
The Law of Kindness: Godā€™s Key to the Locked Heart

For the Christian, no magic wand exists to soul winning, i.e. win the lost to Christ. God has given us foundational principles such as using the law, wisdom, prayer, etc., to guide us in our efforts to individually and corporately obey the mandate of the Great Commission. However, the foundation for all our efforts must be Godā€™s nature of kindness. Without a strong foundation building cannot either be erected nor long remain erect, so too, without Godā€™s nature of kindness, no amount of effort, no matter how sincere will be effective in drawing the lost to the cross of Christ. The goodness of God, i.e. the kindness of God is not simply a nice sounding clichĆ© but the very key to unlocking the unbelieverā€™s heart!

Razor Bumps and Stretch Marks: An Anthology

Razor Bumps and Stretch Marks is a rite of passage. It reflects the hazards and romance of growing up.

It also represents my journey over the past two decades or so, with a healthy dose of what Iā€™ve heard and observed from those around me, fellow travelers who didnā€™t always know I was watching.

I resisted the impulse to arrange the poems thematically, or in chronological order, a nod to lifeā€™s often non-linear character. Instead, they are arranged alphabetically. That way, whenever youā€™d like to return to one favorite or the other, youā€™ll know where to find it.

Look forward to hearing which verse helped make your load a little lighter.

Mind War

For millennia all attempts to end violent war by negotiated or imposed peace have brought only brief respite. On the premise that war is endemic to the human disposition, MindWar proposes to supersede its killing and destruction with a more civilized focus on the mind. The persons and properly of humans are replaced as targets by the divisive situations and perceptions. These are then analyzed and adjusted to a practical consensus. MW extends to sociopolitical applications generally, identifying and refining previously vague or unknown mental processes into a new science of ā€œthought architectureā€ : a standard of rationality and precision in human affairs in which the experience and exercise of thought are finally, fully mature.

Through the Fog

Travel with Kendra Collins, a young detective, determined to solve the mystery of her father’s past. The closer she feels she gets to the truth, the further away the truth becomes.

In this first book, of which I hope becomes a series, follow Kendra on her path of discovery. Her way to the truth. On her journey “Through the Fog”.


Unlikely Hitter is the story of Ovasta Kaiser, a woman who had everythingā€”a loving fiancĆ©, a successful career, and a lifelong friendship. But all of that changed as she was the victim of a crime which transformed the course of her life. When she identifies one of the perpetrators to the police, the charges are mysteriously dropped.

Feeling as if the legal system had failed her, Ovasta decides to serve her own form of justice but has a change of heart. When tragedy strikes again, Ovasta believes she has no other recourse but to retaliate.

The Monkey Named Moe

I love to write children books. I used to read childrenā€™s books every night with my daughter. We loved the ones that rhymed. They were fun to read. Now as a writer, I love to write childrenā€™s books. And I like them to teach children something good from each book. I also collect anything with dragonflies on it because I love dragonflies.

Harvest of War: A Flemish Novel

World War ll. 1944. Summertime.

Dr. Bruno Van Dam takes care of the citizens of German-occupied Ramsel, Belgium, whatever their politics, resistance fighters, collaborators, or ordinary citizens.

Secretly, however, he hides a Jewish orphan and two British pilots. Then his son Eric happens to be one of four youngsters who get picked up in town by the German military and forcibly transported to Germany, presumably to work in a work camp, where atrocious treatment and starvation are regular fare

Matters get dangerous and complicated as the doctor fights huge odds to get his son freed using all, even questionable means.

Beyond the Shemitah

For years H. Vandergouw has been sensitized by the Lord in regard to the last days we are living in. One of the areas that the Lord has targeted is the economic state of this country in relationship to the new global economic order envisioned with the coming Day of the Lord.

His previous writing of Signs of the Coming Messiah in This Generation in 2011 included a chapter that considered our ominous economic realm that not only our nation was beset with, but that of the world.

Since that time, even greater warning signs are becoming evident which are issuing ā€œcriticalā€ alarms as never before. Sadly, our government and media are either suppressing and/or covering up the dangers these alarms are presenting. Using Biblical precedence and the historical results of past Shemitahs and Jubilees, 2016 ā€“ which is a Jubilee year ā€“ could be the year where a serious economic ā€œfallā€ takes place. In this regard, the Lord gave this author ā€œActionable Recommendationsā€ as He called them for your benefit. Why? To help you PREPARE for potentially the greatest economic collapse this world will ever experience. It is my sincere hope that this book will be a practical resource and guide for you and your loved ones in the perilous days ahead.


American values are changing at an alarming rate, affecting everything from education, business, medicine, politics and, perhaps most importantly, the way we raise our children.Ā  Many are left wondering about the direction in which we are headed.Ā  Are we willing to return to the truth that once guided so many Americans and informed the way we lived?

Thousands of years ago, the psalmist asked, “How long, O Lord?”Ā  We can ask that same question in the midst of our changing moral landscape.Ā  How long will God put up with a nation that rejects His word?Ā  How long will it be until He removes His hand of blessing from our great country?, the way we raise ourĀ children. Many are w long will it be until He removes HisĀ hand of blessing from our great country?

FREDDY Continues His Long Journey Home

This story is the sequel to Freddyā€™s long and dangerous journey home. During his odyssey, Freddy, the fun-loving sea otter, will meet a variety of creatures that will be charmed by his friendly and modest nature. Their endearing friendships are mutually respected and enjoyed.
As with my stories, my primary purpose is to always include the following: family values, life-learning lessons and joyful endings. In short, my stories are uplifting and a joy to read.
Freddy is a wholesome role model with qualities of honesty, integrity, caring and humility. He knows how to be a true friend.
But like all living creatures in this world, Freddy has his lessons to learn. For one, he forgets that there is a fine line between boldness and recklessness. And each time he crosses that line, he finds himself in death-threatening encounters.
On his courageous journey, Freddy will need to find a way to escape the deadly grips of an enraged octopus, a beautiful but devious mermaid, the great white shark and Man-Humans.
Freddy is a delightful story that will bring joy and smiles for the entire family. The story reveals how to live the good life, and for those who can read between the lines, will receive a double treat. Young children, I am told, ā€œloveā€ my stories because they love animals.
Hereā€™s a friendly challenge. Within the story, there are two factors that go beyond the laws of Mother Nature. See if you can find them.
