
The Rory Story

Rory the dog and Anna the human are best friends, spending every day together, going on adventures and exploring the world around them. Celebrate your own dog as you read about Rory and Anna's adventures, and know that time spent with our furry friends is a great privilege. Dogs bring out the best in us, and they teach us to be positive and love unconditionally. Give your kiddo and your pup a kiss on the head as you adventure with Rory and Anna through their time together.

About the Author:

Julianna Blankenship is an author from Troy, Michigan, and has been writing children's literature since 2007. Focusing on messages of friendship, hope, family and teamwork, Blankenship authors books that foster a lifelong love of reading. Check out her other title, Sally Lumpkins' Party.

Sympathetic Testimonials

This book is a compilation of true life experiences of mine with exception of Salt in the Wound and Wolf fight. They tell of how life’s experiences will and can affect one’s mental and physical stability and the necessity of others to help a person who may have similar experiences. Even though they survey sadness they ultimately portray one’s approach to reality after the experience. They also can be taken as warnings on what to steer clear of.

About the author:

I am a retiree from hospital work for 4-5 years and also from being an Assistance Drug Counselor for 4 years part time. I reside in the City of New York and have resided here for 18 years. My educational background is one of college experience where I studied Psychology. Although I studied Psychology, I was unable to find work immediately when finished back in 1976. I am 64 years old and have been homeless, imprisoned and have experienced death of family members. This book therefore is based on some of those experiences of sadness.

The Lazarus Operation

It was the end of one war and the beginning of another. World War II was over and the new war, the ‘Cold War’, had begun. It was thus called because it would not be fought with bullets and bombs, but with propaganda and intelligence, a.k.a. spying. The adversaries were groups like the KGB, CIA and MI6. The largest of these groups, the KGB, hatched a plan to install a ‘mole’ in its No. 1 enemy, the USA. To effect the plan it would require ‘replacing’ a citizen with a known background.

About the author:

Frank Legge is a graduate of Westminister College with a BBA degree. After graduating from the Naval Officer Candidate School, he served four years, most of which was on an aircraft carrier. Following this he attained an MBA from Wharton. His business career was in production and sales of computer equipment.

Satan Christianity’s Other God: Legend, Myth, Lore, or Lie

This iconoclastic work brings a revolutionary perspective on the concept of Satan. Going deeper than simply showing that Satan is a construction of religious culture; Satan Christianity’s Other God explores how the belief in a supernatural Satan, is equal to believing in more than one God. Many of us who have been raised in religion are surprised to learn that the God of the Scripture tells us there is no such thing as a supernatural Satan.

In Volume one of the 4 volume Imagine No Satan Series, James R. Brayshaw, author and researcher from Western Canada, takes the reader on a journey through the Scriptures and history. Sharing what he has learned since opting out of the institutional religion he was raised in, liberating insights are offered. Brayshaw’s work has cracked open the prison of traditional belief in Satan to free the reader to see how the Satan of Christianity was not created by God. Together we discover that Satan never existed in the theology of the people of God until they spent time among cultures steeped in mythology… So why should he exist in our theology today?

Piece by piece the Scriptures are explained to show how the well-known passages about Satan, have been tragically misapplied by those who have a preconceived belief in a cosmic Satan. In this timely tome the Satan we used to know is handily dismantled. Readers are shown how the belief in a cosmic Satan has been thrust onto bible passages that have nothing to say about such an entity.

As man struggles to understand the Creator, becoming free of a belief in Satan takes us a long way towards understanding the God of Scripture.

If you are undaunted by hard questions about your beliefs, then start today with this volume. Join the thousands who have found a refreshed outlook on who God is by learning why Satan is not like what they have been told.

Fallen Petals in the City of Roses

The story begins with the protagonist, a business man in downtown Portland Oregon, rescuing a runaway black ten-year-old from the streets and alleys of the city. The story involves the hero taking the boy under his wings. The hero is divorced and has a ten-year-old son of his own. The son lives with the ex-wife. He visits DHS to report his find. He eventually dates and falls in love with the lady from DHS.

The mother of the boy, 35 years of age is just at this same period of time being released from women’s prison south of Portland. She is intent on re-establishing custody of her son from DHS. Her incarceration was on a drug dealing bust. She is out on three years parole. Her past involvement with the local drug lord brings conflict which eventually touches the main character as well as the law enforcement agencies both local and regional.


About the author:

Don Jenkins comes late to the novel writing community. At age 76 he has just finished novel number 4. Don lives in Eugene, Oregon with his wife Sharon. They have been married for 58 years. They have three grown sons and two grandchildren. Don is retired from many years in the billboard business. Life is good and writing is a fine pastime.

Defender of Fanithia

Articulous is a High Mage in the Realm of Fanithia with a heavy burden. The demon dragon kin named Drake and his goblin army threatens to wipe out his entire village killing everyone he has ever cared about. With no other choice Articulous puts his faith in a 12 year old Earth boy named Quintil and his 3 adopted warrior children. Quintil is a talented fencer on Earth but has never had to apply his swordplay to real combat. Will Quintil rise to become the Defender of Fanithia or be overwhelmed by Drakes hatred?

A Change in the Weather

Joe and Charlotte will face incredible odds to find what few people truly acquire in this lifetime, a true soulmate. Joe newly snatched from his home land is the newest slave on the plantation and Charlotte is the master’s daughter. Their stormy love affair will endure all time and keep you on edge, guessing. You will be right there on the plantation as you journey with them through all obstacles.


About the author:

George Fluellen is the pastor of two small churches in Middle Georgia. After graduating high school, he worked odd jobs one of which was a custodian at the First Baptist Church in his hometown. It was during this time he received the calling of the Lord. The pastor of that church encouraged him to begin theology classes.   He attended the Union Baptist Seminary where he obtained his master’s in theology and a Doctor of Divinity Degree. He grew up hearing the stories of his forefathers from his parents. He was always fascinated of how they had to overcome many obstacles and struggles. This interest in his ancestry motivated him to begin his documentation and research into the lives of his ancestors.

God’s Workout Plan to Defeat a Bully at Work

Christians are called to represent the Jesus Christ in a society that is becoming insensitive and cruel. Satan and his demonic spirits (the enemy) main priority is to use people who do not know Jesus Christ or use those who deny Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to target you for distraction, deception and ultimately your destruction! Consequently, you will be bullied by those who are being misled by the enemy. Bullying can affect you in many destructive ways. This book will unlock the power of God in you through a workout plan to defeat the bully at work.


About the author:

Dr.Dothel W. Edwards, Jr. is a tenured professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Studies in the College of Health Sciences at Alabama State University (ASU). In addition to his full-time faculty responsibilities at ASU, he provides vocational expert witness testimony for the Social Security Administration Office of Hearing Operations (OHO) and works as a Certified Life Care Planner and a certified Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. Dr. Edwards’ has published and conducted presentations in the areas of interests are quality of life issues among persons with disabilities, professional ethics in vocational rehabilitation, forensic rehabilitation, and workplace bullying.

The Transformation of Benjamin Wilson

Ben Wilson is a man on the run. Running from his crime and running from himself. His life is a hopeless trainwreck. But Ben is given a second chance and is ultimately transformed into something he never thought possible.

About the author:

Rick Roberts is a missionary with the Assemblies of God. He gave his life to Jesus Christ in 1973. After making music his god for many years, Jesus delivered him from a self-centered life and put him into His service. Rick met and married his wife, Patti, in 1974 and together they have served God in inner city ministry, 17 years of pastoring, 6 years as missionaries to Albania, 9 years as missionary pastors to Albanian immigrants in Philadelphia, PA, and currently serve as Intercultural Missionaries in Lafayette, LA. Rick is a singer songwriter and author. Rick and Patti have two children and six beautiful grandchildren.

Cynbel et Zothia : Hommage a Haïti roman

Cynbel et Zothia est un roman d’amour d’une portée universelle qui suggère à ses lecteurs de découvrir un nouvel univers, à la fois cocasse, captivant et distinctif de par la texture de ses personnages et les vertus historiques noblement révélées et soigneusement traduites dans un langage romanesque et chantant.

Cynbel et Zothia sont deux jeunes conquérants élevés dans la stricte tradition de la bourgeoisie et de la province haïtiennes, destinés à la profession d’avocat. Ils se cherchaient pendant longtemps sans le savoir, jusqu’à ce qu’une troublante circonstance les entraîne dans un tourbillon insaisissable où leurs vertus réciproques vont, au bout du compte, se plier aux exigences irréductibles des rituels de leurs pères pour l’accomplissement de leur dessein.

Comme on dit, entre avoir une idée et la mettre sur le papier, il y a un monde. Le stress de la feuille blanche n’est pas un mythe, et c’est pourquoi l’écriture est un art. En ce sens, Roland Rodené, né à Les Anglais, Haïti a bien su en faire usage pour exposer au monde l’autre facette de la société haïtienne et l’authenticité de sa foi en Jésus-Christ, qu’il croit être au-dessus de toute chose.


About the author:

Cet homme est un grand amoureux de l’histoire et de ce pays ponctué de malheurs en tout genre. Roland Rodené est d’une grande culture générale. Dans la foulée, il est détenteur d’un mastaire en sciences administratives de Boston University. Il épouse Mona Louis, avec laquelle il a un garçon du nom de Josué Rodené. Avec le temps, on a pu le voir étonnament évoluer sur scène en tant qu’acteur de théâtre, avec un réfl exe artistique bien ajusté. Cynbel et Zothia est une oeuvre littéraire d’une éloquence historique, chrétienne et Culturelle très émouvante. C’est à lire par toutes celles et tous ceux auxquels échappe l’autre dimension de la société haïtienne, facteur d’émerveillement et d’espoir.