
The Case of the Good Deed

The Case of the Good Deed follows two investigators reminiscent of Charlie Chan and Mr. Moto, but not the same. An old Hawaiian deed from the mid-19th century is found in the wall of an historic church. The deed is to a valuable parcel in rapidly developing downtown Kakaako. A young museum researcher and a young reporter believe it can complicate if not stop a major development. Then a suspicious and tragic death. Was it an accident? Follow Detective Charlie, Izakaya owner Moto, and reporter Zoe as they unravel the authenticity of the deed, and if the death was murder.

Inside Hawaii’s Capitol: Lessons in Legislative Democracy

“Jim Shon’s book takes you inside the hopes, aspirations, triumphs, and failures of the legislative process. Having covered the legislature as a reporter, I was left thinking it was both better and worse than I remember it”.

Tom Coffman, author of Catch a Wave and Nation Within

Inside Hawaii’s Capitol tells the tale of Jim Shon’s twelve years as a member of the Hawaii State Legislature. Readers are encouraged to put themselves into the shoes of a legislator and to gain an appreciation for the strengths and weaknesses of today’s representative form of democracy in general, and Hawaii’s recent experience in particular.

Step back from the media hype and sound-bite rhetoric of today’s politics to reflect on both the promises and the frustrations of the Capitol world and to understand how the “system” attempts to deal with complex problems that often seem beyond the modern legislature’s grasp.

Most chapters include a number of lessons and personal conclusions about our democratic process. Readers are invited to ponder these, to agree or disagree, and to better understand how our community elects its representatives and gathers each year to make its laws.

This is not a “dirty laundry” book, nor the lofty memoirs of a powerful politician. It will not please those who take delight in trashing government or elected officials. Shon is a true believer in democracy, warts and all. Inside Hawaii’s Capitol is admittedly the view of only one participant, but it can serve as a citizen’s handbook for those who would appreciate insights into legislative life. It is also a rare insider case study, valuable for citizens and students of American politics.

Assault of the Innocent: Loved Like Rachel

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” – Kahlil Gibran.

On the heels of a childhood peppered with sordid betrayal and upheaval, a young woman teeters on the edge of oblivion. She is carried away by the tumult into an adulthood of broken marriages, drug addiction, and years mired in the struggle with the foster care system-both in it and fighting to retrieve her children from it. Assault of the Innocent tells her story from those rocky beginnings to the ultimate success of emerging whole from the morass.


Maryann Brickett (Stupka). In her book, Maryann argues the case for all Americans to realize that America is a Christian nation. While America allows “freedom of religionfor everyone, there is a strong case that the founding fathers dedicated this land to God, and America’s constitution, laws, culture, traditions, customs, morality, and way of life are a direct result of biblical influence from the Bible. Using biblical citations Maryann outlines the Ten Commandments and how America has broken them. The book analyzes past civilizations which have fallen to the same immoral and debt ridden levels that America has now and shows how those civilizations have either ceased to exist or are now Third World countries. Maryann builds her case on the hundreds of famous people, including presidents, scientists, statesmen, and others who have proclaimed their strong faith in God. They have stated that it is impossible to govern without His divine help. Maryann also cites many of America’s cities which bear biblical names. Her goal is to inform readers of our nation’s roots, rich heritage, and engage them in the culture war to regain our country, one family at a time. One nation is one country, “under God” with liberty and justice for all.

Legitimate Faith …producing Authentic Hope!

When we are young, we read the Bible and believe it by faith. Like the Apostle Paul, we discover that honest questions always lead to deeply satisfying and needs meeting answers from God. As we crawl out of the pot holes of life, we find that the black ink on white paper jumps off the pages of the Bible and burns
deeply into our hearts revealing the truth and reality of God’s faithfulness! We discover that God grows in each of us a “Legitimate Faith” that is more wonderful that we could have ever imagined.

Many Faces

Yana realizes that a girl’s life is not always about pretty dresses and perfection. She learns early in life that love and loyalty come with a price. With death knocking at the back door, Yana has to become more cunning than her enemies. Not knowing who to trust, she becomes a victim of a wicked game.


This book contains many examples of how the game of golf can teach the reader life lessons and God’s truth. If you are passionate about your walk with God and the game of golf, this book is for you.

Riley, The Albino Rhino: A Lesson in Acceptance

A Lesson in Acceptance

Riley, The Albino Rhino is the story of acceptance told through rhyme. Riley feels left out because he is different from the other rhinos on the outside. He is ignored and bullied until he saves a bully’s life. In the end, the others learn that Riley is no different than they are on the inside.

What Your Local Department Store Doesn’t Want You To Know

This book is about adamant shoppers, shoppers while no matter what the situation is or what it looks like, they will make the best of it.  They want a bargain at any cost, and by all means the department stores are not going to take all of the clothes that have been tried on many and many times, purchased, returned, and put back on the racks on the floor with a sign saying “SALE” USED CLOTHING.  If they did that they would not sell many clothing with the idea of new clothes for sale.

The Mole

An American agent buried decades in Moscow serving as accountant to former members of the Kremlin and the Red Mafia has come under suspicion. He is revered by his underworld Russian associates, for no one manipulates money better. Fearing for his life the Harvard educated financial wizard surprised Langley with a call for assistance: “I need to get out. They’ve bugged my apartment and follow me everywhere. I know too much, and they’re afraid I’ll defect with all their secrets.”

Only two people know of the mole’s existence, code named Tuck, his handler and CIA Director Martin Bradley who flew into action to save this remarkable American agent. His insightful reports from Moscow have come faithfully for years. Martin’s job won’t be easy. He will send his best agents, Hugh Neff and Curt Conley, to get the agent to a safe house and out of Moscow, not an easy task with former KGB agents and the FSB breathing down their necks. Not only that, the existence of the mole must be kept from the Russian government to prevent an international incident. If this weren’t trouble enough Martin’s close friend and assistant, Clive Winthrop, slated to take over the Agency upon his retirement has been murdered. The DCI fears the worst. One of their own at the top is a traitor.