
Miz Bambo

Carol Craig Cowan-Lanyon had an idyllic childhood. Her mother, “Miz Bambo,” embodied comfort, filling her world with art and magic. Her father kept her safe and told her she could be anything she wanted to be. But when Carol’s father died just before her fifteenth birthday, the foundations began to crack. Without warning, Bambo became volatile and impossible to please. And at the end of Carol’s sophomore year in college, Bambo disrupted all of her plans for the future with a declaration: they would be spending the next year abroad. What followed was the adventure of a lifetime. Though rooming with her mother didn’t exactly represent the bohemian freedom Carol had yearned for, their experiences together would teach her how much she still had to learn about the world-and force her to grow up in ways she couldn’t have anticipated. Miz Bambo tells the story of a unique mother-daughter bond, and of mysteries that will forever remain unsolved.

Deprived: “Mary Lou West”

Don was born and raised in North East Texas and is well acquainted with the friendly people, conservative values, towering pine trees and beautiful lakes that make that area an attractive place to live. At the age of 21, he came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and immediately began sharing his faith with others. Surprisingly, he began hungering to know and understand the Word of God. Little did he know that the hunger he felt would only increase as the years transpired. At the invitation of another new Christian, he left his home in Longview and moved to Dallas where he joined a church and was taught by other, more mature Christians. As good as it was, life did not remain the same. It was not long until he was moving again-this time to study the Bible so that he could one day be in full-time ministry. God also gave Don a wonderful, ministry-minded wife along with two children. The years at Bible school flew by, and Don was called to be the pastor of a small church in the town where he was born some 26 years before. Those were great years, and God raised up a loving church that was successful in reaching many young families for Christ. Moving, however, was not over for Don. He felt an uninvited call on his life to start a new church in Houston, Texas. Don submitted to that call of God and rented a house with no church members, no building and very little money. He believed God would somehow take care of his family as he did Godā€™s work. He was right. God did indeed raise up a church that Don still pastors to this day. The years have passed, and Don and his wife now have 10 grandchildren and another one on the way. There is one overarching lesson Don has learned through the journey of life. God is faithful.

Humpty Dumpty Back on the Wall: From Psychosis to Sanity

Life does not prepare you for losing your mind and there is no guarantee of finding it once you have lost it. The search for my mind and an understanding of why my life had taken such a drastic turn, led me on an investigative journey through my past. Plagued by thoughts of never being whole again, I felt like Humpty Dumpty who fell off the wall. Although I did not have access to the ā€˜kingā€™s horsesā€™ and the ā€˜kingā€™s menā€™, somehow I was ā€˜put back together again.ā€™ Perhaps even more than medicine and therapy, love, caring, forgiveness, and nonjudgmental encouragement have been great healers and motivators in my life. This love has also enabled me to love, care, forgive, and encourage others. When I was in a place that I, and others, thought to be a place of no return, I found healing from these unlikely healers. Having been blessed to return from that place, I discovered that sometimes, tragedy is a precursor to triumph and brokenness a prerequisite for wholeness. In my darkest hour, the love and support that I received helped me to find my way. One day while seriously contemplating suicide, sitting with my head in my hands crying, I was startled by a tap on my shoulder from my three year-old son.

He patted my shoulder and said, ā€œItā€™s going to be alright daddy, itā€™s going to be alright.ā€ Even now, the thought of those words give me a chill, just thinking of how the words of a three-year-old could affect the course of my life. In that moment, a door opened in my mind that allowed me to begin the process of regaining control over my mind and my life. I knew that I did not want to leave him here without a father.

Rainbow, Rainbow, What do you know?

Ever wonder what it feels like to see everything from above the world through the eyes of a rainbow? Itā€™s time to revel in the beauty that surrounds you. Take a journey of self-discovery, and see.


The Fruit of the Nut:


For Max, ā€œWho says so well what canā€™t be said,ā€ Walter Starke, inspiring author of ā€˜God is All.ā€™
In this book, Max unites ā€˜SPIRITUAL THOUGHTā€™ with ā€˜quantumā€™ discovery, Revealed to Enlighten humanity with Innate Power, in order to overcome egoistic discordant condition. Virtual reality, exposed as illusion, grips mankind and is replaced with The Expansive Cosmic Conscious Universal Reality of Wisdom Encompassing ā€˜ALL LIFE.ā€™


Ollieā€™s Unlucky Day (Colored Version)

What happens at the surprise party really surprises everyone! In fact, it is even remembered to this very day!

Lucky the Cat and Ollie the Dog have been friends for a long time. They have enjoyed playing games and being together. When Ollie’s fifth birthday rolls around, Mrs. Yorkie, Ollie’s mother, decides to give him a surprise party in their doghouse. She invites all his doggie friends, but not Lucky. This makes it very difficult for Lucky who wanted to be included.

The Biography of Billy Redcorn To Bill Nixon: Living Wah Kon Tah The Way 1900-1950

The period from 1900 to 1950 was a unique time in America, It saw the greatest environmental disaster to date, The Dust Bowl, coupled with the financial disaster of the stock market crash of 1929. Life was often lived much closer to the land, This period is often referred to as ā€œThe Good Old Daysā€ by those who lived them. Here this time is experienced as seen through the eyes of an Osage Indian Bill Nixon (Redcorn) in his following of Wah Kon Tah (The Way). It is a time capsule of this unique period and the forces that bind families, traditions and the science and technology of our ancestors to the present day, with meaning and reverence.

Preach My Sister Preach

The book, Preach, My Sister, Preach and companion workbook are treasure chests of extensively researched information. The research is directly from the Holy Bible and not from the opinions of pundits and theologians. Both books have been designed to provide accurate and authentic biblical evidence of GODā€™s endorsement, His support and encouragement of womenā€™s service in the Christian ministry.
This workbook encourages you to familiarize yourself with your Bible, and allows for notation of the principles and ideas conveyed from Holy Scriptures. This valuable tool challenges you to meditate on the Holy Scriptures and record your answers based on GODā€™s own words. You will find it to be a wonderful resource in your own personal study, as well as for use in your ministry.

Distorted Mind: Mental Illness Revealed

An Inspiring Personal Story of Overcoming Mental Illness

When people canā€™t see what goes through your head . . .

Severe episodes of depression, delusions, and mania tears Michael Fortnamā€™s life in ways that people around him canā€™t see. So for him, experiencing a painful level of isolation, emptiness, and confusion is the norm. But when a shocking arrest brings out all the bizarre things that go through his mind, what happens then?

Distorted Mind describes Michaelā€™s journey of battling his mental illness. Itā€™s written in a way that makes readers understand the implications of being depressed, having hallucinations, and suffering from manic behaviors. It also details how he coped with his situation through medication and therapy to live a more meaningful life. Inspiration, hope, support, and comfort ā€” that is Michael Fortnamā€™s story.