
Country and City Life

The life challenges existing while surviving through good and bad times during economic, legal, and social confrontations can be true tests of strength in character. This emotional diversity facing African Americans to be stable while enduring a variation of obstacles presented as motivational tests that question our limits mentally and physically to continue faithfulness in religious beliefs. This religious determination allows us our ability for searching toward higher ground in becoming productive within society by trust in God while performing with greatest sense of urgency.

Teddy Get Off that Mountain

Just as I bent over to gather the corn, a burst of wind caught the door shut with a loud bang!” It’s a cold spring day as Kory heads out to give Teddy, his beloved miniature horse, and his friends a snack. Read along to find out how Kory and Pancake, the big orange cat, turn this simple chore into a humorous fun-filled adventure.

Author Bio

I’m a wife, mother, and a grandmother, which I’m very happy to be. I enjoy writing to uplift and inspire. I love writing for kids with fun and adventure especially about the adventures we’ve had with raising many miniature horses and animals. Angel, And Love Came Down is my first book recently published in December 2014.


This is all about the Earth, our host planet, our Mother as we often call her. In times of rapid and disruptive change many look to science and religion for answers and direction. Why not ask the Earth itself? We often assume that the Earth is simply a physical planet spinning through space. Wisdom has it that she is a living entity, a consciousness, on a journey all of her own, in harmony with her Solar System relatives in a galaxy of further relatives. I have utilized a method of entering an altered state of consciousness, called astroshamanism, to reach beyond the illusion of this third dimension to ask for her wisdom and guidance. These messages are the result. They will challenge your beliefs, stretch your mind, and touch your heart.

Author Bio

Naval Academy graduate, former Episcopal priest, artist, writer, and currently Chiropractor, Michael has always been interested in healing and expanding consciousness. He lives in Lawrence Kansas.

Hidden Secrets

Lita has spent many years as a Latino servant for the Logans, an up-scale American family. She has watched the children grow up and loves them dearly. Her own son was sent to college by the family she serves.

Lita prays daily for the Logan children and watched with anguish as they confront the various vices and problems confronting young people in the USA today. She wishes that the parents could realize how skillfully their children are hiding secrets from them. Not daring to interfere, Lita does what she can to help her charges survive the woes of contemporary youth today.

Author Bio

Dr. Thomas Berry is a retired Professor of Russian Language and Literature. He lectures for John Hopkins University, the Smithsonian Institution, the Russian Cultural Center of the Russian Embassy in Washington D.C. and on numerous international cruise lines. He received a “Gramata” from the Russian government for enhancement of relations with that country and the USA. He has published eleven academic books and eight novels. He has traveled extensively all over the globe. His webs: www.amazon-thomasberry.com and sbprabooks.com/thomasberry

Cover Design by James Berry

My Name Is Snappy!

I’m a lovable creature; don’t be afraid of me. There are many things you would be fascinated to know. Alligator snapping turtles are some of the largest growing freshwater turtles in the world, weighing one hundred pounds or more. I also have long claws on my incredibly large feet. To learn more about me, read my story, My Name is Snappy! It’s written by my best friend, Donald W. Haney. I’m sure my story is one you would want to share with others.



Author Bio

Author Donald Wayne Haney is from Buford, Georgia. He was born December 8, 1969, in Lawrenceville, Georgia. He is married to Shawn Lynn Haney and has two children, Cameron Dewayne Haney and Deliah Jane Lucille Haney. He is a writer of children’s books and runs his own business, Stardust Boxer and Gifts. He breeds boxer dogs and sells novelties, and he loves fishing, gardening, music, and movies.

Global Warming and Climate Change

Climate Change and Global Warming: A Brief Primer Including the Paris Agreement of 2015 is an introduction to climate science and the current climate crisis that has developed during the past century. Since the impact of climate change will likely impact the Gen Xers and Millennials the most, this book is also for their benefit. Climate change driven by global warming is not difficult to understand and of the world’s climate scientists, 97% agree that human activity in the consumption of fossil fuel is the primary cause. But there are solutions; it is not too late if we act now.

Author Bio

Raymond W. Empereur, B.A, M.P.A., a senior Baby Boomer, is a retired public health and non-profit executive with over 30 years of combined experience as an executive director/public health administrator for six local public health departments in Northern Illinois and as the non-profit director of a health planning and policy agency based in Rockford, Illinois serving the north central part of the state. He also had the privilege of becoming a licensed “navigator” for the state of Illinois and worked for a time helping people to apply for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, aka “Obama Care”. Ray lives in Rockford in northern Illinois with his wife and is semi-retired. He and Sherry have two adult married children and five grandchildren. Ray teaches part-time for the Masters of Public Health program at Benedictine University and consults in grant writing and non-profit management for Rockford University. This is his fourth book.

The Gateway

The Gateway tells the story of a beautiful but mysterious house in the mountains. It is infested with demons, which got in when the original owner committed suicide by diving from the stair landing and smashing in his head on the floor, thus opening a gateway to a nether region of evil. The Hawthorne family, who buy the house from the estate, have to learn to live with the demons without breaking any of their rules, for fear of death or worse.

Nell, the youngest child, learns at an early age about the actual gateway. However, the little statue of Pan in her mother’s garden, who may or may not be in league with the demons, seems to protect her from their worse depredations. Nell grows up and marries Rick, an engineer with an oil company. They move into the Barn, an old carriage house down the hill from the Gateway. Eventually, over Rick’s horrified objections, they have to move into the Gateway. Because of difficult circumstances after Rick’s death, Nell finds she has to sell the house that she loves so much. The demons wreak their rage and retribution on the hateful man who buys it.

Author Bio

Cynthia Delafield spent summers at the Gateway. She was aware of its other occupants at an early age. Most events are exaggerated and much is fiction. She wrote the book after the buyer of her house in Riverdale, NY, painted the rare red gum wood paneling in the living room white. She has been a painter, actress, guide on trips to China, pastry chef and caterer, owner of a B&B and dolphin researcher, which prompted her first book, “my Dear Dolphin”, a diary about some dolphins and her four children, published under her married name, Cynthia de Narvaez.

Scripture & Evangelism Planner: October–November–December

The theme of my second book in the Scripture & Evangelism is prayer.

While there are numerous accounts of powerful individual prayers recorded in Scripture, Moses, Hannah, David, Nehemiah, Daniel, our Lord Jesus, Peter, and Paul, to name only a few, corporate prayer is a vital part of the relationship between God and His people. I have been attending a 6 am daily Morning Prayer meeting at Bethany Church in Holland, Michigan, since 2011. I have also spent time in South Korea, where is common for believers to meet for dawn prayer every day. At a Korean dawn prayer service, everyone prays aloud at the same time while hymns are played in the background. Hundreds or even thousands of Korean Christians regularly attend Morning Prayer at their churches. The Bible speaks of Morning and Evening at the creation of the world in Genesis 1 when God saw that everything that He had made was good. At the Temple in Jerusalem, Morning and Evening sacrificial offerings were made to the Lord. I would like to encourage my readers to establish a Morning Prayer and worship time each day with fellow Christians. However, if a busy schedule doesn’t permit time in the mornings, then pray and worship with other Christians in the evening. Like the Tabernacle, Christians, in 2 Corinthians 6:16 are the Temple of the Living God and our daily business is worship and prayer. Daily corporate prayer has changed my life and has given me the strength and confidence to write and publish my daily Bible study.

Outline for a 30 minute Morning or Evening Prayer service:
The Apostles Creed
Singing one or two hymns or praise songs
Reading a Scripture passage in unison
Short discussion or meditation on the Scripture passage
Prayer (Either by taking turns or everyone praying aloud together)

Close with the Lord’s Prayer

About the author:

‘Scripture & Evangelism Planner’ is a method that I have found helpful for reading through the Bible every year. The morning and evening offerings follow the pattern of the six days of creation and the morning and evening offerings at the Tabernacle and later the Temple in Jerusalem where our Lord Jesus worshipped. The purpose of my writings is to make the Bible understood and appreciated by readers of all ages who perhaps have never studied the Bible before, or for Christians who want to go deeper into the Word of God on a basic level.

The Fascinating Native-American Involvement in Early California History: What you didn’t Learn in School

Few people realize just how many Native Americans are in California’s history. For many the Donner Party, Mormon Battalion, Bear Flag Revolt, Charles Fremont, John Sutter, Governor Vallejo and Commodore Stockton are all a big jumble of history. How and why these events took place and the amazing parts that Native Americans played has never even been mentioned in the history you may have had in school. How this all came together, the amazing twists and turns, individuals and groups that made California are presented here in a way you have never even imagined.

About the author:

Guy Nixon (Redcorn) grew up in Gold Rush country and still lives only one mile from James Marshall’s Blacksmith shop in Kelsey, California. The Kelsey one room school house, where Guy’s father Bill attended school, was taught by Margaret Kelley until Bill entered the second grade. Margaret Kelly had taken care of James Marshall in his old age and had done a remarkable job of preserving early California history. Growing up in the community, with the old stories and original sites surrounding him, Guy Nixon (Redcorn) took a keen interest in this history and has spent more than 40 years researching this fascinating era. Guy Nixon (Redcorn) used his college degree while working for the U.S. Forest Service doing the first Abandoned Mine Survey for the El Dorado National Forest as well as the first survey of the old mule train trails that once supplied these mines. His intimate knowledge of the area and its fascinating history were the motivation for him to begin writing.

Nextscienceman2100: Undiscovered Sciences

Undiscovered sciences are definitive fields of enormous fascination and hailed as a magnificent and preeminent science-fiction masterpiece. Further sophisticated technological advances and far beneath the surface, there are mysterious world’s of searing heat, intense pressure, and complete darkness. The extreme environments of the seven deadly seas still exist on planet Earth. Nextscienceman2100 continues his quest to unlock the next science fields with the help of the Interstellular Galactic Team despite their troubles dealing with the pernicious Undivided Sinister Alliance on Urrth. Applied sciences mixed with science-fiction, fantasy, romance, and horror take place in the skies and seas where volcanic incandescent springs and hydrothermal vents exist and where superheated water flows from Earth’s crust into an adverse environment where very few have survived. Nextscienceman2100 discovers there is an eerie oasis of life, home to exotic creatures, aberrant plant life, and antagonistic female warriors each with different foreign dialects where he has to defeat. Information brought back to the galactic team can help them fight the ghastly and sanguine World War III taking place in space against insect creatures, activate Alpha Zeta, and reveal the next resplendent undiscovered scientific fields to solve Earth’s most challenging problems.