

Oliver struggles to fit in because of the way he looks and begins to question why he is different. He is teased and bullied by his friends and siblings because of his unique spots. Eventually he visits Theodore at the Kuddly Kitten Klinic who painted his coat and learns the secret of his spots, and finally accepts himself.

About the author:

SHELBY BELFORD loves that through her books she has the opportunity to encourage children in the fight against bullying through her love for animals. She is delighted with the liberty to influence the upcoming generation of children by writing encouraging stories from her childhood about the furry friends in her life. What began as a senior project in high school has now blossomed into her becoming a published children’s author and advocate for many accredited non-profit organizations through her movement, Shelby Belford Books. You can find out more about Shelby and her vision for bringing awareness to non-profit organizations at www.shelbybelford.com.


Voilà l’histoire de trois générations québécoises qui aboutit à l’émigration aux États-Unis en Nouvelle-Angleterre. Elle est tissée d’aventures et d’événements assez frappants pour susciter l’intérêt de ceux et celles qui jouissent des effets de la passion d’amour, de l’attachement à un héritage vibrant, du défi de l’émigration, du chagrin de la mort, en plus du bouleversement d’une jeune femme hantée par ses incapacités intellectuelles et qui est connue sous la l’appellation de Lucienne, la simple d’esprit. Son histoire nous emmène au centre des filatures en Nouvelle-Angleterre où oeuvrent ces émigrés, souvent appelés les travailleurs de moulins. Cousue dans cette aventure est l’histoire de Célie et son amant algonquin, Timiskamengo, ainsi que l’histoire de Héloïse Lanouette Charbonneau, la femme qui a du “casque” et de l’entrain. Sa fille, Lucienne, découvre, malgré ses limites intellectuelles dites d’arriérage, qu’elle a des dons de la guérisseuse. Lucienne devient la femme qui, en dépit de ses challenges, se voit femme entière et mûre dans une communauté en gestation façonnée d’émigrés de la descendance des colons pur-laine telle les Lanouette de Batiscan au Québec. Plus qu’un roman, c’est une page de la réalité historique qui nous révèle les défis et les luttes, ainsi que les accomplissements et les succès d’un peuple d’émigrés qui devient à la longue les Franco-Américains.

Normand Beaupré est né dans l’État du Maine en Nouvelle-Angleterre où il grandit comme Francophone, et plus tard, devient écrivain bilingue. Il a passé plus de trente ans dans l’enseignement universitaire. Il est présentement Professeur Émérite à l’Université de la Nouvelle-Angleterre au Maine. Il a beaucoup voyage en Europe, au Mexique, et en Amérique du Sud. Il est l’auteur de vingt-deux oeuvres publiées en français et en anglais. Sa dernière oeuvre est un roman basé sur la vie artistique de Rosa Bonheur. Il fut décoré par le gouvernement de France alors qu’on lui décerna une médaille avec le rang d’Officier dans l’Ordre des Arts et Lettres en 2008.


The human and non-human races do not mix; to be a half-breed is to be a pariah. This truth rules the life of a young half-elf boy named Freeborn. His sole friend is Tishamon, an elven woodsman, who frequently visits the boy. Tishamon adopts Freeborn, taking the boy along on his life of wandering, working and learning.

When Tishamon becomes lamed, he settles in the Fire Hills and sends Freeborn to the local academy. The Fire Elves’ obsession with family lineage, and Freeborn’s contempt for the same, ends in violence, starting Freeborn on the trail to ever greater adventure.

Author Bio

Steven Calkum was born in 1967 and grew up on a small ranch in East Central Colorado. He earned BS and MS degrees, and worked, in natural resources for 13 years before becoming disabled in 2011.
A voracious reader, he created his own style by rewriting drafts until he would want to read his own work.

He remarried in 2016 and plans to be a househusband and work toward a career as a writer/storyteller in addition to raising more children.

He currently lives in Wyoming with the youngest of his children from his first marriage.

At the Zoo Whos Whooo

WHOO-WHOO-WHOOO! Who are you? Well to answer that Hooting question let’s find out Who’s-Who, and what a “Whoo-Whoo” can do. So as the zoo animals leave their comfy cages two by two to help the misplaced babies, let’s review and see if the Hooting-Whoo’s will ever make it safely back to their rooms.

Therefore as two Unborn-Whoo’s unexpectedly open their eyes and find their parents missing, Come see what new mighty surprise happens to Lucy-and-Luke-Whoo, when they find out, Who’s-Who at the zoo! And closing their door not knowing what they did that for, that’s an important discovery to make too.

Because being clueless wondering Who’s-Who, as two cute loose Whoos’ break-away they will need to find out if they are a monkey-elephant-bear-tiger-giraffe-wolf-goose-or-camel today! Sadly in that plan without their parents there to tell them Who’s-Who, not knowing who they are, Lucy-and-Luke-Whoo will have no way to know, why they …. hoot!

So come help the Birthday-Kids figure things out. And as we learn everybody needs a pal, in that new clue, let’s discover if Lucy-and-Luke-Whoo find out what they’re doing. Yes indeed let’s see if the Whoo’s get back home. Or misplaced at Zoo-World will they always be two confused Whoo-Whooo’s, lost and alone?

About the author:

Mary Fitzgerald Joslin is a housewife, novelist, and children’s writer. Please visit www.joslinf.com for new book releases. But now, let’s follow the Trail-of-Tails. And as we find out what happens when a-lot of cool animals escape, let’s see if two cute Hooting-Whoo-Whoo babies find out Who’s Who at the zoo today!

On Halloween Night

Experience the exciting mystery and adventure of Halloween Night. When the crisp fall air chases the leaves and creatures prowl while witches sing, Happy Halloween!

Author Bio

Angela Farrar is the mother of two wonderfully mischievous monsters, Colton and Nora, and wife to a dashing devil, Dustin. Her mother, and beloved Maw Maw to Colton and Nora, Diana Jones, has brought life to this Halloween tale with her artistic talent.

Pick Me Up! Inspirational Messages to Make You Jump for Joy: Inspirational Messages to Make You Jump for Joy

This is a no-nonsense, feel good about yourself book dedicated to inspiring you to become who you were born to be. It is to be used as a quick reminder of the talents you possess. Who are you anyway? What makes you stand out? What are the unique blend of talents and experiences that only you can offer?

Michelle Mattsen is a Speaker, Author and Certified Core Passion Facilitator. Her goal is to help you live up to your true potential. When you need a quick pick me up, when you’re feeling down, pick up this book to help you connect with what makes you special and get back on track.

Michelle is also a Certified Life Coach (CEC, Certified Effectiveness Trainer (CET) and a member of Toastmasters International (ACG, ALS). Since earning her B.S. in International Business, she has worked in various management positions at both the corporate and government level. Michelle enjoys reading, walking, biking, flower gardening, and hanging out with friends and Family.

Michelle Mattsen
Your True Heart’s Desire
Blog: I Didn’t Come Here to do This!
Face Book – Pick Me Up, Please

Meredith Discovers Her Destiny

Promises Made & Promises Kept

Meredith, in a lazy mood, was in for a surprise that morning on the beach. A real live paintbrush had washed up on shore, asking for a lift. Yes, this little paintbrush was a chatterbox, actually, he was on a mission. Those two had a day of adventure as Meredith Discovers Her Destiny, that is, a passion and talent for her future. God cares for us by giving certain qualities that will make life fun. Watch out for gentle encouraging nudges that come to us now and again, in unexpected ways.

About The Author

Mary Lee Gutwein is an Author & Illustrator, and Artist. Her natural and whimsical style of Character in Caricature Storytelling lets humor and a good message from the Bible shine through. A self-taught and joyful Christian, home and heart are in Indiana and Naples, Florida, with her handsome husband. “Grandkids are just the best resources!”

www.maryleegutwein.com and www.thecherrytreestories.com