
Atomic Angel

The phenomenal life of David Oliver Goldman, a saga of the floundering anti-hero who tries to find his way in an increasingly hostile world and its ever elusive meaning. After exposure to atomic atmospheric testing in the Bikini Islands, his life is irreversibly changed. His journey intertwines with iconic notables and histrionic events in the mid-twentieth century. For three decades Goldmanā€™s odyssey is interwoven with the path of his adopted brother, who shadow one another with contrary elucidations of the worldā€™s gist. An American gothic tale of lost prophecy, lost love, lost God and lost self in a metaphysical pilgrimage that finally reveals the meaning of his life.


About the author:

M. A. KING has traveled much of the world in the quest of exotic culture, anthropological tales and the fabled perfect wave. Born and raised in The City of Angels where anecdotes of Los Angelesā€™ past has been a life long fascination.

Conquered in Corregidor, Unconquered as Hero

A biography of my uncleā€™s combat and capture in the Philippines, and POW survival there and in Japan, WWII. Includes my own visits, observations and investigations in the Philippines in 2016.

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When Richard W. Bartz joined the Army-Air-Corps at 18 in 1939–a big, strapping Irish-American lad–it was as much for a new home, and escape from a young life of sorrow and survival, as it was to serve his country.

Upon his signing-in, he said, “Uncle Sam had never had a more eager recruit.”

Eager or not, Dick had no idea what was in store for him. His enlistment took him to the Philippines, which locale and duty greatly pleased him. Then World War II broke out, anchoring its fangs deep into the tiny island of Corregidor, where Dick was stationed. His fate was sealed.

Subsequently, Dick saw extensive and prolonged combat and action not only in Corregidor, but across Manila Bay at Bataan, where he would be captured and start the infamous Bataan Death March. But, he escaped his captors, only to somehow return to Corregidor from across the rugged Bay, and finally be conquered again after a brave defense.

He then became a prisoner of war of the Japanese, and POW in the Philippines, and finally in Japan, until the Americans were victorious in the mid-40s.

His survival skills from his turbulent youth saw him through years of captivity and torture. When he left the war zone at 6-feetplus and 108 pounds, he returned to the States only half the man he was–but he was alive.

Fun Times Growing Up : True Stories of Lessons Learned With Family and Friends

True stories of the growing up experiences of four
children, three boys and one girl, ages ten, six, four
and two. The authorā€™s first two children spent their
weekdays with their grandparents, allowing the author
to work. When the oldest reached age four the author
decided to remain home and devote all of her energy to her
children. As the family grew to include two more, the authorā€™s
love and attention expanded so that each of her four always felt
as though they were primary in her eyes. The author hopes youā€™ll
enjoy the six true stories in this book.

About the author:

Donna Giuffrida first penned drafts of the six stories in this book 15 years ago, 10 years after stepping away from a very promising career in the insurance industry to remain home to raise her family. Never looking back, Donna was relentless in her devotion to the intellectual, mental and physical development of each of her four children. The stories contained herein are factual recounts of some of their early experiences. This book is therefore dedicated, by her loving children and husband, to Donna, for whom this publication is a surprise, to chronicle and commemorate her selfless, steadfast, unfettered love.

For the Love of Cancer : A Passionate Pursuit to Understand Life, Death, and Spirituality

Julie Davis-Tittenhofer is a former lawyer, healthcare administration consultant, and seriel entrepreneur. She is also the founder of Inspirit-Widowed Young Support Group, Inc. Having been her husbandā€™s caregiver through a long battle with colon cancer and then losing him in a tragic accident, she has journeyed through life, love, death, grief and spirituality.

About the author:

A member of the Georgia Bar Association and the American Bar Association, Julie graduated
from Mercer University School of Law and went on to practice civil litigation before returning to work in healthcare. Most recently, Julie found a way to combine her love for healthcare with her entrepreneurial spirit and founded Pura Vida Body & Mind Spa, Inc. Despite her busy schedule, Julie continues to give of her time when young widows and widowers call, helping them heal from their grief while simultaneously uncovering their life purpose.

Kennedys In Love

Ambassador Joseph Kennedy lost three of his favorite children to violent death due to his fanatical ambitions. Joseph Junior, in love with the former Lady Jersey, Pat Wilson, died in a bombs-laden aircraft that exploded in World War II; Kathleen, perished during a storm that tore apart the plane carrying her with a titled lover to Cannes; John F. Kennedy, deeply in love with Ingrid Arvad, was transferred due to pushy father from his safe desk job in Washington to Solomon Islands was assassinated while preparing for his Second Term as President. In this tasty novel, Kick wins undying love from American, Mark Esterhazy. Not until fourteen years after her accident does Mark fall in love with Kickā€™s double, Rosie Oā€™Hara, who is perilously researching names of JFKā€™s instigators. Thereby causing Rosie and Mark to become targets for those same assassins.

About the author:

Beatrice Fairbanks Cayzer comes from an illustrious family. Her two ancestors who came to Upper Virginia on the May????lower in 1620 helped found their community. Beatrice founded the Cayzer Museum for Children in England where she was the wife of Stanley Cayzer a grandson of Sir Charles Cayzer founder of shipping companies that evolved into Caledonia Investments, and nephew of Admiral Lord Jellicoe, the second Governor General of New Zealand. Then she turned into writing. In Oxfordshire, she wrote The Princes and the Princesses of Wales. In Guernsey, she wrote The Royal World of Animals. Returning to the USA, she wrote nine Rick Harrow novels, winning Book of the Year Award from the Horseracing Writersā€™ Association. In 2016, she had a sell out with The Secret Diary of Mrs. John Quincy Adams and in 2018 had another sell out with New Tales of Palm Beach.

Tablets of Immortality

ā€œMyron Selkirk finds a cave crystal that teaches him magic, but his friends find a nest of vampires who try to destroy them. Myron saves only one and takes Andy Hand to Los Angeles. They fall into a plot to recover stolen Egyptian artifacts and reunite them in ceremony. On the way they will fight vampires, werewolves, and entities from the void between the galaxies, rescue damsels in distress and get involved in many plots. Will Myron be able to bring Andy and Steve back from the dead? Exciting urban fantasy adventure awaits!ā€

About the author:

A. Bradbury is a fat old man with thinning hair and a love of exciting tales of might-be. He works as a railroad signalman, is married with five children and six (living) grandchildren. His hobbies include music (he plays guitar, organ & piano), role-playing games, chess and writing award-winning poetry. He has the obligatory housecat, although it isnā€™t the obligatory enormous.

Jude the Dude

How do you deal with bullies? Just leave it to Jude the Dude. Jude works in the Soda Pop Shop with his family June, Julian, Julie, and little brother Junior. He and his buddies get into some hot water with a gang of bullies and Jude needs to step in before things get too out of hand. See what happens when Jude the Dude takes control. Jude the Dude is the 2nd book in The ABC Adventure Series by Debra G. Watts. These books are to instill positive role models for children as they learn to face everyday obstacles.

About the author:

Debra G. Watts is a retired teacher who resides in the small community of Harrodsburg located in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky. She has authored a music teaching guide entitled ā€œListening Guides for Americaā€™s Greatest Musicalsā€ and written and illustrated a childrenā€™s picture book ā€œCARter CAR and his Wild and CARazy Birthdayā€. Currently, Debra is an MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching) Supervisor for the University of the Cumberlands where she mentors Practicum and Student Teachers. She loves writing strong, positive characters who become role models for children. She takes writing stories very seriously, trying to teach a moral through each one. The lead characters in her stories are named after children she knows.

Dean Goes Green

On every ordinary, nothing special kind of day, Dean is a country boy with animals to take care of and chores to do. But today is to be different. It is different in so many ways. Actually, it starts out bad, very bad. First, he gets up late, canā€™t find his mom, and then . . . the cow. Oh, man, that cow has done it now. But, things take a turn for Dean and his day ends better, not just for Dean but for everyone on Earth. Yes, I said the Earth. See what happens in Deanā€™s day that affects the planet on which we live.

About the author:

Debra G. Watts is a retired teacher who resides in the small community of Harrodsburg located in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky. She has authored a music teaching guide entitled ā€œListening Guides for Americaā€™s Greatest Musicalsā€ and written and illustrated 2 childrenā€™s picture books ā€œCARter CAR and his Wild and CARazy Birthdayā€ and ā€œJude the Dudeā€. Currently, Debra is a MAT (Master of Arts in Teaching) Supervisor for the University of the Cumberlands where she mentors Practicum and Student Teachers. She loves writing strong, positive characters who become role models for children. She takes writing stories very seriously, trying to teach a moral through each one. The lead characters in her stories are named after children she knows.

The Coming Merger of Science and Religion

This book came about because of a spiritual word of knowledge given to the author by a man of God, while on a tour to Israel. It attempts to explain mysteries of the universe and show how the author agrees with the latest endeavor by one of the leading cosmologists Stephen Hawkins, to theorize the universe. But it also shows how God fits into it, delving into the controversial subject of Evolution and explaining new insights that perhaps were never realized before.

About the author:

Gerald Vano is a retired electronic engineer. For more then 50 years he has been involved in the study of science and its relationship to the spiritual aspect of things. In 1982 he went to Israel and Egypt with a church group and while in Egypt at a hotel next to the Pyramids the group had a prayer meeting and the Holy Spirit spoke through the Evangelist of the group to Gerald spiritual words of knowledge to him that only he could know. The event was a life hanging experience for Gerald and set him on a new path in life.

Oh How I Love Him

Oh How I Love Him is an intimate account of Bernadette Smith’s journey through a life saturated with deceit, suffering, hardship, and triumphs. In every turn of the pages and every word you read, you will see strength, wisdom, and courage throughout her words. Bernadette’s experiences emerged as cornerstones and building blocks for her transformation as they became the focal point of her existence in serving God. As you read, may the same strength, wisdom, and courage resonate within you so that you can walk away discovering that your possibilities are infinite as Bernadette did with hers.

About the author:

Belinda McClinton is the proud mother of three children; Anthony, Jamal, and Nicole. She is also the grandmother of six grandchildren; Anisha, Phoenyx, Paige Jean, Nadir, AJ, and Xari.