
Suzie Slither’s Woods

     Four adventure stories about the curious little farm snake, Suzie Slither, and her woodland friends, who all have to work together to help each other survive in the woods of Missouri.

     These stories help teach young children the values of friendship, responsibility for their own actions, and acceptance of others who are different from themselves.

The Threefold Cord of Giving, Prayer and Fasting

This book was inspired by Matthew chapter six where Jesus teaches on giving, prayer, and fasting. The purpose of this book is to reveal the importance of each of these three subjects, the blessings and benefits that follow believers that practice them, and encourage believers to make them a faithful part of their walk with God. Each chapter focuses in on one of these three things, and contains an in-depth and thorough teaching on it. Each teaching is filled with examples from both the Old and New Testaments in great detail.

The Chronicles of All-Time: Remember to Forget

The Chronicles of All-Time is a series of books that describe the nature of time, space and reality with a central storyline, the life of Dr. Elliott Himmerept. Very much like the best-seller book “Life of Pi” this book describes the amazing awakening story of Dr. Himmerept, which is an alias for the author, Dr. Jurgen Vanhauwe. Through his visits to Heaven, which are described in this first book, and many strange occurrences in his perceptual reality, a multi-cultural and intergalactic story starts to develop. The entire series will help young and adult readers understand the nature of our Universe and the multi-faceted role that we play during our human life experience. While the setting and the story telling is meant to be science fiction, it is up to the reader to discern what parts of the book may have been taken from the real life experience of Dr. Jurgen Vanhauwe and what parts are science fiction. Or maybe all of it is what truly transpired? The first book in this series focuses on the remembrance of who we truly are as humans, and the main character’s journey to openness and acceptance that life is more than it seems through our five senses. With insights from our distant past and futures, it becomes clear that we are not alone in this Universe and that we are part of a much larger living entity. This book will help you re-evaluate what is possible and what is real or not.


According to the scripture God places dreams and desires in our hearts. God is the author and finisher of our faith as it all originates from him. There are a lot of us who include God in what we are doing but even fewer of us who are involved in what he is actually doing. When we receive our dream and direction from him and are obedient to build it according to his instruction the dream and success will be much bigger than we could have imagined.

Unless the Lord Builds the House was written to refresh you and inspire you to turn to the Master Builder of life and learn how to relate to Him as well as learning what the Master builder expects. Many practical tools were added to help you build a strong foundation in for your life and career.

Many of us need to learn more about relating, listening, understanding and yielding to the Master Builder as well as what he expects, and how he desires to invest in you by imparting in you the desires of your heart and how to successfully build them.

If you are looking to be refreshed and perhaps challenged, then this is the book for you. The Master Builder of this life has your best interest in mind.

Psalm 127: 1 “Unless the Lord builds the house it’s builders labor in vain…”

King Frog: 100 of the Very Best Group Games, Includes Group Games Curriculum

“Stop Playing Games” and “Start Leading Them”!

Finally, a game leader’s “dream” book that is thorough yet succinctly written that combines group games that actually have been played and that participants immensely enjoy. Here in one book are all the elements for effectively leading and participating in group games that are fun, that require little or moderate equipment, that range from high to low energy, and that can be played with players from all ages. The unique and consistent game template with a game on each page is easy to follow and results with leaders and players getting the most out of the activities. If you ever wanted to own just one book—one game book—this is it! The book is printed entirely in color and is available in a 8 ½ by 11 inch user friendly format. Inside you will find the one hundred of the very best group games ever played, along with key terminology, play statements, effective teaching techniques, methods to select teams, learning theory, guidelines for processing the games, tournament information, and a creative game matrix with nearly three million different combinations of games.

Playing games can be lots of fun. Leading games can be extremely rewarding. Every game in this book has been played and replayed, analyzed and tweaked, and written from the heart by an author who loves to have fun, laugh, and see others caught up in the enjoyment of play. Games are not just frivolous or about playing; people tend to play the way they live their lives. We can learn a lot about players when games are a “tool” to observe human behavior. Effective leading and leaders who ask the “good” questions can make the play experience more powerful. The “template” format of the book is unique and treats each game as a serious endeavor. Variations and safety considerations to each game create new and fun possibilities. Games can be used for many, many purposes. So why not be realistic and include tag, guessing, competitive, collective score, team building, problem solving, relay, and name games? Why not let the leaders and the people who buy the book decide how they will use the material? The appendices and all the support material make leading these games much easier and more fun for all involved.

A special feature for the physical education teacher is a ten day curriculum for middle school students which include lesson plans, teacher notes, handouts, homework assignments and a final test. Why not get “kids” moving in PE with group games?

For more information, please visit: http://kingfrogbook.com

The Colors I Feel

Emotions are complicated to explain, especially to a child. But with The Colors I Feel, there’s now a fun way to help your children discover, identify, and personify their own emotions. So what color are you feeling today?

Jericho’s Walls

After serving fifteen years to life in Borden Prison for the murder of Bootsy Taylor in Cross City, in the fictional state of Borden, assistant principal Jericho Walls is paroled. When Bootsy Taylor was murdered, Jericho was twenty-six. Facing his demons in Borden Prison, Jericho looks forward to starting a new life. But Red Taylor, Bootsy’s older brother, is determined to change all of that.

The score between them, supposedly, was settled fifteen years ago, when Red Taylor’s drug gang murdered Jericho’s younger brother Allan in retaliation. Red Taylor, who is serving a life sentence in Borden Prison (convicted of criminal activities), discovers important information that could destroy any semblance of Jericho restoring his life outside of Borden’s walls. It has everything to do with Jericho’s sixteen-year-old son Talik, who has been reunited with him.

Red Taylor decides to resume the feud leaving Jericho no other choice but to try to stop Red Taylor and his gang, his way.

¡Mamá, cuéntame porqué viniste!
Mommy, tell me, why did you come here?

“¡Mamá, cuéntame porqué viniste!” scaffolds the telling of the story of why a Latin American mother would take on the journey of migration. In a colorful, heartfelt, and developmentally sensitive way, this life transforming book helps all immigrant mothers to tell their children about their origins, their dreams, and how their unconditional love brought them to the United States in the hopes of creating the life of safety, peace, promise, and abundance any parent would want to give to his child. This book expands on the psychological themes and experiences of immigrant mothers introduced by the author in her first book, “¡Mamá, cuéntame porqué viniste!”


The Preacher’s Son, Kevin L Backer’s first novel, stands out as a heartwarming coming of age story for America’s gay youth. The exemplary novel details the decisions all gay youth must make-do they come out to their parents, family and friends? And face the consequences of their decisions? Or do they continue to hide who they are and who they love?

“This was a great book, written very well, and a subject which affects so many lives today. It was very refreshing to hear that other people endure what others do. I would love to see more books like that.”

“I love this book and had a very hard time putting it down. I couldn’t wait until the next day to read more. I kept wondering what was going to happen next with Paul and Jeremy. This book was very emotional for me because I grew up in a Pentecostal Free Will Baptist church and had heard all my life that being gay was a sin. I could feel the emotion of the characters in the book based on the experiences I have had in my life…this book is well written and would make a great movie. I could picture the characters in my mind as I read the book. This book made me anxious, laugh, cry and was a healing experience for me. I hope Kevin Backer will pursue the movie idea and write other books. Thanks Kevin I will never forget this book.”

In Search Of The Holy Dog Food: An inspirational story about two dogs in Napa Valley that are the best of friends!

Thank you for your purchase of The Holy Dog Food! My name is Mark Battuello. I have been following these two dogs for over a year. Cabby is our family’s farm dog who loves to run free in the vineyards on our farm. He met our neighbor’s dog Cooper and the two became great friends. Our neighbors have become great friends with us as well. I enjoyed writing the story and building the character of the dogs. I studied photography under professional photographers while also studying it during my college years. My hope is that this story has been inspirational for you which encourages the value of a great family pet. Part of the purpose of my photos for this story is to get you to really see the relationship we can have with these animals and what we may learn from them to greatly enhance our daily lives and theirs.