
One Wrong Incision

Mark Durant, a medical student on the cusp of graduating and finally becoming a doctor, suddenly has the bottom dropped out of his life when renowned heart surgeon, Dr. Neil Nichols, sleeps with his fiancé, has him expelled from the university and discontinues treatment for his critically ill teenaged sister.

However, Dr. Nichols’ hands are not just dirty, they are filthy. He used the hospital as a playground to carry out the adulterous sexual conquest. He used his extensive professional influence to brutally take Mark down. Moreover, he illegally administered experimental drugs to a dying girl with the self-serving hope of pioneering a new treatment. Nevertheless, his ego left him blindsided to the trump card Mark held that could take him out faster than a stray bullet.

Disguised in a calculated, methodical operation, Mark’s potential massacre is unleashed. He teams up with Gretchen, Dr. Nichols’ scorned ex-wife. Then phase-by-phase of this operation, he injects the poisonous needle of vengeance, saving the deadliest dose to bring Dr. Nichols to his knees.

One Wrong Incision is one man’s mind bending journey to justice. Like a snake patiently lying in wait to devour its prey, Mark has to meticulously carve out every step before going for the kill. Infused with intelligent strategy and shocking revelations, this story is steeped in betrayal, racism, lies, truth, and clever wit…all enveloped in an ever unfolding love story.

TAMBO: An Elephant Adventure

In the deep, dark jungle, a baby elephant is born, and her mother names her Tambo. Her large, loving family watches over her and keeps her safe.
But one day, Tambo wanders away from her herd. An adventurous sort, she follows a beautiful butterfly through the jungle. Tambo realizes she is lost and tries to find her way home. Suddenly, she steps on a twig and finds herself caught deep in a poacher’s trap.
As Tambo cries for help, two village children discover the elephant in the trap. They run to the village to get help. Tambo is so happy to be free and back home with her herd. She and the children will always be special friends.

Ollie’s Unlucky Day (Coloring Book Version)

What happens at the surprise party really surprises everyone! In fact, it is even remembered to this very day!

Lucky the Cat and Ollie the Dog have been friends for a long time. They have enjoyed playing games and being together. When Ollie’s fifth birthday rolls around, Mrs. Yorkie, Ollie’s mother, decides to give him a surprise party in their doghouse. She invites all his doggie friends, but not Lucky. This makes it very difficult for Lucky who wanted to be included.

THE LOVE OF THE HEART: A Collection of Poems of Encouragement

This book contains poems written during late 2015 through mid-2016. Like my previous five books, the title includes the word “heart”. I chose this word because it serves our minds as a filtering device which is capable of purifying our thoughts. With our gift of free choice we can learn to employ our heart to cleanse and focus our thoughts constructively while adding a large dose of love and mutual respect.

From a spiritual viewpoint the mind desires to be plugged in so it can be connected to the indwelling spirit. When we enter into the spiritual kingdom God brings us to himself where we can love and where we can put our life in something that will last.

The poems in this book can be read in any order the reader chooses. Each poem is a stand-alone glimpse through a moment in time as I have observed it. My hope is that each of us can learn to love one another, as God has loved us.

With love and hope,

James P. Robson

Words That Make the Heart Sing


Pastor Sandra is the Founder, President/CEO, and owner of Olive Branch Discipleship Ministries International; founded 2009. www.olivebranchdiscipleshipministries.com

She has counseled under several local ministries and in her church for many years; has functioned as a Women’s Ministry Director; as team support for Women’s Ministries and as team support for a local Women’s Prison Ministry. She has been Director for a local ministry, has worked at an area

Women and Children’s Shelter as Case Manager and Counselor, Pastor and Teacher. Pastor Sandra has also owned her own counseling business. She has been called as a Prophet and Teacher, and has ministered in this field faithfully for over 30+ years. She ministers in corporate prophesy, personal prophesy, and prophesy for the nations, as well as the Gifts pertinent to the Office of Prophet.

The Word of God holds a very dear place in her heart and she has found it to an invaluable tool to help set captives free in her counseling ministry. She believes the power of the Word of God holds no limits in bringing freedom and life to many – as many as would come to the Savior. These “Words That Make the Heart Sing” are words the Lord has given to her as her devotionals and have proven themselves over and over again in her life. She believes they will for you too.

She is:

  • Non-denominational Licensed Minister
  • Member of American Association of Christian Counselors
  • Member of the International Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counselors.
  • Certified in Inner Healing/Healing Ministry
  • Certified in Marriage Mentoring
  • Master’s Degree in Christian Counseling
  • Life Coach
  • Prophetic Counselor and Teacher.

In the Desert of Illness

The interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit is what makes us uniquely human. When people are facing the complex crisis of illness, it is imperative to care for the whole person, with respect and sensitivity. In the Desert of Illness provides guidelines for how to listen for cues that a patient may be reaching out for spiritual support, how to separate spirituality from religious dogma, and how to appreciate the ways in which spiritual support enhances medical care. The second part of the book focuses on the spiritual well-being of care providers, whose humanity and emotional pain are often overlooked. The role of healthcare chaplains is examined, and their journey with patients, families, and clinicians is explored with valuable insights that can enhance holistic healing for those who are ill, and integral wellness for care providers. In the Desert of Illness is an oasis of information and wisdom from an author with unparalleled Desert of Illness is an experience in this field.

I Can Tie My Shoes!

Faceless Creations Literature For Kids Presents: I Can Tie My Shoes!

Noah is excited and eager to start his first year of kindergarten. However, he does not know how to tie his shoes and is afraid that he will be teased by the other kids for not knowing. Find out what happens to Noah at school and find out if he even learn how to tie!

Love But Unwanted

A story about a girl that is loved by everyone she meets. But the love that she wants from her father, she can’t seem to get. So she takes the love from others and make a positive motivated move in life for herself.

Born Dead

A baby is born with his navel cord wrapped around his neck for twenty minutes before doctors could bring him back to life. His family calls him a miracle child after being without oxygen for so long.

Not All Who Wander Are Lost…

Do you know someone that grew up in the ‘60s? If so, ask them to tell you their Volkswagen story. For sure, everyone who came through the ‘60s has had at least one experience in a Volkswagen…the little motor in the back….cold in the winter, hot in the summer…first love, maybe?

In 1969, four young men who had been recently discharged from the military met in a bar in San Diego. They decided to pool their money, buy an old VW van and tour the country on the way home.

Re-live this trip with the “fearsome foursome” as they traveled the nation in a beat up van, finding adventure that runs the gamut from funny and poignant to downright dangerous.

The experiences they had on this trip would change them forever and had much to do with the outcome of the rest of their lives as evidenced when, in present day, the main character, a former Marine named Robby McLeod, buys a restored VW van and tracks down his traveling companions of 40 years ago.

This Volkswagen story encompasses romance, action and adventure, and a dose
This Volkswagen story encompasses romance, action and adventure, an of reflection and enlightenment that all began on that journey home.