
Play Date for Anna Kate

Anna Kate is a spunky young girl who finds herself in an adventure on her way to a play date. While getting herself in some rather unusual situations, she discovers friendships and opens her heart to those different from herself. Anna Kate sets a fine example in the way she handles herself when unexpected things happen. Playdate for Anna Kate is the 4th book in The ABC Adventure Series by Debra G. Watts. These books are to instill positive role models for children as they learn to face everyday obstacles.

About the Author:

DEBRA G. WATTS is a retired teacher who resides in the small community of Harrodsburg located in the Bluegrass region of Kentucky. She has authored a music teaching guide entitled ā€œListening Guides for Americaā€™s Greatest Musicalsā€ and written and illustrated 3 childrenā€™s picture book ā€œCARter CAR and his Wild and CARazy Birthdayā€, ā€œJude the Dudeā€, and ā€œDean Goes Greenā€. Currently, Debra is an MAT (Masters of Arts in Teaching) Supervisor for the University of the Cumberlands where she mentors Practicum and Student Teachers.

She loves writing strong, positive characters who become role models for children. She takes writing stories very seriously trying to teach a moral through each one. The lead characters in her stories are named after children she knows.

Praise For The Human Heart

This slim volume represents the stories of many lives, exploring what it means to be human. Some are fictionalized real stories and some are real occurrences but with imagined emotional responses, and some really happened but motives and developments are fiction. All writers must start somewhere, and most start with their own life, then branch out into the stories other people tell them. They finally reach the point where the writer can understand how people talk, feel, respond, and remember the events of a lifetime and then they write books.

About the Author:

Phyllis Davidson is a retired teacher with a Masterā€™s Degree. She has taught school at all levels from elementary to university. A reading specialist, she has devoted her retirement to volunteering to teach reading skills to students in first grade and to inmates in a womanā€™s prison.

She is the author of two other collections of short stories: The Silver Bell, a group of Christmas stories, and Firmament, tales of fantasy and science fiction. Her favorite past time is traveling the world. She is a native of Idaho and lives there with her cat, Sweet William.

Step This Way

Tully Greenwood figured prominently in the first two books in this series, “Change For The Bettor” and “Soul Searcher”.

In this third and final book in the series Tully’s son, Craig, is the center of attention as he is shot three times behind a tavern trying to save the daughter of a high school classmate.

Craig actually dies, is lifted up to Heaven and meets our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Lord thanks Craig for saving the girl’s life, promises him a reward one year later and returns him to his hospital bed where he wakes up in front of his family.

After a troublesome bullet is removed from Craig’s spine he spends the next year rehabbing.

He gets out of his wheelchair to walk during halftime of his son’s crucial game against archrival Southport South, Craig’s alma mater.

Craig walks in front of TV cameras and microphones, and his son, Mitch makes a school-record nine three-pointers in the underdog East Milwaukee Greyhounds’ 72-65 win over the South Cardinals.

Craig goes on to live a normal life, even though he has to walk with a cane. Mitch makes First Team All-State, leads his team to the state’s Final Eight in Madison and walks on at Marquette University.

Meanwhile, Tully gets over his bitterness toward his friends and the shooter and becomes an even better soul searcher.

About the Author:

Randy Donais is a firm believer in life after death and once again shares that vision with you in his third novel, ā€œStep This Wayā€.

Tully Greenwood is a prominent character like he was in ā€œChange for the Bettorā€ and ā€œSoul Searcherā€, but this time it is his son, Craig, who takes center stage as he experiences the miracle of walking again after being shot three times behind a tavern.

The characters and names are all fictional, but Randyā€™s message is real. The story takes place in 2034 and 2035 to make the time line fit between the three books.

Randy Donais was born in Kenosha, Wisconsin on January 5, 1956 and still resides there. He is a 1974 graduate of Tremper High School and a 1978 graduate of Wisconsin-Whitewater where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in English and Journalism.

Randy was primarily a sportswriter during his 30 years in the newspaper business. Some physical issues relative to type 2 diabetes forced Randy into retirement at the end of 2016 and now writes books to satisfy his lifelong passion.

Randy has also written the biography of Joyce Westerman, ā€œQueen of Diamonds,ā€ a veteran of the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.

The Girl Who Cried Daddy

The girl who cried daddy.! is a book of heart-wrenching, but deeply ultimately, uplifting story of family, love, loyalty, about the Author, an autobiography of little girl, that grew up without a loving mother, wandering through her early life as a young girl and lady, unaware of danger, wrong and right, because she had no one to teach her anything about the facts of life, Her mother passed when she was only 2 years old. She was just 11 years old, when she was taken from her previous step parents, whom she thought were her biological parents, she was taken after when her dad first became a preacher, she learned that she didnā€™t have a real mother, when she began staying with her father and two brothers at the age of 11, a young girl that age really needed a motherā€™s love and someone to give her advice. but she managed to get through Grammar school, living with her step parents, and she lived with grandmother , which was my dadā€™s mother the rst year of high school, even though was called a holy roller girl, and teased by other kids, by the little
head coving I was made to wear, by my 3rd step mom, and I never went to my high school prom, because our holy family didnā€™t think it was appropriate, and none of the boys would talk to me, also it was against her family religion ,her dad didnā€™t allow her to have a boyfriend ,or even talk to boys, so after high school ,she went on and finish her nursing , at Ga Medical Institute, Atlanta GA in 1993, doing things, little girls did
was all missed, SHE WANTED TO be A CHEERLEADER IN HIGH SCHOOL, BUT HER DAD SAID THAT THE SKIRTS THEY WORE WERE TOO SHORT! and no daughter of his is gonna wear anything like that, those were his rules, that I had to live by! as long as I were a minor in his house, my father Bishop Smith ,was a very strict, Preacher., with his 3 kids, family and his church. But any time anyone in the church or in our family had any type of problems, they would always cry to my Daddy! Bishop Please pray for me, but my father failed to realize , is that his three children especially his only Daughter, was Crying all the time asking God why did her
Biological Mother!! DIE? So young! At age 24, never ever got to see us reach puberty, or even start school, I was a Sad Girl for years missing the Love of a REAL Mother.

You Are Destined To Soar!

This book is purported to encourage and assure us that we are destined to live in victory. There are people living in disparity, mediocrity, and unfulfilled. We are formed by our creator to live above and not beneath.
We are to abstain from procrastinating and step up to soar to excellence. We will soar when we walk in obedience with our creator.

This book is an avenue for me to encourage you as a wonderful person you are to soar to success. You may, in your current status, feel prosperous and wealthy but yet you are not in Godā€™s plan for your life. Seek and
ask God your creator to lead you in perfect peace to discover His divine purpose for your life.

About the Author:

Dr. (Mrs.) Margaret Ngozi Iduma is an educator with passion. She has a Master degree in Reading, and Educational Specialist in Curriculum and Instruction from Wayne State University. She also
earned her PhD in Christian Counseling from Christian Leadership University. She aspires in constructing curriculum that will help both parents and educators to train and teach our children better. She is very passionate in prayers, married, and blessed with three great sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren. She is a living proof that great things can happen in the life of any believer.

The Dark Runner

The Dark Runner is the story of an African holy man who travels by running. Arriving at his sisterā€™s village, he discovers she has been kidnaped by slavers and traded to the captain of an American ship.
To rescue his sister, he trades himself for her release. He doesnā€™t understand it but he finds he is driven by an inner impulse to fulfill an unknown destiny in North America.

It is this journey and his impact on all those he meets with a brief telling of their stories and redemption that best describes the story of the Dark Runner.

About the Author:

Born in Cleveland Ohio and moved to California in the 1950ā€™s. He graduated from Los Angeles State College with a BA. His studies were mostly in the Life and Physical Sciences. He worked for Los Angeles Police Department for more than 25 years. Once retired he began writing.

He and his wife and family have resided in Chino, California for the last 43 years.

ā€œFamily is very important to me. Hopefully any success I have will light the candle of imagination in one of my heirs,ā€ Mr. McLeod stated.

From Welfare To Entrepreneur: The Welfare Entrepreneur, The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Success In The Marketplace

I wrote this book to inspire the people that were counted out, overlooked, the underdog, and the dreamer. When I was writing this book, I wanted to encourage the reader to keep believing in yourself no matter what obstacles you face. To keep moving in your vision even if it doesnā€™t look like what you expected it to be. No matter the hand you are dealt you can to make the best out of a not so good situation. I feel like people sometimes just need a push or even a little nudge to jump start their career. You donā€™t have to be the smartest person to be successful it starts with a drive and willingness to go even if no one else goā€™s and to believe in yourself when people think you are crazy for dreaming that big. I wanted the Leaders of today to keep leading even if you only have one person following you keep leading eventually things will turn around for you. I wanted the reader to dream big and take the limits off.

About the Author:

I was born and raised in Philadelphia to two teen parents. Not understanding my purpose in life I became a teen mom determined not to stay in a place of defeat and wanting to break the cycle. I had to turn my situation around of being a teen mom and now on welfare. So, I focused on completing high school and was determined not to drop out. After completing high school, I raised my son as a single mother, so now with no support I had to make a living for my son and I. Which led me down a path of jobs. Thatā€™s when I decided being an entrepreneur was best for me and came from welfare to an entrepreneur. Being the first entrepreneur in my family breaking the cycle for the next generation. I didnā€™t know being my own Boss would even work for me. But now being almost 11 years being an entrepreneur I couldnā€™t see it being any other way. I am thankful for my path in which I had to take to make me the resilient women I am today and every day I am still being perfected.

Mommy and Daddy Are Having Another Baby Phoooey!

Sade Grace is a child with a wild imagination , who is used to being the center of attention. When her
parents announce there is another baby on the horizon, Sadie Grace is not happy. Mom and Dad must figure out a way to convince her that their love for her wonā€™t change and they better do it quick because Sadie makes it clear she does not want to share and thatā€™s that!

About the Author:

Kay Nicole Varner carries many titles yet her greatest accomplishment is being a Mom to her beautiful girls. Being an author is a bonus because it allows her to write on what she considers the three aspects of life:
Love, Faith, Hope. Her messages are simple, Allow Faith and Love to guide you as you continue to have Hope navigating through lifeā€™s greatest challenges.

Who Do People Say That You Are

The free flow of personalities offering much opinion, ideas, brings in a flood of opportunity that determines oneā€™s productivity. What is it … in The World that will guarantee oneā€™s present and future success, runs across minds regularly.

Your appearance… spirit.., is the item that stays with the memory of others. Whether positive or negative …if you care or do not, the reality is that.. ā€œwhoā€ do people say that you.. ā€œ areā€ does matter !
This is when one looks inside, and discovers personality, character…and the value of purpose.
This is when you know that you hear great things, concerning…. who do people say that you are..!

About the Author:

The Author is the owner of Creation Architectural Consultants from the twin isle republic of Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean. Having lived in various places and conditions, David has become an Apostle and leads Rebirth Freedom In Christ Ministries to establish The Kingdom of God in Christ Jesus. The Abiding Presence Habitation, is explored, bringing reality and completion to religious issues through relationship issues. Now author of:

Book 1, The Truth Shall Make You Free
Book 2, Who Do People Say That You Are
Book 3, Where Art Thou
Book 4, The Fruit of The Vine
Book 5, If I am Lifted Up
Book 6, Of Lions and Of Lambs
Book 7, The Lord Will Suddenly Come


God – I AM: 700 Names of God, Titles and Attributes

God ā€“ I AM presents a compendium of over 700 names, titles, and attributes of God, from the Authorized version of His Word, the Holy Scriptures, with accompanying Scripture verses, and illustrations, including additional writing to assist the reader to draw nearer to God, our benevolent Creator. God is not a ā€œcosmic sugar-daddyā€, but a good, and loving heavenly Father, who desires that we know Him. He is far greater than we can ever comprehend. Godā€™s Word itself has power. This book is designed that the reader may know Godā€™s names, and for His glory.

About the Author:

Teresa L. Steele is an author and book illustrator, born in the north of England U.K. and now residing in Ontario, Canada. She is a keen student of the Bible, and is well-travelled.

She has a Diploma in interpretive book illustration from Sheridan College, Ontario, as well as a Diploma in Education and Training from Sunderland University, England.