
The Healer

Coming to terms with the worse possible circumstances of life is a slow, painful and terrifying process.
A woman is viscously beaten and left for dead. Waking up in a hospital a year later, she has to navigate through her fears, confusion and uncertainty of the future.
She is reunited with her children and bullied into using new abilities to find and help heal victims of human depravities by members of a secret international law enforcement unit.
The victims she and her counterpart locate are rescued but not all have their happy endings. Life is not always fair.

Author Bio

Robin Anderson was born in Albany, NY, served in the US Army for five years as a calibration specialist, and worked with a major tax preparation organization for sixteen years. Robin and her husband, along with one of their 8 grandchildren now live in NC on a small hobby farm. They have five children now grown and scattered. She works now as a volunteer and is active in her church. The Healer is the second in a series that started with The Ripple Effect.

The Honor of the Alejandros

Carolina was pregnant and abandoned by her husband and her family. She has had a rough pregnancy and has run out of money to support herself. Her brother-in-law has arrived to see her unexpectedly to tell her, her husband is dead. What will become of her? Read the story and find out.

About the author:

The author, Alyss Morgan, lives in Vilonia, Arkansas. She lives with her husband of 47 years and her cocker Spaniels and cats. She lives in the peace and quiet of the country and loves it. She is a devoted reader of fiction.

Original Intent Restoration of the Bride of Christ Into Her Purpose and Destiny

Why will Original Intent restoration of the Bride of Christ into her purpose and destiny bring a global impact?

When the heart of the society is disconnected form the truth, it suffers consequences. These consequences include absence of fatherhood and motherhood, masculinity and feminine crises, pain, suffering, that is energized by the wound in the heart, finding a false emotional fortress in all kinds of drug and alcohol addictions and crazy behaviors, and rigid controlling religious structures where pain is temporarily suppressed. In the religious structures, instead of being taught how to know and love God, those who were put down under the foot of the law will find the answer. This book is written not to be politically correct, but to expose counterfeits in the Church who stand between the Bride and Bridegroom instead of standing before the Bride leading her to her wedding.

About the author

The author is a piano teacher from Kiev, Ukraine who came to America in 1990. Having the passion, to find the way out for those who can’t stand up for themselves, being abused by all kinds of substance and non-relational but structural religious organizations, became a prophet for the nations. A founder of the youtube channel “OriginalintentTV” and guest speaker, teacher of the ministry “Original Intent”, resides in Miami with her beautiful family.

[email protected]


Fresh corn cut right off the cob, a bushel of peas, fresh baked muffins and other desserts from fruits you just picked; no, this is not a scene from days gone by, it is still possible to get that fresh taste you remember as a child. For areas that have local Farmers Markets, you know the food you are buying is fresh and local. Hopefully this book will help even the novice learn how to easily prepare and preserve fresh, healthy foods for their family. This step by step book will show you what type of produce is best for preserving, what equipment you will need for freezing as well as for canning your fresh fruits and vegetables. Try the recipes which are made from those fresh fruits and vegetables. It is important these days that we know where and how our food is processed. With all the scares over the past several years, isn’t it time we take charge of we put on the table for our family?

Growing up and then raising a family in rural Northeast Florida, farming has always been a way of life for us. For years I have enjoyed working side-by-side with my husband and children on our family farm. We plant, nourish, and harvest the crops knowing that the fruits of our labor will be well rewarded in the winter months ahead. It is important to me to be able to place a homegrown, great tasting meal in front of my family and friends. I so enjoy watching them all eat the food that was grown right here on our farm. I pray the next generations will value the work and benefits that we have in producing some of the foods we place on our table.

No Bully!

Child superstar and rapper Chi Chi Monet has the fight of her life. She must stand up to the biggest, baddest bully in the school who is trying to make life miserable for some kinds who just want to learn. Will she get these kids to stand tall against the bully? Will she get this bully to stop, or will this bully keep making life hard for everybody? I don’t know! You’ll have to read to find out.

About the author:

GEONNA MONET BAKER, also known as Chi Chi Monet, is a young rapper, singer, activist, and philanthropist. Since six years old, she has been using music as a platform to inspire listeners with positive messages that transcend all generations. Now Chi Chi has taken it a step further by taking all those messages and turning them into a book series for kids and people of all ages to read all over the world. Check out the music video for this book on YouTube: youtube.com/chichimonet

For more information about Geonna Monet Baker you can visit her website at www.gsruntheworld.com

Magical Wings: The Journey to Fudge Mountain

Magical Wings the Journey to Fudge Mountain is the continuing sequel of Magical Wings. Join our beloved characters on their next adventures to the mysterious journey to Fudge Mountain; on Abi Gail Airlines and the mystery of the lost “I” sickle. We don’t wish to give away too much, it is a must read of mystery, fun and suspense!

About the author:

The author, Bobby Sherman, was born in Worcester Massachusetts. Growing up Bobby enjoyed playing the acoustic guitar, writing music and poetry, later developing a love for golf. He received a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Therapy from the University of Miami with a minor in Psychology, and practiced Music Therapy in Florida.
When he lived in Texas, Bobby volunteered for the Special Olympics. He has since supported many causes; animal welfare, arts and culture, children, education, environment, health, human rights, politics, science and technology.

Today Bobby owns a day spa called Essentials Retreat Day Spa. You can learn more at our website, www.essentialsretreat.com.

For more information or to order any of the Magical Wings wonderful products please visit my website. www.magicalwingsjourney.com. There is also information regarding the Matt Sherman Foundation where all the proceeds of the books will be given.

I reside in Largo, Florida with my rescues; my doggie Peaches, three cats Titolino, Candy, Manchess and two turtles and fish.


To receive a dedicated signed copy by the author or more information on any of the fine products of Magical Wings; with much lower shipping prices; please visit my website. www.magicalwingsjourney.com.

A City of Gold

Can true love really overcome the apparent fact of betrayal?

Sylma and Daryl are happily married, but when Sylma uncovers a secretive note from another woman to Daryl, she is forced to deal with her suspicion about him when he suddenly goes away on a supposed business trip to San Francisco. When she can’t find the answers she needs around their city of Frisco, Texas, Sylma goes to San Francisco to try and find him, and then eventually to Panama accompanied by her brother-in-law detective whom she cannot fully trust but needs his services. This is just the beginning of a fast-paced tale containing sudden turns and surprises.

About the author

NEIL STIPP is an author, music teacher, organist, and a published composer. A native southern Californian, he received his doctorate in organ performance and wrote a dissertation on Mozart. His articles have been published by The American Organist. A City of Gold represents his third work of fiction.

Prince George

Prince George was the only son of a King. He had a loving Queen mother and a caring King father and a beautiful girlfriend named Anahit. Their castle was surrounded by mountains and forest. George was a broad shouldered and handsome young man. He loved mother nature and the animal world. He grew up playing with wild animals, deer, tigers and fox cubs.

He and his best friends Avo and Arthur are close friends. They graduated together in High School. They were supposed to go after their future. But after the graduation party they decided to try danger to be grown men.

In George’s garden they created two pools to his liking. One for him and the neighboring pool was for his fish. There were the most incredible fish from around the world in all colors. One day Prince George realized that two new fish had appeared in the Pool. Their bodies were golden. Their fins were silver. They seemed like little swimming angels. They swam away from the other fish and approached the edge of the water. They looked at George quietly for a few minutes and swam away. George was so taken with their beauty that he started to laugh out loud and then from the way they looked at him, it made him more serious. They said to him, “Be careful George stay away from trouble.”


Mariam Devine Melkonian was born in Yerevan, Armenia. Inspired by Armenian and Soviet poets, she started writing poetry at the age of eight and has written a collection of fifty poems. She came to the United States in 1995. She studied computer programming before getting certified as a Dental Assistant. Her grandson inspired her to begin writing stories. The Clock is her first published work. It is translated by her granddaughter, Mariam, who studies pre-med at Boston University. A mother of three children and seven grandchildren. Mariam lives in the suburbs of Boston with her husband.

Divine Package and You

The book ‘Divine Package and You’ is an attempt to bring a major theme of the Christian faith into a broader focus. In doing this, it takes a swipe at what the author considers as a breach in contemporary Christian teaching. He therefore urges Christians to move from the shadow to reality, from milk to solid food, and reject the trash for healthy food.

Like Berean Christians, we should expose every teaching and doctrine to the searchlight of the Holy Spirit making the Holy Scriptures our reference point. We should examine every teaching and hold on to the truth that will set us free.

This book is an eye-opener and a must-read for every Christian, both the clergy and the laity. No one can read through it and remain the same. Be blessed as you read through it.

About the author:

The author, Israel Oladipupo Odewale was born in Gbongan, in Osun State of Nigeria. According to him, he was given strict religious upbringing by his parents who were ministers in the Anglican Communion. His father wanted him to go into the ministry after his university education but he chose to go into teaching. After a brief stay in teaching he proceeded to join the Nigerian army where he retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. It was there he became a born-again Christian.

He recalls that his time in the army was the best period of his life as he experienced the Lord first-hand and was able to touch many lives for Him. Although he faced much persecution, he could not be intimidated.

After his retirement from the Nigerian Army, he came to Britain where he established a church in London called ‘Narrow Way Christian Fellowship’ which he now co-pastor with his wife, Mrs Francisca Olajumoke Odewale. They are blessed with children and grand-children.


The author could be contacted at this email address:

[email protected]

Phone: 07949 984 783

Website: www.narrowway.org.uk

Other books written by the author:

The Standard of God

That You may Prosper

Do you love Me more than these?

Can God be truly a Righteous Judge?

Some of these books are available from the contacts above and at Obafemi Awolowo University Bookshop, Ibadan University Bookshop, Baptist Bookshop Ibadan, CMS Bookshop Ibadan, all in Nigeria; and the Amazon.

You can also take a look at some articles written in our Facebook at [email protected]

Healing Psalms

Traditionally attributed to King David, among others, the book of Psalms is a collection of 150 songs in praise of the Lord, containing some of the Bible’s most beautiful and inspiring verses. For centuries, Jewish and Christian people all over the world have turned to the psalms to give praise and thanks as well as to seek comfort and solace. Yet for many modern readers the messages in some psalms are not always clear; some are challenging, even obscure.

The commentaries in this companion to the psalms show how each psalm can help with the problems of everyday life. Featuring a cross-referenced index to help you look up specific feelings and situations – from love and grief to happiness and depression – Healing Psalms illuminates the meaning in each psalm and shows how these “dialogues with God” offer support and healing, whether you’re seeking deliverance from suffering, expressing love, giving praise for good fortune, or commemorating a special occasion.

Whereas other books of the Bible portray God speaking to people, the psalms were written by real people speaking to God. They wrote from the heart, reflecting their joy and sorrow, pride and shame, love and hate. They tell of sleepless nights, of everyday struggles, of birth and death. Intended for readers of any faith or spiritual tradition, Healing Psalms will guide and inspire you through life’s many obstacles and celebrations and bring you into closer fellowship with God.


Joshua O. Haberman escaped from his native Vienna after the Nazi occupation and earned his doctorate in modern religious philosophy at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. He has preached at the White House, co-officiated with Billy Graham at the National Memorial Service 9/11, and was senior rabbi at the Washington Hebrew Congregation. Healing Psalms is his third book.