
Cobblestones of Hope

During an aortic aneurysm, author Gregory E. Lojacono had a near death experience that was so incredible he had to write about it. In Cobblestones of Hope, Gregory shares with his readers the great amount of love waiting for them in Jesus and the experiences he went through in his life. What the author experienced upon his return was amazing! A big voice said, ā€œItā€™s not time yet.ā€ He didnā€™t realize then that he had colon cancer but there was so much to come.

Gregory E. Lojacono was an airline pilot. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville in Mass Communication and Business. He has resided in Belleville, IL area, for the past thirty-three years. He does independent volunteer work in the local area.

The Right Hand Of God

Nelda Bachle Moffatt was born in Austin, Texas (1925), while her father worked on a PHD in education. She is a second generation American, since her mother was born in Berlin, Germany. Her parents and grandparents provided a European viewpoint, even in the hinterlands of Texas, along with a love of history.

When her sons took history in Junior High School, she felt they needed an over-arching framework on which to hang everything they learned. She vaguely saw that the basis of the framework was the Bible and Christianity along with manā€™s fund of knowledge.

She felt a ā€˜dutyā€™. But when she grasped the enormity of the task, she explained to God that no one person could do it. And IF one could, she was the very last person…ā€™Neverthelessā€™ was the answer that came back to her. God knew all of that. Besides, God always uses the most unlikely person, so we know that the work is ALL His.

Books fell into her hands at just the right time as she browsed book stores, libraries, even books from her sonā€™s Plan II courses at UT.

After thirty years of study, plus insightful experiences over most of the 20th C, the result is The Right Hand of God. As the cover states, it examines the Bible and Christianity in the context of history – from creation to the 21st C. Did it succeed?

The Making of a Man of Faith

This book contains a study of the life of Abraham, whom the New Testament declares to be the father of faith. New Testament believers are also said to have the faith of Abraham. However, when scripture first introduces us to Abraham, he is not a man of great man faith. A careful study reveals how God worked in his life to make him into the great man of faith he became. This is very relevant as God works in every personā€™s life in much the same way; we just need to recognize it. Even though every personā€™s life is different, Godā€™s proven methods work the same.

Dale Heil, the author of this book, has spent over thirty years diligently studying Godā€™s Word. He spent several years in prison where he came to know the Lord, and developed a great love for Godā€™s Word. His ministry started by teaching bible studies to other inmates, and has flourished from there. He eventually felt led by Godā€™s Spirit to write down all that God has been teaching him over the years. This book is one of several that he has written as a result.

Burning Questions About Islam

HAVE YOU HEARD that Allah’s followers constitute the world’s fastest-growing religion? That Muhammad was mankind’s greatest and final prophet? That the Bible is unreliable and the Qur’an is God’s ultimate revelation?

In Burning Questions About Islamā€”A Panoramic Study for Concerned Christians, Wilbur Lingle tackles those claims. Here, in language everyone can understand, Lingle provides readers with a comprehensive survey of the history, beliefs, and fallacies of Islam. Using passages from the Qur’an and the Hadith, he provides information and details aimed at creating a better understanding of the beliefs and practices of the followers of Islam. He also gives readers practical suggestions on how to engage its followers with the truth of the Christian gospel.

Burning Questions About Islam gives readers the tools they need to witness to Muslims in an informed and nonconfrontational manner.

WILBUR LINGLE received a B.A. and M.A. in Bible from Bob Jones University. In 1989, he began Love to Share Ministries, an outreach program to teach Christians how to witness to those of other religions, including Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. Burning Questions About Islam is his fourth book.

Kylari Way: Twilight Guardian

The Kylari Way saga is a tale of magic, warriors and gods. It is a test of a young manā€™s commitment to his duty, his friends, and his people. Over a five volume saga, Natari must face his worst fears, nightmares, and challenges before he can become what he was destined to beā€¦ The Guardian of Life and the Master of Time. He must endure loss and loneliness on a scale most could never imagine, much less survive. Follow his journey, endure his pain, feel his love and learn the true meaning of honor and glory.

Kylari Way: Childhoodā€™s End

The Kylari Way saga is a tale of magic, warriors and gods. It is a test of a young manā€™s commitment to his duty, his friends, and his people. Over a five volume saga, Natari must face his worst fears, nightmares, and challenges before he can become what he was destined to beā€¦The Guardian of Life and the Master of Time. He must endure loss and loneliness on a scale most could never imagine, much less survive. Follow his journey, endure his pain, feel his love and learn the true meaning of honor and glory.

MPR Chronicle: Recruitment

This world has been shaped over centuries into two breeds: ice manipulators and fire manipulators. 700 years after the birth of the first fire manipulator and ice manipulator, you will step in the shoes of a young boy name Drayden Jelansti, who ice powers has just awakened. After being sheltered for his first fifteen years, he finally attends high school and begins learning and mastering his powers. But little did he know that heā€™s being targeted by the fire manipulators for his ā€œenhancementsā€. The ā€œsoon to be kingā€ Lived (live-ved) sends his sons and their allies to target Drayden after they discover his location. While in school, Drayden struggled to gain allies to help him with his battle against the fire manipulators for their survival, and Drayden learns the truth about himself and his family along the way. This story tells the tale of a young ice manipulator struggling to live in the outside world and discovering his true self along the way.

FRITZ VON ERICH (Revised Edition): Master of the Iron Claw

Fritz Von Erich: Master of the Iron Claw is the story about the life and times of Jack Adkisson, also known as pro wrestling legend Fritz Von Erich, and the famous Von Erich wrestling dynasty. ā€œNot since the Kennedys of Massachusetts has an American family publicly suffered personal tragedy after personal tragedy like the Von Erichs of Denton County, Texas.ā€

While the Kennedy family became famous worldwide for their political accomplishments and the tragedies of their sons, the Von Erich family became famous worldwide for their athletic accomplishments and the tragedies in their family.

Read how Fritz Von Erich and his five sons impacted the wrestling world with their familyā€™s show World Class Championship Wrestling, which at one time was syndicated in 66 U.S. television markets, Japan, Argentina, and the Middle East. The story, as told to Ron Mullinax by Jack Adkisson himself, follows his wrestling career and family tragedies beginning in the 1950s and continuing until his death in 1997.

I Wish I Had Wings

I Wish I Had Wings is a childā€™s dream story that captures the youngā€™s imaginative play.

Walking Through The Pain

Walking through the Pain is a bio-fiction based on a true story of a baby given up for adoption when only two weeks old by parents in Barbados who thought their son had a better chance of surviving in a middleclass family. The little fellow has a number of very unpleasant experiences in his growing up. Experiences like the death of his adopted father before he is nine, seeing his adopted mother made bankrupt within eighteen months of losing his adopted dad, seeing her spiral into the depths of poverty before he himself is rescued and taken back to his village, the place of his birth. During this time too brutal corporal punishment received at school sees him develop a phobia for school so severe that he resorts to some rather unusual measures to avoid school. Even at secondary level, he is denied opportunities to achieve his best by some of the very teachers who should support him. But, with the unfailing support of a loving and thoughtful mother as well as a loving and perceptive brother, he overcomes all odds to realize his full potential at school. This lays the foundation for his rise to the top of his chosen profession and his entry into the world of academia. The book is a very good example of persistence, commitment, focus and confidence and is meant to be an inspiration to youngsters following in the footsteps of Dennis.