
Escape Artist An Anthology

Escape Artist was first published in November of 1995, and this anniversary edition contains virtually all the same poems.

Let me quote from my description from the original version: “Escape Artist tells of my retreat into my little world, the protective cocoon from which I observe life.” The poems are, in a simple phrase, “life, according to me”. Most of the experiences are personal, but some are borrowed from others. The observations, however, are all mine. Welcome to the “hideout of the visionary”.

One key difference worth noting here: I have added an extra poem – ‘in loco parentis’ – that did not appear in the earlier version because it did not exist at the time.


About the author

Byron Sogie-Thomas was born and raised in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and is a naturalized American. A thirdgeneration public servant, he graduated cum laude from Howard University and earned a Masters degree at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. He resides in Maryland with his wife Yewande. His most recent anthology of poems, entitled Razor Bumps and Stretch Marks, also published by LitFire, is available from the publisher, Amazon, and a variety of online booksellers. You may follow Byron on Twitter — @yrubored.


After losing the “Sunshine” of her life, her four year old child, Jeane Temple, can find little to live for. Leaving everything in her life behind, she drives off on a journey of solitude into the barren California desert, where she witnesses a brutal murder. Running from the near deranged desert killers who are now chasing her, Jeanne faces her own survival and finds she has more to live for than she once believed.

Author Bio

Donald Reiker has worked in television and motion pictures as a writer, producer and director with such artists as Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks and Michael Keaton, among others. He produced and directed many of the episodes of the television series “Fame” which still airs throughout the world. He has written and directed the theatrical feature, ‘’Mona Must Die”, which is currently playing in Europe, Asia and South America. His first novel, ”Sunshine”, a thriller, is loosely based on the true story of his wife’s experiences.

The Caribbean Killers: A Novel of Murder and Intrigue

When Miami Detective Michael Preston was sent to Nassau in response to urgent pleas from the Governor General of Bahamas, he had no idea his entire life would be forever turned upside down. Searching for a serial killer preying on young women, Preston becomes deeply involved in events threatening the existence of the entire islands. He allies himself with attractive computer analyst Jennifer Winslow and the two fall in love. Immediately they become overwhelmed by the murders of five women and an impenetrable world of voodoo and witchcraft. Daily facing death threats, more than once they narrowly escape the attacks of a pathological murderer intent on destroying the peaceful tropical paradise of the Caribbean.

About the author

Teacher, author, and photojournalist Tom Becker spent a fifty-five-year career teaching space science technologies and satellite mechanics to gifted upper high school and undergraduate students in forty-five of the fifty states and five years in England/Wales.

He was an eyewitness to twentieth-century global events (Apollo spacecraft to the Moon, 1960’s/70’s; Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962; Detroit Riot, 1967; US and Soviet space explorations, 1960-2000).

He is an award-winning author of 16 books on world affairs and more than 300 magazine and journal articles. His writings include some of the main political personalities of the twentieth century.

Tom maintains a website at

The Mystery of the Blood

Apostle Hans Blunk was born in Germany during World War II as the second son of Johannes and Helene Blunk in a small village with the name of Malente – Gremsmuehlen in the Province Schleswig-Holstein. He started to work at the age of 11 years in a bakery as a delivery boy and later he did undergo the apprenticeship as a baker and confectioner at the same place. This was necessary for the survival of the family after the World War II.

After serving the German Army (Deutsche Bundeswehr) he immigrated to South Africa at the age of 21, giving his heart to the Lord in December 1965 in Malvern South Africa (Durban) at Past. Freddy Roberts Church. He gave his heart to the Lord, went back to Germany in 1967 to undergo training as a preacher, started to smuggle bibles behind the Iron Curtain in the 1970’s, returned to South Africa 1979. He served the AFM Church in Mohlakeng, as a part time Pastor and later also the AFM Congregation in Evander, where he still lives.

Apostle Hans is a well-known international preacher, teacher on bible schools and university, giving training in Africa to uplift the people for a better standard of living. Visited over 30 countries in the continent of Africa and Central America and Europa. The first call from God came to him in 1967 in Rotterdam, (Netherlands) but he was running like Jonah away for 35 years of his calling before he started to obey the Lord our God, to fulfill the position he is in now.

(Jon 1:3) But Jonah rose up to flee unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord, and went down to Joppa; and he found a ship going to Tarshish: so he paid the fare thereof, and went down into it, to go with them unto Tarshish from the presence of the Lord.

Their Own Anam Cara: A Journey of Destiny

Everything is a differentiation of itself; what has a front has a back, what has a back has a front, and the bigger the front, the bigger the back. is certainly holds true in THEIR OWN ANAM CARA…A JOURNEY OF DESTINY, the first of the Anam Cara Trilogy.

Sir Ailin Drummond and Sarah “Angel” Evangeline Hale, a direct descendent of Boadecia, Queen of the Iceni, in the 1600’s in Scotland and Ireland, are caught up in the turbulence of the times. They’re faced with plantationists, dark and light magyk, pirates, druids and druidesses, clan battles, the whisky trade, and magical creatures. Through it all, they begin to learn what love, hate, loss, vengeance, hope, and faith can do to break or transform their lives.

Author Bio

Laura Veazey Morrison-Roets has a diverse background in traditional naturopathy, allopathic health, therapeutic and outdoor recreation, has earned an EdD in Applied Educational Studies and a PhD in Traditional Naturopathy, an MA in Athletic Administration, and is a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, Certified Reciprocal Alcohol and Drug Counselor Supervisor, Certified/Licensed therapeutic Recreation Specialist, and a Case Manger III. She is Scottish, Irish, and Cherokee, and a member of Omicron Eta Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, member of the Scottish Society of Northwest Arkansas, as well as a re-enactor for Scots of the Old West, portraying Belle Starr and Calamity Jane. She is a musician and writer and loves camping, kayaking, geocaching, raising Angus and Jake, and spending time with her children, and as much time as she can at her cabin in the Mark Twain National Forest.

The Marshall Minister: The Beginning

What if God chose someone to clean up the earth before he sent his son Jesus Christ and we all know what will happen if he sends his son. Who would you send? A mild-mannered office worker? Knowing the villains that you have to face, it would have to be only one individual. He is a tired old truck driver that loves the Lord more than his own brothers. Just like the Scriptures of old, God sends his chosen that can do the job and gives him an name that will be respected in the ages. “Marshall Minister” The law man With a no nonsense in the ability of God. You have to be rough and you have to be tough. To preach the gospel and be the Marshall you have to be. But the loving kindness of the family man that he is.

WE DANCED!: A Devotional Filled with Excerpts From the Dance of a Real Fairy-Tale Romance Including Practical Dance Tips

Marriage is like dancing. To learn to dance, you follow the steps on a paper chart, placing each foot in the footsteps on the floor as indicated-but it takes lots of practice to dance fluidly with great finesse.

Often when we marry, we believe we are in love and marriage can’t get any better. However, there will be times where we swing and our partner sways. There are going to be times when both partners are fighting for the lead. At other times we just melt together and everything is totally synchronized. Is it possible to keep that synchronization forever?

In We Danced, author Lin Sons presents a story-like couples devotional using her 40-year marriage intertwined with a theme of dance. Lin offers life lessons applicable to any couple, whatever their own personal story. Each life lesson is followed by a dance tip designed to bring couples finesse in their dance of marriage.

The message in We Danced is clear: the marriage dance takes lots of practice. By invitation, the Lord provides the strength, joy and finesse.

About the Author

Lin Sons completed her BA in Biblical Studies at Atlantic Coast Bible College and Seminary. As a relationship coach to women and couples, Lin encourages them to apply biblical principles to everyday living. She was married to Buck for forty years; she has two children.

Making Love Your Priority

Learn what love is
how to love yourself, your authenticity
And how to make love your daily priority
your life of perfect health, great peace, abundance of love
And the unity of all the above

Author Bio

Through these High Vibe poetically flowing pages, You will learn to see & treat yourself with a new self awareness, a new level of respect through greater understanding of self. Of what Love is & means for you, how to live from this new abundant place of “Being” whole & connected with limitless You! Experience the Loving supportive healing energies that flow to you the reader, through these soulful words of wisdom, constantly guiding you towards your unique gifts, talents, your true nature, your authentic self. By intentionally, Making Love Your daily Priority, you will experience greater peace, health, wealth & true happiness.

To truly know yourself is your greatest gift. Self Love & care is the way! So without delay, open the book, open your heart & let the loving start.

During the Life of Jesus – Up Close

The life and times of Jesus and the world he lived in has been told countless times and ways. This work’s objective was to seek out and pull together facts often overlooked or not explored before, e.g. how many Christians know it was an African black man who helped Jesus carry the cross? Or, a passage spoken by Simeon at the presentation in the temple is repeated in Christian services to this very day? Or, there was only one witness that spoke up for Jesus during his trials that Friday morning? Know who it was?

Get “up-close” right here.

The author, a retired security consultant has spent a lifetime involved in crime detection and prevention. He holds a BS in Police Science and taught at CAL STATE LA. He has authored 21 professional and college textbooks, and one novel. He was a sought-after expert witness on negligence in and foreseeability of crime in civil trials across the country. He founded the Intl Assoc. of Professional Security Consultants (IAPSC) in 1984 and has lectured internationally. He’s a Christian layman with a keen interest in exploring our Lord’s life and times. Mr. Sennewald’s academic interest and professional skills uniquely qualify him to assemble the fascinating details and facts that comprise this book.

Schwartz of New York

I have always asked myself the question, “Is there a GOD or SOURCE in our Universe who loves and protects us humans on the planet earth. The construction of our bodies must have been a very complicated process. This DNA builder is probably beyond our thoughts and imagination. This process would also apply to the thousands of animals, birds and insects who live with us on this planet.

This God force must love us as he went to a lot of work to create us. If this is true, the question persists, “what is Evil and why do bad experiences happen to innocent people?” I am trying to answer part of that in this book.

This GOD or SOURCE has sent us many Avatars over the past 2500 years with special powers. We were supposed to be impressed by these powers and follow the spiritual Avitars blindly. These Saviours each attracted their own followers. Unfortunately the Christians, Jews and Muslim religions became very strong and did not respect any other religions. There have been dozens of religious wars over the past two thousand years. There are so many sects of Christians and they have always fought each other. These wars accomplished nothing. No love, no spiritualism and millions of deaths. Today in 2017 people are killed every day in the name of God and religion.

The good news is that for the last 20 years most of our newborn children appear to have a DNA that is more advanced than their parents. They are eating healthier food, most do not eat meat. They want to protect the environment and love their neighbours. Yes, the vibrations on mother Earth are getting stronger and more spiritual. Religion does not seem as important to our new generation as it was to their parents.

I hope that Jesus Christian Schwartz will show us one way to create a healthy Mother Earth. This planet should be filled with healthy humans who love themselves and their neighbours.

Author Bio

ROBERT L. SPEVAKOW began his spiritual adventure at the age of 8 in a library in Edmonton Alberta. He was walking around the stacks and found a book entitled “ The Lost Continent of Atlantis”. His young inner voice said “read this book”. That was the beginning of his search to find out what is our life really about. In the past 77 years he has studied countless spiritual books. In this spiritual adventure, Bob has come up with many answers and a lot of new questions. He believes that we all have a small particle of God in our spirit and this spirit never dies. Bob has had 100’s of spiritual adventures. He believes in reincarnation, healing miracles, ESP experiences, UFO’s etc. Bob feels connected to the GOD force. He feels fortunate to be very healthy and has the energy of a sixty year old.