
Demon in the Pulpit

Demon in the pulpit is a book of essays journaling my survival of childhood abuse at the hands of my father.

The book chronicles the loss of my innocence, a happy childhood, and my RN career all caused by the combination
of my fathers mental illness, abuse, addictions, and years of seminary. My father tried to run from his demons
by moving us all across this country and bouncing back and forth from different religions to drinking, drugs, and women.

Each chapter is a snapshot of an account followed by coping skills learned through a wonderful therapist,
changing my life!

About the Author

I am forty-eight, I have a BSN, and a MHA/Ed.

I worked for many years in nursing but transitioned to teaching college. I want to first dedicate this book to my five siblings and mother who survived with me, and to my children, Ashton, Cody, and Megan. May you better understand my struggles and my love for you through this book. Thank you for your unconditional love through it all! And last, to all my fellow survivors, this book is really for you! May you take even a small part away that will help you in your healing journey!

O Rei Coelho

“O Rei Coelho: Reinado Leporideos começa com Hare,
um lebre órfão, que se tornou rei. Hare vê esperança
em um reino no alto de uma colina onde ele ganharia a admiração,
respeito e confiança do rei. O rei adota o lebre órfão,
fazendo dele um príncipe e herdeiro do trono. . . .

É uma história encantadora, inspiradora e muito oportuna
que agradará a todos os leitores, independente da idade.
Crianças e adultos irão gostar dos detalhes e das ilustrações
coloridas, enquanto aprendem o lado positivo
do texto cuidadosamente escolhido.


About the Author
“Jim McEnroe é um autor de literatura educacional. Seu primeiro livro, O Rei Coelho: Reinado Leporideos, foi publicado em 2011: O ano do Coelho. Jim fez o curso de Bacharel em Artes na Universidade Metropolitana Estadual de Minnesota, onde tambem estudou Administração de Empresas, Artes Liberais e Psicologia.

Sua carreira tem sido o envolvimento em Administração de Empresas, promoção da saúde e do bem-estar, através de seus livros e outros projetos. Ele tem uma filha, Kristin, nascida em 1991. Jim nasceu em Saint Paul, Minnesota no dia de São Patrício, Março 17 de 1959.

Healthy and Medical Juicing Recipe Book: Including recipes for fruit juicing, vegetable juice and more!

About the Book
This book is intended to inform people that there are still all-natural remedies to multiple causes of discomfort,
as well as potential symptoms to more serious illnesses and disease. A steady diet with healthy exercise has been
proven to improve overall health, happiness and expectancy of a full life. The hope is that by trying a healthy
alternative to an everyday occurrence or situation in life can make difference, is well worth it. Thank you to all
those who work diligently to make sure that fresh fruits and vegetables are processed and delivered so that they
are available for people. Eating better can drastically reduce your chances of very serious complications and troubles
later, and one’s mental health and attitude can play a significant role in their overall health and well-being.
To long life and happiness!!

About the Author
This book is intended to inform people that there are still all-natural remedies to multiple causes of discomfort,
as well as potential symptoms to more serious illnesses and disease. A steady diet with healthy exercise has been
proven to improve overall health, happiness and expectancy of a full life. The hope is that by trying a healthy
alternative to an everyday occurrence or situation in life can make difference, is well worth it. Thank you to all
those who work diligently to make sure that fresh fruits and vegetables are processed and delivered so that they
are available for people. Eating better can drastically reduce your chances of very serious complications and troubles
later, and one’s mental health and attitude can play a significant role in their overall health and well-being.
To long life and happiness!!

Convertirme en alguien: Fragmentos de mi vida

About the Book
Amy, el personaje principal de la historia, deja la casa de su padre para embarcarse en su aventura para asistir a la escuela en Los Ángeles. Amy trabaja para mantenerse a sí misma encontrando obstáculos en el camino, nunca abandona sus sueños.

Llamada la más exitosa en su clase de graduación, Amy se va para completar el requisito de pasantía en una clínica dirigida por el Dr. Brett Zuk.

Ella es instantáneamente ella queda impresionada de el por su buena apariencia y su encantadora personalidad. La química entre cada uno de ellos es evidente: ella se da cuenta de que sus ojos siempre miran hacia ella.

Los sentimientos de Amy comenzaron a causar una ruptura entre ella y su mejor amiga. Lana, celosa comienza a destruir el romance de Amy.

About the Author
“Norma Madrigal nació en México, y actualmente vive en California.
Pasatiempo favorito, escribir novelas, poemas, escuchar música instrumental.

Across 116th Street With King Cody

About the Book
This was the beginning of a new Era for King Cody of New York City, by way of South Carolina. A written documentary of a person who lived every moment of his life satisfying his ego of fancy living in high balling nights with gold, diamonds and money around the United States freestyling with the women of his dreams. He lived a life of a millionaireOn Top Of The World.’ The shine of his personality glittered more than the gold and the diamonds he wore. Three bottles of Dom Perignon in the parlaying of a night was the least of his troubles that caused the darkness of an up and down life. He was the first hip-hop gangsta of the 70s to the end of the nineties. Promoting music, operating nightclubs, and running clothing stores, while running the streets of New York City to the streets of South Carolina. No limits were his attitude toward the money and the women of his life. Fast living and easy living caused his demise, but the shifting of life with redemption left no option

About the Author
Robert E. Harris is a compassionate writer, who loves to inspire and teach hope in stories that reveal the greatness in everyone, big or small. He writes briskly through thorough information that sparks the imagination in an entertaining way. Robert writes with rich detail intriguing in anecdotal information. He has ventured in various genres such as women fiction, children books, commercial fiction, and historical fiction.

Growing Wings

About the Author
“Mein Name ist Corinna Montgomery,ich wurde
1962 in Ost Deutschland, in der Stadt Jena, geboren.
1968 wurde ich eingeschult und erhielt meine
Abschluss 1978. Danach ging ich zur Berufsschule
um den Beruf der Schneiderin zuerlernen. Ich
konnte diese Lehre nicht abschliessen, da meine Familie verhaftet
wurde. Der Grund für unsere Festnahme war, versuchte Republikfl ucht
nach West Deutschland. Dies gescharr im Juli 1979.
1981 wurden meinen Eltern und ich in die Bundesrepulik West
Deutland entlassen.
1999 siedelte ich über nach Amerika, zu der Zeit hatte ich bereite 2 Söhne.
Mein Buch enthält die mächtige Geschichte meines Lebens. Ich bin
froh das ich überlebt habe um meine Geschichte zu erzählen und hoff e
das ich den Menschen damit Augen öff nen kann.Da wir in ungewissen
Zeiten leben und verstehen sollten, das uns die Freiheit nicht für
umsonst gegeben wird.
Ich bin dankbar für was ich erreicht habe im Leben, doch mein Kampf
ist noch nicht zu Ende.”


Poetry and short-fiction are, Miss Bostic’s forte. She
is her own kind of writer. Loving creatures of Nature
as subjects, and rhyme in her poetry. Ramona
shares little with Shakespeare, some with Longfello yet she
shares hardly as much as she would like with our “Beloved,
Maya AngeLou.” Ramona’s main focus in her literature, is
the youth and young at heart! Her, “Spring Has Sprung!”,
“Halo” and “Pest?” are a few of the poems; not to mention,
her short-fiction, that attest to this! Why don’t you, her many
readers, from then and now Enter-In & Read On!

About the Author
Ramona S. Bostic

Born November 24, 1948. Was raised to her early teens in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Miss Bostic relocated to Columbia, South Carolina, do to her Father's line of work.

She enlisted in the United States Air Force, after graduating from C.A. Johnson High School, with Honors!

Now, a resident or should I say, “”a Floridian””, since 1988. Ramona has been a journey through life. This has added some expertise toher desire to be a writer.

This novice authoress, is delighted to admit, “”Life begins at 60″”.

Her fancies are: nature, meeting people, music and the thought of Romance…

When God Showed Up: Manifest the Miraculous

As Christians we have the right to experience the blessing of God in our life. The blessings should not only be for certain times of great need. This book will guide you to the truth about praying and why we should pray continually. It is by praying in faith that you are able to experience the goodness of God. Faith is essential to have and effective prayer. By experiencing the goodness of God your faith could grow and you learn to trust and seek God.
Let this book help you dwell in the shelter of the Most High when you pray.

About the Author
The author is a dedicated member of Shalom Outreach Ministry, AG/NY since 2009. Nancy takes pleasure in sharing her strong faith and trust in the Lord and the wisdom of God. She writes from a perspective of one who has gone through life’s threatening experiences and prevailed over them victoriously with the inspiration of the Word of God.

Conversaciones de Adulto

Se ha encontrado alguna vez en una conversación que va de lado a lado y no sabe porque. Seguro que le ha pasado, a todos nos ha pasado. No importa si ha sido con su conyugue, con sus hijos, amigos, clientes, jefe o empleado. Se encuentra usted perdido porque no sabe que causó el cambio repentino en la conversación.
Esto es de lo que se trata el libro. “Conversaciones de Adulto” le dará la herramienta para redirigir la conversación o le dará señales para terminarla.
Mi esperanza es que a través de mis historias, esta herramienta o concepto se pueda transmitir y aplicar en su vida cotidiana. Nada viene fácilmente. Usar esta herramienta de comunicación lleva tiempo y paciencia.

About the Author
Durante mis años de escuela secundaria el curso de Tecnología Electrónica fue el que me dio el conocimiento principal para lo que fue el trabajo de mi vida. Luego de la escuela superior, ingresé a la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos y continué mis estudios en electrónica.
Luego de la Fuerza Aérea, he trabajado por treinta años para grandes compañías electrónicas las cuales incluyen: Honeywell, IBM, Kodak y Toshiba.
Observar a mi padre leer durante mis años de crecimiento implantó en mí la curiosidad de saber que había en los libros. Me inculcó el amor por la lectura, así fue como comenzó esta travesía. Comencé a seleccionar libros al azar basados en lo que se encontraba en sus portadas. La mayoría del tiempo los temas de los libros no tenían nada que ver con los títulos, pero tan pronto comenzaba a leer un libro no podía dejarlo por temor de perderme algo importante.
Mi educación formal viene de la lectura. He leído libros sobre todos los temas que se encuentran bajo el sol.
Todo lo que necesitamos saber viene de los libros. Construí una terraza para mi casa de tres niveles, cuarenta pies por treinta pies, leyendo un libro llamado “Terrazas 1-2-3”.
Siempre que veía una biblioteca en la televisión, sabía que mi casa algún día tendría una biblioteca.
Mi amor por la lectura ha evolucionado hasta el punto donde quiero compartir los temas más importantes con otras personas. Esa es la semilla que le dio nacimiento a este libro.
Vivo y trabajo en las Islas Vírgenes. Mi esposa y yo hemos estado casados por treinta años y tenemos dos maravillosos hijos. También tengo dos hija y tres nietos de un previo matrimonio.