
Love, War and the Ninth Michigan Volunteers

Anyone who had first-hand knowledge of the greatest American conflict has long since passed into their grave. Today, personal knowledge of that period comes through viewing deteriorating grave stones or walking through the few surviving antebellum homes where men and women lived, loved and sometimes died. Occasional visits to dressed up battlefields helps visitors to reconnect to the most terrible or triumphant moments of that war. Viewing Civil War re-enactors who stage mock battles while wearing and carrying clothing and equipment duplicating the 1860s items, adds a vital look at the enormous efforts that terrible war required. With the exception re-enactors, the modern American has lost all personal connection to the men and women who fought, suffered and died to carry our nation into its present.
This book as an effort to return the civil war reader to a more personal identity with the men and women of yesterday. It started by focusing solely on a specific group of men, the men and boys who were the rank and file of Company B of the Ninth Michigan Volunteer Infantry Regiment. But, as the research proceeded deeper into the past, it became apparent that their story had to be told as part of a larger narrative. The narrative now includes the entire Ninth Michigan Regiment and especially Colonel John Gibson Parkhurst who did have a story worth telling.


Compiled for the common person for everyday use at all levels, Decision Making from the Grass Roots Up is based on years of both military leadership and professional civilian experiences. Larry Langlois, Sr. believes that we can prepare everyone to become part of the industry improvement team.

So, he provides a simple but effective method for the “Train the Trainer” concept and how to deliver a presentation on decision-making. This training offers a logical, progressive, yet simple format for creating solutions presented in a professional manner, both written and oral.


We are not alone in the universe.

Art, Adrian, Larry, and Delbert have discovered a portal that takes them into a dwarf planet that has to maneuver itself in space to avoid comets and rogue moons. It’s an ethereal place where extraterrestrial beings with superpowers exist. But what they didn’t know are the dangers that lurk in every corner of the undiscovered planet. Will they be able to make it back to Earth alive?

The ship is about to embark on an otherworldly journey. Fasten your seatbelt and get ready for takeoff.

Your Amazing Children

Greg Pettys has given us a wonderful guide in his book, Your Amazing Children, 15 Keys That Unlock Greatness in your Children.

It is insightful, revelatory, practical and truthful in its approach and conclusions. With practical experience, discernment and wisdom, Greg leads us on a journey through the Mountain Peaks of Joy and the Dark Valleys of unexpected challenges while still keeping our focus on the final goal of unlocking our children’s greatness.

There is comfort for our pain, wisdom for our decisions, and strategies for our success as parents. Children are champion carriers of divine gifts into the next generation. It is every parent’s responsibility and privilege to steward and shape the formative years of their children by training, modeling and telling the truth. While not even God will overrule the will or decisions of those children, the opportunity to unlock their greatness and implant principles of eternal truth that will shape those decisions is always existent.

No matter where you are in your parenting or grandparenting experience, you will be blessed and equipped as you read this book.

Economics, Power, and Group Dynamics

There’s a new economic theory in class—and everyone will know of it through Economics, Power, and Group Dynamics.

Dissatisfied with the current economics and economic systems, Philip A. Bralich demonstrates a new economic theory that can reduce the division of rich and poor people, and increase the size of the middle classes, challenging the dynamic of the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer.

If you wish to see for yourself how one can do it, with every flip of a page, Economics, Power, and Group Dynamics always has something in store for you.

The Grey Areas

A woman is found floating on a rubber raft at sea, beaten half to death and comatose. She awakens from her coma with no recollection of who she is and what had happened to her. But after marrying the lawyer who was made to be her legal guardian, she begins to have flashbacks of her past.

Suddenly, two men appeared; both are claiming to be her CIA partner. And both of them are claiming that the other is a Russian agent trying to discover where she hid something of high importance.

Who is she going to believe?

Confessions of a Substitute Teacher

Discover the untold stories of being a sub.

There are many reasons to become a substitute teacher, such as flexible hours, and almost no teaching experience necessary. Substitute teachers also have relatively few non-work responsibilities and the ability to choose the age group of students to teach.

However, all that may not be the case. In this book by John Barr Jr., personal experiences of a substitute teacher are shared to readers who wish to know more about what it’s like to be a sub to a classroom filled with raucous students.

Do you think you can be a substitute teacher? Then you might want to check this book out!

Blake’s Story, Revenge and Forgiveness (2nd Edition) Full Color

There is no time for friendship during a war. But a young soldier proved it otherwise.

Blake Bradford, a young Confederate soldier, falls into the hands of the enemy when he was wounded at the Perryville battle. But the story takes a riveting turn when young Federal soldiers treat his wounds and protect him as a friend.

After everything he has seen, he doesn’t want to fight anymore. He just wants to go home. But can he make it home alive?

Thirty-Nine Days

We’ve all had struggles ourselves, yet we’re often unaware of how quickly we can overcome them. When you’re about to lose your faith, God makes a way to help you revive it.

Michael Stosic was prepared to leave everything behind, including his very successful business, in order to serve God full-time. But he was met with disappointments and pain that rendered him depressed. He was ready to let go of his faith but an incredible thing changed that.

As you go on in a spiritual journey with Michael Stosic, you’ll discover how he triumphs over every circumstance, leaving you to ponder and contemplate on how you would do so yourself.


Life has a way of surprising us when we least expect it.

That’s what happened to Chad’tu. Just when he thought everything was right in his life, something happened. Now, to solve his problems, he has to go on a dangerous journey with a wolf in tow.

Will fate be good to him?