
You Are Your Brother’s Keeper

Reading this book will encourage you to allow the love of God to live within you. You’ll be able to forgive, show love, make sacrifices, mentor and care for someone else other than yourself.


About the author:

My name is Minnie Russaw Jordan. I live in a small town called, Clayton, Alabama. I love the peace and quiet of country living. My hobbies are reading, writing, and gardening. I like to see things grow and I have a passion for outreaching. I have five brothers and five sisters. I also have two sons, seven grandchildren, and three great grandchildren.

Kavanagh’s Dilemma : A Novel

Like Leopold Bloom, James Joyce’s protagonist in the epic Ulysses, Kavanagh’s life is inconveniently influenced by his relationships with women. Bloom’s appointments and encounters on that single day in Dublin (June 16, 1904) is an unfortunate model for Kavanagh’s life in the 21st Century as a dynamic seeker of passion and intimacy with the women he finds desirable. Kavanagh and Bloom are Irish Jews, decedents of the members of small migrations from Eastern Europe that somehow found their way to Ireland, the most Catholic nation where they were welcome and lived peacefully and prospered.

Kavanagh’s odyssey to find enjoyment and pleasure, centers on his time with second wife Millicent the sophisticated literary agent and lawyer, the long affair with Bianca, and his deep feelings for the beautiful, elusive and mysterious Lydia who haunts his dreams. Kavanagh’s instant attraction to Ciara the lovely Irish physician, and the puzzling relationship with Mary Lucy, a university president and Catholic nun, confuse and confound him. Somehow Kavanagh has successfully maintained his equilibrium as a popular professor, bestselling author, activist, atheist and acceptable parent, but he worries, for how much longer? Kavanagh isn’t Everyman, although he’s more like us than we want to acknowledge.


About the author:

Ron Kase enjoyed a teaching, administrative and grant writing career spanning more than four decades that included positions at the New York City College of Technology (CUNY), Fairleigh Dickenson University, Empire State College (SUNY), and Ramapo College of New Jersey. As a sociologist Dr. Kase is intrigued with the national political process and the influence of religion on elections and legislation, which is contrary to the Constitutional guarantee of the separation of church and state. He also believes that the Second Amendment clearly does not guarantee anyone the right to be armed except for “members of a well-ordered militia.”


Live and Not Die : Using Your Faith in Spiritual Warfare Volume 1 of 3

This volume is part one of three volumes.  I believe this book conveys a mandatory message for the believer through biblical analysis of the principles that faith is TAUGHT and faith is CAUGHT.  You must first understand that the blessings you long for and have yet to receive exist in spirit form (Eph. 1:3).  Wrap your mind around this truth!!  Your blessings exist, but you can’t see them in the natural.  They aren’t visible!  There is a process that must be initiated by a deliberate engagement in order to receive the manifestation and tangible possession of what exists for you in spirit form.  Your life is bigger than the level you’re living on.  It feels like you’re suffocating, but “YOU SHALL LIVE AND NOT DIE.”  Spiritual warfare isn’t a choice.  Learn how to use your faith in this dimension in this new season and live.  “For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall LIVE by faith” (Rom. 1:17).


About the author:

Bishop Craig Cobb received Jesus Christ as his Savior in 1977.  He has been faithfully preaching the gospel and training leaders for over 26 years in ministry.  He is a dynamic author, teacher and businessman who has a profound passion to see others fulfill their Divine assignment.  He has traveled extensively throughout the country empowering others via relevant workshops and crusades resulting in an impact of the spiritual landscape of individuals as well as cities.  He excitedly pastors the “City of Faith” church in West Palm Beach, FL.  Bishop Cobb has authored manuals/workbooks on Intercessory Prayer, Spiritual Warfare, Evangelism, Understand the Apostolic, Connecting to the Vision of your Leader.  He has written other books entitled “Born in Royalty,” “Prayer Force,” “Fishing for Souls.”  When asked, “What do you do for a living?”  He replies, “I CHASE GOD FOR A LIVING.”

Being the Way

Being the Wayis a collection of personal experiences and insights blended with a very different view of the journey Jesus took after his baptism on the River Jordan, which led to his living in an awareness of Heaven’s Presence. Being the Way will invite you to join him on that journey, letting go of what was, so you can step into and embrace an entirely new way of being and seeing the world. Remember Jesus said, “All things I do and greater still you will do if…” This is a book of hope and shares a message your soul is longing to hear, one tugging at your heart, which could transform the world.


About the author:

Patrick is a friend, a counselor, a mentor and a teacher who provokes insights into an awareness of Heaven’s Presence. Many years ago, Rev. Patrick had a powerful life-changing experience that changed the way he saw the world and guided him to pursue being the way Spirit invites us all to be. Since that pursuit began he has attended many transformational workshops lead by a variety of well-known figures, attended ministerial school and was licensed and ordained as a minister in 1997. In 2017 he earned a Doctorate in Religious Studies.

Monkey Wisdom and other Stories : Lessons from Professor Singh

These are fascinating stories in that each carries a pearl of wisdom. These stories are short but full of wit and contain life lessons that are applicable to most of us. Although originally intended to help his students become successful in their career, the book has become increasingly popular among people of all walks of life. Some of these stories contain valuable advice to help make right decisions and to live a good life. The characters in the stories are humans as well as animals with characteristic human qualities and hence the reason this book is so engaging and rewarding.


About the author:

Dr. Sukmander Singh is the Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Santa Clara University in California and have been teaching for more than 32 years of which 15 years as Department Chairman. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 1979 and started his teaching career in 1986. He has a total of 110 publications as professor.

Before his teaching career, Dr. Singh was a project engineer and manager of Alyeska Pipeline Company, handling seismic slope stability and soil liquefaction studies for the 800-mile Trans Alaska pipeline. Later, he became the principal investigator of the San Pablo Clearwell Dam where his expertise in dam engineering was recognized nationally.

He currently lives in the city of Fremont with his wife and two children.   

The Embrace of Two Stories

About the author:

At age 62, Sara Taft discovered she had a serious auto-immune disease that was destroying her liver. Her healing journey led her on a stunning shamanic path that revealed the power of the sacred feminine and brought her a successful liver transplant and a spiritual awakening. This transformation flourished in Sara’s own artwork, featured in this book, and deepened her wisdom as an archetypal astrologer in the tradition of C. G. Jung, her professional practice for over 30 years. Sara lives in Los Angeles where she continues to paint, offer astrological consultation, and participates in group dream work. She has two daughters and a son and seven grandchildren.

The Adventures of Professor Poodle & Auggie: Let’s Collect the Alphabet

“Auggie!” said Professor Poodle. “Let's see if we can find all the letters in the alphabet.”

“Okay, Professor Poodle. I think I see A hiding in that pile of hay.”

Auggie sniffed at the A and ran away because he disturbed the B in the hay!

Will Auggie the Doggie and Professor Poodle find all the letters of the alphabet? Read Mark Vogel's…The Adventures of Professor Poodle and Auggie: Let's Collect the Alphabet to find out.


About the author:                      

Mark Vogel retired from the United States Coast Guard in 2006 and currently lives in Chesapeake, Virginia with his wife Grace. They have three son's, Christopher, Matthew and Adam and three grandchildren, Skylar, Rylee and Owen. This is Mark's third children's book and he is currently involved in writing others.

Contemplation of My Soul Diagonal of My Brain: Wizardry of Love

A fulfilling and comprehensive synopsis of the tragedy and hope of overcoming Mental Illness; with love, compassion and a slow returning affable good health with some lugubriosity and a large dollop of luck.


About the author:

Broadly speaking this novel attempts to bridge the gap concerning sanity and insanity with total frankness. Largely a living account almost day by day of cascading through a bipolar illness emptied by vast intra reactions heralded and succumbed to by powerful prescriptive medicines. The stories within and about will hopefully lead the reader through the ‘hell-hole’ of a mental health disparity and still have room for humour, frustration and anger!

Thru God’s Eyes I Begin To Be Wise (B&W Version)

October 22, 1988: “Do not let God bring you home in a box or place you in the hospital”. These words spoken by my mother started to flood my mind. The previous year I had run away. I was heavily under the influence of drugs and alcohol. My eyes were bloodshot red and glossy. In the cold night, I begin walking towards the car. The Lord enabled me to see a bullet pass the side of my face; then another ricochet on the top of the car and hit me in the left side of my neck.


About the author:

Yolanda Johnson is an Author that has been chosen by God before she was born. She is a faithful mother of five children and also the loving wife to Minister Donnie Johnson. Also, Yolanda accomplished a degree in Business. God has impressed a vision on her heart to open up a nonprofit organization called, “Rechanging Lives”. This establishment caters to disadvantaged youth that need a second chance in life and look for ways to achieve a better future. Most of all, they will be encouraged to love the Lord with all their hearts (Mark 12: 30).

Unbitten: A Vampire Dream

Amanda Hunt is a virgin vampire with a genetic blood disorder bitten 200 years ago and almost made Undead. But she finds a loop hole revealed by decades of research with the help of her descendants. This secret may allow her to defeat the vampire prince who made her what she is today. Lord Anton Kuryk couldn’t finish the job on Amanda two centuries ago or on her 5th great grand-niece, Wynter, in the present. Read how these cousins up-end the Familia Vampyre in this twisted yarn of Bioscience and folklore for a modern gothic Halloween treat.


About the author:

As a board-certified rheumatologist, Glenn Parris has practiced medicine in the northeast Atlanta suburbs for over 30 years. He has been writing for nearly as long. Originally from New York City, Parris migrated south to escape the cold and snow, but fell in love with the southern charms of Georgia and Carla, his wife of 27 years. He now writes cross-genre in medical mystery, science fiction, fantasy, and historical fiction. The Renaissance of Aspirin, a Jack Wheaton medical mystery, was his debut novel.