – Brendan Callaghan.

Explore how their egos and isms intertwine with their leadership styles and principles, and come to light during professional and personal situations that will test their character and patience beyond enforcing the law. Gear up for what happens when the door shuts and the dialogue begins, and sometimes not in that order.

Cook doesn’t just peer back the curtain, he pulls it down with a look inside the Agency that often takes on the guise of Peyton Place. But we’re talking about professionals, right? Hands Across the Sea is the first in a literary series.

Barky the Mouse

Barky the Mouse is a light-hearted tale that begins with a piece of cheese. A simple misunderstanding turns into an unlikely friendship. Readers of all ages will not only enjoy, but also learn a valuable lesson from these adorable characters.

Barky the Mouse was inspired by Carson Stanley. Carson is a creative kindergartner with a love for drawing and coming up with stories. He loves playing with his friends at school and his little brother Bryson. Carson loves to entertain others by making them laugh.

Mrs. Watkins and Mrs. Campbell are blessed to have a class of 21 innovative 5 and 6 year olds at Shirley Hills Elementary School. Their class loves discovering new ways to push their ideas and learning to a new level.

Marriage Minutes: Building a Healthy Marriage One Minute at a Time

Based on his thirty years “in the trenches” as a marriage therapist and the knowledge and insight he has gained from thousands of clients, Jerry Shipp has written a book of practical and, sometimes, humorous parables to help us grow deeply satisfying marriages.

In our high-tech, chaotic world where relationships are shallow and people are more connected to their devices than to each other, it is difficult to know how to create a “perfect” marriage when there are so few good examples out there. How can we create “love for a lifetime?” Everybody wants it, but so few seem to achieve it. This book will give some answers to these burning questions.
In just two minutes a day, men, you will learn:

  • What Eeyore, Tarzan, the Grinch, Pepe Le Pew, and Captain Picard have to say about intimate relationships,
  • How “Jaws,” “50 First Dates,” “Sherlock Holmes,” “Godzilla,” and “True Lies” can help you to enjoy and improve your marriage,
  • What “Stupidville” is and how not to go there,
  • The proper way to “pursue” the woman you love, and
  • How to overcome being a “doofus.”

Women, you will learn:

  • How to prevent “drift,”
  • What “unconditional respect,” The Law of Association, and “submission” really mean,
  • How to “fight” in a way that strengthens your marriage,
  • What ordinary things like scabs, weeds, frogs, and back doors can teach you about your marriage.

Couples, if you apply the mostly simple (but not necessarily easy) suggestions in this book, you will have created a fabulous, enduring relationship.