
Hold Up Woman, Am I Your Problem?

Is your relationship going south, and do you need a change? Your answer is in your hands. Start reading today.

Is your woman or your man the cause of your problem? If you are in a relationship or contemplating on getting into one, just resolved or terminated one, or know someone in or out of one, then this book is for you. This book answers almost every question dealing with relationships and will help you solve just about every problematic situation straining your union while bringing much resolve and closure to your existing relationship. Since you are living on this planet and you are a male or female, this book was written with you in mind.

The male and female issues didn’t begin with us but started thousands of years ago and were able to keep the pressure on because of our inability to locate the true culprit. Now the exposure is out, and we can do something about it.

If you are at a crossroads, or even if your relationship is doing great, reading this book will bring a greater union to you and to your spouse. Your love life will catapult to heights you can only imagine. It makes no difference what age you are; I guarantee your utopian experience is a whisper

About the author:

Born in Brooklyn, and one of nine siblings, life was no picnic for Godfrey, but he managed to finish high school and then college at West Chester University. He later accepted the call into the ministry where his ministry was primarily in the area of physical and mental healing. He later became pastor and founder of the King’s Temple church Lancaster, Pennsylvania. In more than thirty years, he ministered to hundreds of couples that prompted him to search out the cause and origin of the problems which seem to plague so many of them. This book was written because of the results of his findings, and he wanted to share this information with anyone in a relationship.

Scripture & Evangelism Planner: July–August–September

‘Scripture & Evangelism Planner’ is a method that I have found helpful for reading through the Bible every year. The morning and evening offerings follow the pattern of the six days of creation and the morning and evening offerings at the Tabernacle and later the Temple in Jerusalem where our Lord Jesus worshipped. The purpose of my writings is to make the Bible understood and appreciated by readers of all ages who perhaps have never studied the Bible before, or for Christians who want to go deeper into the Word of God on a basic level.

About the author:

This book, ‘Scripture & Evangelism Planner,’ has been at least fifty years in the making. Suffering from asthma and bouts of pneumonia as a young boy, it was sometimes difficult to sleep and I missed quite a bit of school at times. But I was an avid reader and I studied the Bible at a young age. About fifty years ago I nearly lost my life, but the Lord spared me and the medicine for my condition was rapidly improving at that time. The study of God’s Word has always been a part of my life. As my health slowly improved, I became a Sunday school teacher and taught children for much of my life, as well as serving in many areas of ministry and Church life. My work background is raising flowering bare root perennials at my family nursery in Holland, Michigan. I had been married for more than twenty-five years and had three sons before experiencing the tragedy of divorce. Yet again the Lord was merciful and I became involved in a Korean Church plant. Through the pastor of the Korean church, I went on two study tours in South Korea in 2013 and through him I was introduced to a dynamic Christian woman named Woonja Back. She was the first member of her family to accept Jesus into her life. Sharing the same love of Scripture and Evangelism, we were married on February 2, 2014 in Holland, Michigan and also had a wedding ceremony at her church in Incheon. However, the immigration process took two years to complete so that she could reside in the US, so I spent as much time in Korea as possible. During my visits and ministry in Korea, I witnessed a number of people in Korea accept Jesus into their hearts, even though I don’t speak Korean beyond a few words and phrases. Convinced that the Word of God brings salvation, I began writing a series of four books on January 1, 2017 and I have been posting my daily morning and evening lessons on Facebook. My prayer is that anyone who picks up this book or reads my lessons online will experience the same mercy that the Lord has shown to me.

Visitor from Harare

An alien from planet Harare comes to Earth to study humans and report back his findings. After visiting Germany, the alien, now using the name “Johan Becker “, ends up in Bridgeport, New York, where he meets a family of Russian immigrants.
The story follows Johan Becker as he observes the family who are struggling to adapt to a new environment while holding on to their old country traditions. The cultural shock the family goes through places them in awkward and funny situations, and the author describes these with plenty of sarcasm and humor.

The characters in Visitor from Harare are quite realistic and it entices the reader to flip through the pages to find out what happens next. Also, anyone familiar with the emigrant communities in American can easily relate with the difficulties the family goes through in this novel.

About the author:

Edward Purizhansky lives in Amherst, New York. He is teaching at Buffalo State College. Purizhansky came to the United States from the former Soviet Union in 1989. The characters described in the novel, and the way they walk through the realities of this new world while beginning their lives in the new country are the result of his close familiarity with the subject.

Jesus’ Doctrine of Marriage Divorce Remarriage

God is not the author of confusion, but of peace. As men are at peace with their understanding of God’s Law of Gravity, so they should be at peace with God’s Doctrine of Marriage. Divorce must be subject to the doctrine of marriage; it will be seen that marriage supersedes the idea of divorce and in their struggle marriage obliterates her foe; divorce. God declares that the very existence of man was defined as a marriage when He said: “He created man in His own image, and He created man: male and female created He “them”; man is a them.

About the author

John D. Keller was born in America’s northeast on the dawn of WWII. A fellow student in high school, through witnessing, helped lead him to the Lord and shortly afterward graduation, John married Janet in the Lord. Our marriage has brought us six children and many grandchildren. After graduation from Philadelphia College of the Bible he was ordained to the Gospel Ministry and was the pastor of two independent Baptist Churches in Maine. This book began as a Gospel tract in 1975: Apostasy and Divorce. This manuscript is a result of forty years of study – all for His Glory.

Leadership – By The Book

Here is a book that has something to say to all of us. The abundant quotations in this book go off like fireworks. Any number of them could change your life whether you serve in ministry, business, education or parenting.

One pastor of a large church said that he carried a copy of the author’s original booklet, “Mistakes Leaders Make,” in both his briefcases so that no matter where he was he could reference the material.

The popular format of that booklet is retained in this greatly expanded edition. The two major parts, “What Leadership Is …” and “What Leadership Does Not …” are made up of stand-alone “do’s” and “don’ts.” Read as much or as little as you have time for. Then, pick up where you left off. The author’s 23 watercolor and pen and ink sketches of leaders from various professions add life, vibrancy and personality to this work.

Missionary Mark Sigstad wrote to say that a Nigerian pastor who had left his church got back into the ministry as a church planter largely because of the original booklet. We can only pray that this volume is of similar benefit.

General George Patton who was one of Dwight Eisenhower’s instructors at Fort Leavenworth in 1926 predicted that he would one day work for Eisenhower! This book tells you why that prediction came to pass.

The Governor who had time for blind children later won the American Presidency by more Electoral College votes than any other man in history. This book tells the story.

Warren W. Wiersbe, prolific author, broadcaster and pastor said, “This is an excellent book … I am reading it, learning from it and enjoying it. It is a refreshing change from much of what’s out there on leadership today.”

Author Bio:

David M. Atkinson was born north of Toronto, Canada, in 1947 and has been appearing on public platforms since he was 15. He has taught and preached in the U.S., Canada, Ireland, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Russia, Ukraine, Brazil and Haiti. In his early years of ministry, he planted three churches whose assets today total several million dollars. He became the Pastor of the Dyer Baptist Church in Dyer, Indiana, in 1990. The church opened Plum Creek Christian Academy in 2006 and is reaching children and youths of all races in the south Chicago hub and Northwest Indiana.

Pastor Wayne Shirton of Medicine Hat, Alberta, studied theology under him in 1970 and says, “This author is the most creative thinker I have ever met.” He is a poet and artist and has written numerous songs on current events. His songs on the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York City and the shooting of the bell ringer in Bethlehem, Israel, received strong and enthusiastic responses from DJs and music reviewers around the world.

He and his wife, Jane, have two grown children, April and Lee, who both serve in ministry.

The Second Messiah

The planet Earth is on the verge of destruction. The protagonist-Jason Reeves, along with his two companions, have been sent to try to change that lethal outcome. Unfortunately, an automobile accident robs Jason of his memory but not his purpose.

As a lonely amnesiac meanders through the streets of San Francisco, he encounters street gangs, crime hoodlums and a memorable prostitute. As Jason’s powers slowly start to unfold, he finally discovers his identity and the mission he was sent to perform. His life force is slowly being depleted as fate of the planet hangs in the balance.
But how does one begin the necessary process of transforming the Earth’s inhabitants in the face of ubiquitous evil? The negative energy emanating from Earth is reverberating throughout the universe and contaminating everything in its trajectory. Destruction seems inevitable!

In the meanwhile, a false prophet emerges with uncanny powers. His unique abilities will precariously unite him with the Pope. Each person harbors ulterior motives of uniting the world’s religions. Toward this end, the ominous masquerade of the “Second Messiah” is set in motion with deadly consequences.

Poisoned Hearts

Destined to live and die in Charity Plantation, just like his beloved mother before him, Arthur’s fate is altered by a tragedy. A plantation owner’s son drowned in a creek on his friend’s watch, and Arthur has to witness Packer pay for the unforgivable sin of letting a white man’s son die. Only Arthur’s attempt to save Master Joshua spared him from the same fate.

Drowned in grief and remorse, plantation owner Sebastian Colby sees the slave as his redemption, and so he sets out to own Arthur—at any cost. Suddenly, Arthur finds himself uprooted from the only home he has ever known and living in Hope Plantation, not as a slave . . . but not quite free either.
As years pass by, Arthur learns the dark secrets of his new master. He needs the courage to expose Colby for what he really is. But is it in the name of love or freedom?

Author Bio

Denis Gray has published several novels under his name, including Black Love Notes, A Bigger Prize, Hard Ground, Teardrop, Della’s Deed, Lucky, Benny’s Last Blast, Jericho’s Walls, and his latest, Poisoned Hearts. His works explore the true nature of man. He currently resides in New York City with his wife, Barbara.

Hairmythology – The Origin of Hair Diversity: Uncover Your Hairitage – A New Hair Grading System That Dispels the “Bad Hair/Good Hair” Myth

People, all over the world, tend to subscribe to the ‘bad hair/ good hair myth’ as a benchmark for grading hair-quality; if not for themselves, then, for others.

Historical facts, scientific facts, and fiction merge together in a dramatic, contemporary, background story, that sets the stage for demonstrating how differences in our ‘hair-quality’ came about.

This book includes a workbook and reflection section which challenges the reader not only to rethink the “bad hair/good hair myth”, but to possibly, deconstruct it.

This book, therefore, gives birth to a new Hair-Grading-System: “Good Hair/No-Bad Hair!” This system validates all hair types, and subsequently, all human beings. Hair diversity needs not spell, hair a-d-v-e-r-s-i-t-y. Simply, biodiversity!

Recommended for children, teens and adults of all hair types, including bald.

Duties of the Heart

A seed of hatred is planted in the heart of a young King, after the death of his father and mother. Left with only his anger and hatred to guide him, Marsalis’s actions will bring about a war that will split Lavatia in two. Years later, his mysterious seer, Shalyndria, prophesies the birth of a sorceress that will bring about his downfall.

Growing up in the after math of the great wars, the young sorceress is shielded from the world for reasons unknown to her. She slowly learns to develop the new powers awakening inside her as she seeks adventure and the truth. She meets Prince Alexander and is introduced to a world she never knew existed.
Prince Alexander Casesar wants only to live his life as he sees fit, starting with marrying a woman of his own choosing when Mirage is set in his path. He is immediately ensnared by her beauty and captivated by her innocence and the carefree way she sees the world.

In the end, he defies his father’s orders and even battles the “Mystical Ones” to be with her. He will find himself caught between his duties to his throne, country, and the Duties of his Heart.

About the author:

I was born in Manhattan, New York, but was raised in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina by Kathy and Oliver Burns Jr. I have two sisters, Allison Burns and Olivia Jenkins, a brother, Oliver Burns III, and a huge loving family. I fell in love with the written word in the ninth grade after reading Charles Dickens, “Great Expectations.” I loved the way he weaved together characters and events to create mystery. I received my B.A. from Charleston Southern University and my M.B.A. from Jones International University.

Duties of the Heart developed through lots of small stories and experiences twisted into my favorite kind of book, Fantasy Romance, where the possibilities are limitless. At the end, a whole new enchanted world was created. I hope you enjoy it.

The Healing

“The author captures the raw emotional journeys of the Crockett family and their closest friends, the Willinghams. They all desperately beckon normalcy to return in the wake of tragedy, the death of Navy SEAL, Travis Crockett. The author has a keen ability of helping the readers feel as if they are physically a part of the story. Written in such a clever, rhythmic cadence, most readers will not be able to put this book down until the last page has been read.”

– Clarissa Douthit, The US Review of Books

RECOMMENDED by the US Review

The Healing follows the events of a weekend as Navy Chaplain, Charles Willingham and his wife Teresa renew their old friendship with the Crockett family. The Chaplain had the reluctant task a year earlier of telling the family about the tragic death of their oldest son Travis while he was on a mission in Afghanistan with his Navy SEAL platoon. The unexpected appearance of Clay Lucas, the platoon leader of the SEAL team that Travis was a part of, leads to many memories of everyone’s relationship with Travis and each other and how the family is coping with their loss.

Author Bio

MARC HARDAGE lives in Norman, Oklahoma, with his wife of forty years, Janet. They have three sons, Seth, Ty and Colt. They have two grandsons, Hudson and Ezra. Marc is a regional marketing director for 5Star Life Insurance Company and has been in the insurance business for over thirty years.