
The Chauncey Street Monster: Domestic Violence Is a Worldwide Epidemic That Has to End

He gave the girls $8.00 and sent them to the corner store to get some chicken. He then took my sister in the house, shot her 3 times in the torso, and as she laid on the floor helpless, he pointed the gun to the back of her head and shot her 3 more times at the back of her head, to ensure she was dead. After this heinous act, he ran into hiding. That monster was on the loose and the hunt was now on to capture THE CHAUNCEY STREET MONSTER.

About the author:

Dr. Kirt Gonzales is an ordained minister and conference speaker, who holds doctoral degrees in Theology and Christian Counseling. At his private counseling practice, he specializes in Anger Management, Depression, and Grief, and after the murder of his baby sister, he had to use all of his counseling techniques on himself. Dr. Gonzales has now devoted his life to being an advocate for domestic violence with the hopes of shedding great light to this world wide epidemic.

Michaelā€™s Eyes

Michael's Eyes asks the question, What was the meaning of a miracle whereby a man born blind is given sight; and what was the meaning of the miracle-man's death at the hands of the authorities; and why did some believe in God's purposes while others did not?

Michael, the man born blind, goes on a search for answers with his wife's encouragement. After considering the miracles in both their lives, Michael and his remarkable wife arrive at their own conclusions.

About the Author:

Robert W. Foster is a retired civil engineer. He graduated from the University of Vermont in 1955 and served in the United States Air Force where he completed pilot training in 1958. He practiced as a consulting engineer in the Framingham, Massachusetts area until his semiretirement in 1992. In his retirement he continues to provide consulting services in construction review, provides dispute resolution services and writes frequently for technical publications. He served as president of the Federation Internationale de Geometre from 1999 to 2002. He has three sons and two grandsons. His wife of 47 years, Margot, died in 2001. He lives in Hopkinton, Massachusetts.

A New Beginning

Anne and her siblings had lost all they had had in England. She decides to go to the Americas for a new beginning. She has decided, that with hard work, they can recover all they had lost. Anne and her brother begin this monumental task. Then she meets Theo, and he offers her everything she desires and more.

About the author:

The author, Alyss Morgan, lives in Vilonia, Arkansas. She lives with her husband of 47 years and her cocker Spaniels and cats. She lives in the peace and quiet of the country and loves it. She is a devoted reader of fiction.

Pitch Black: A Mystery Novel

Stan Miles was dispatched by the National Center for the American Indian in New York City to a supply center in Richmond, Virginia. He was to transport several boxes of Indian artifacts that had been unearthed during a Corps of Engineer project on the Navajo Indian reservation. When Stan was helping unload the artifacts he discovered drugs. He was subdued by the men delivering the articles, knocked unconscious and thrown in a subbasement of the supply center. The story is about Stan's trials and tribulations in the Pitch Black of the basement of the supply center and his brother, Larry's, relentless search to find Stan. Larry's desperate search takes him to the Navajo Reservation and a brush with murder in a high-stakes drug game.

About the author:

The author of Pitch Black, is Chuck Sisson. Chuck was born in Englewood, Colorado in 1933. After a brief professional baseball career he completed his Baccalaureate Degree (1956) and Masterā€™s Degree (1958) at Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas. He was later awarded fellowships at Florida State University and Colorado University where he completed his doctorate (1974). His career began as a teacher and a coach in Independence, Kansas. He moved to Winfield, Kansas where he was eventually appointed Assistant Superintendent of Winfield Schools before leaving for Florida State in 1970. He then took an administrative position in the Boulder Valley Schools in Boulder, Colorado, followed by three years in the Colorado Department of Education. He was appointed to a special position in the Gerald Ford Administration in Washington DC as an educational analyst. Following his public service he moved to the private sector at Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio, Electronic Data Systems in Plano, Texas, and Oracle in Redwood Shores, California. He finished his career as an adjunct professor at Texas A and M University in Commerce, Texas. He has retired to his residence of the past 33 years with his wife. Paula, in McKinney, Texas. He has six children, twelve grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren.

When All Hope Is Gone

In this life there are times you seem to feel as if all hope is gone and there is no way out. You try everything you know, you pray, talk to family, and friends, but still things do not change. Well, this book can help you to get through hopelessness. There are life experiences listed by the authorā€™s own life that will encourage you to hold on to Godā€™s powerful hand.

About the author

LORETTA Y. HOWARD. She is a born again Christian, an ordain Minister, mother of five children, grandmother of 7, and great grandmother of 1. She lives in Jacksonville, Florida and was educated at the local schools of Green Cove Springs, Florida. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Bethune ā€“ Cookman University in Daytona Beach, Florida. Her major was Elementary Education. She taught in the Duval County School System for 20 years. She has authored 5 other books. Walking on Broken Pieces, Growing In Ministry, Women Suffering In Silence, Time to Change the Way We Do Church, and Be Still.

Unshackled: Experiencing True Freedom for Men and Women

Unshackled describes the pathway for breaking free of the chains that bind, beginning with a transformational relationship with Jesus and then embracing his instructions for living. The book includes true stories of people who have struggled and relates how they broke free, plus specific steps readers can take to experience the same freedom.

About the author:

Peggy was born on a cotton farm in Miss. After nursing school and marriage she moved to Lexington, Ky. when her husband joined the Lexington clinic as a physician. Peggy was a full time mom until her last child was in junior high at which time she returned to nursing. She spent nine years in part time bed side nursing at University of Kentucky Markey cancer center. She retired to have time to develop her discipleship writing.
She has six grandchildren who are a great joy to her. Only two live in the same town so her grandmotherā€™s journal has been very helpful in bridging the miles.
The Power of The Lambā€™s Blood, her first book has been translated into two languages. Her second book is Unshackled.
Peggy is the author of numerous published articles as well as the books The Power of the Lamb’s Blood and Grandmother’s Journal.

Our Lifeā€™s Adventurous Journey

Baby Boomers come together in this biographical story a couples Journey through life together. From birth to currently over 41 years of marriage, good times and bad times they have persevered as the climb has been steep. Thoughts of giving up came but with Godā€™s help they have made it through. Their wedding vows were for better and for worse, in sickness and in health not forsaking each other. Their life story Christians and Husband and Wife travelling this journey together their story and sharing as they present ā€œOUR LIFES ADVENTUOROUS JOURNEY.ā€

About the author:

Michael W. Cotie is pastor of a small Baptist Church in Dayton Texas. Dr. Cotie attained his Bachelorā€™s degree from Louisiana Baptist University and attained a thM and a thD from Slidell Baptist Seminary. The story of life and married for 41 plus years and a native of the Houston area, Mike and Debra have travelled to over 22 states in their lives and have had a great experience as they sought to accomplish Godā€™s will for their lives. Baby boomers who have remained steadfast on their journey through life.

Murder in the Jury Box

Phillip Carmady is on trial for the murder of his wife, Prudence. Sandra Eversol is a wife, a mom, and a Sunday school teacher. When she is called to fulfill her civic duty by serving as a juror in Phillipā€™s trial, her jury service sends her on a journey into the unfamiliar world of courtrooms, judges, defendants, lawyers and rules of evidence.

In this fast paced legal thriller of conspiracy and murder, Sandra diligently sorts through the evidence searching for the truth, until unknowingly she becomes part of a murder conspiracy and finds that elusive truthā€¦the hard way.

Author Bio:

An avid reader, Doris decided to follow her love of reading, transformed it into writing and published her first novel in 2008.

Since publishing her first novel, Doris has published five more novels, three of which have earned five stars on Amazon Books.com.

In a recent newspaper interview Doris stated, ā€œIt is my desire that as you, the reader, closes the last chapter on one of my novels, it will be with a contented sigh. It is my hope that you will feel the time you spent reading my novel was time well spent.ā€

A Box Seat to the End Times: A Commentary of the Book of Revelation Volume 1: God’s Letters to the Churches

This commentary provides detailed analysis of the book of Revelation. In customary form, Ron Teedā€™s work will aid the general reader as well as students and pastors looking for an easy-to-read and understand, yet in-depth discussion of the book of Revelation and End Time prophecy. Teed unpacks the text verse by verse while remaining true to the scriptural content. The commentary analyzes popular conceptions of the rapture, the millennial kingdom, the 144,000, and the antichrist while testing them against Scripture, providing a vivid portrait of each scene of Johnā€™s apocalypse. Teedā€™s insight and exposition will aid the general reader as well as students and pastors.

Author Biography:

RON TEED lives in Wheaton, Illinois, with his wife Betty. While in college he became an atheist and he remained an ardent atheist until a series of di_ cult circumstances forced him to his knees, saying, ā€œGod, if youā€™re there, I need you. Please help me.ā€ Ron began studying the Bible, spending many hours a day doing so. _ rough that study he came into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He began leading Bible studies, which were expositional in nature, and eventually went to Wheaton College Graduate School where he earned his masterā€™s degree in Biblical and Theological studies.

Betty Riley Teed received the Lord as her Savior as a child and then attended Wheaton College, where she earned a Masterā€™s Degree in Christian Education. She worked for twelve years as a writer and editor at Scripture Press Publications before returning to school. She is currently a clinical psychologist.

Ron and Betty established Village Church of Wheaton in October 2003 where they continue to serve as co-pastors. Ron excels at expository teaching of the Word and these commentaries grew out of several series of messages delivered at Village Church.

The Epistemian Commentary of the Book of Revelation

Unlock the mysteries of The Book of Revelation on, today!

See and know the prophetic c mysteries of John the Beloved, and how his messages affect our lives today. To some, Revelation on fills the reader with terror and dread. Is that really what The Savior had in mind? Jesus wants to fill our hearts with faith, hope, and love. The messages of Revelation on were written for the ancient church as well as modern Christi ans. Come see what John the Beloved has to say to us and bear witness to the unfolding of the events leading up to the second coming of Christ as He prepares for war in His triumphal return!

Stephen Wroblewski was born and raised in Laporte County, Indiana, in a normal Christian family. He has a bachelorā€™s degree in liberal studies with the social sciences from Purdue University North Central. Before college, he obtained the priesthood in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and has over 20 years experience in the ministry. Shortly after college, he joined the Army and has served a combat tour in Iraq. After the war, he married a Peruvian woman and has 4 children. He continues to serve his country as a combat veteran in Fort Drum, New York.