
Nanny In Prada

She wore shiny red spiked open toed extremely high heels. I guess to look taller than her five-foot
frame. These shoes not acceptable for work attire and would be destructive if someone stepped on
your foot or used them as a weapon. However, this endearing woman who came to help me raise my
children was too impressive for me to notice. Her name Mnemosyne, how impressive a soft woman
with a silky dress and a gentle disposition, I could not have wished for a better nanny than what she

About the Author:

My name is Michelle Vermon-Vondra. I published two poetry books under the pen name Shelly V
Vondra that were my first creations. One was My Life in A Nutshell and the other Pancakes for Sasha.
They explain life growing up with my family, friends and children. I am publishing my first short story,
Nanny in Prada, in hopes that my readers will be interested in my abilities to write fictional short stories. This story is based on events in my life, but fictional to keep my readers interest. I am thrilled to have this opportunity to keep the readers I have and introduce myself to any new readers of interest. I am a mother of three children that are now grown and accomplished and love writing fictional based short stories. You will find I love getting to the point and find that writing a novel will be my focus someday in the future. Thank you for reading!

Do You Love Me? : Discover How To Deepen Your Love For God

ā€œDo you love me?ā€ Imagine Jesus asking you this question. How would you answer Him? What really constitutes loving God? In the Gospels, Jesus proclaims that loving God is the greatest of all commands. He even asks the Apostle Peter this question three times! But how do we really know what Jesus thinks of what we call ā€˜loving Godā€™? This book of daily devotions addresses human heart issues that everyone faces, regardless of culture, giving practical illustrations and valuable insights on how we can grow more passionate and genuine in our love for God, bringing joy to His heart.

About the Author:

Don was born in St. Joseph, Michigan. He graduated from Michigan State University in 1970 and earned a Masters degree from Wheaton College Graduate School in 1978. Most of his career was in business in NE Ohio but from 2009-2011 Don served as VP of Operations and Director of Student Life at Williamson College in Franklin, TN. There he began writing a devotional blog for Staff and students at the college. He and his wife Donna have 4 wonderful married sons and 10 delightful grandchildren. They reside in NE Ohio and recently celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary.


A no nonsense guide for the new believer in Christ that is a must. Explore the next steps that are vital for you to thrive as a Christian. This book can be used as a reference that you will go back to time and time again.
ā€¢ Get a good foundation as a Christian using the principles included.
ā€¢ Be inspired and strengthened with a key Bible memory verse in bold in each chapter.
ā€¢ Gain inspiration from personal experiences and lessons learned from the author.
ā€¢ Dig deeper using the questions for reflection and discussion at the end of every chapter.

About the Author:

Tracey Mulherin is a Born-Again Spirit-filled Christian. In this book, she shares her insights, tips, and personal experiences to get you started on your new journey, living the exhilarating life as a Christian. She was ordained as a minister in 2017 by Jameson School of Ministry. She was certified in 2018 as a Christian Growth Coach by the Christian Coaching School. In 2017 the Lord prompted her to start a business. She has a passion for equipping Christians for their destiny and calling. You can learn more about what she has to offer at www.TheEquipmentFactory.com

Evergreen: We Are Not The Masks We Wear, We Are The Light That Shines Through

We often allow the external world to define us and tell us who we are, but in truth this is not us. At our core we are something much more than the masks we put on with family, friends, and at work. There is a light within us emanating from our heart, and when we remember it we begin living our truth. Through a traumatic injury Trey began looking at himself only to realize he had no idea who he was. Evergreen brings to life Treyā€™s vision of waking up to our true nature within. We are already enough.

About the Author:

TREY JACKSON is the founder of Free-Minds blog & podcast. He is also the author of this book, part one of a three book series. Trey graduated from the University of Tennessee with a BA in History & Supply Chain Management. He grew up in Nashville, TN, with a short stint in Knoxville, TN. He now resides in Atlanta, GA. He also spent a short time working as a stand-up comedian between college and his first corporate job. He now serves as a medium, and authors books to promote growth in himself and others on their journeys of self-discovery.

Never Remove the Cornerstone

The story set in modern-day (early 2007) Metropolitan Atlanta (Atlanta and Riverdale, Georgia) and details the one-on-one interview with a mysterious, enigmatic, middle-aged man, who proves to have been a real person, documented a having been born in a Louisiana Creole French town around 1844. The author interviews the stranger, discovering certain supernatural abilities. Recollections of past events of both gentlemen intersect in time and space, a unique messageā€”the stranger, insisting that one should never remove lifeā€™s fragile and
necessary cornerstones. Then, just as bizarre as the mystery man appeared, he disappears.

About the Author:

The author, Byron Marcellɵ Coleman, born the year Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka was decided, is a self-employed independent business consultant, educator and accomplished gardener. His passion is to celebrate his understanding that mankind is a marvelous creation and that ā€œ…Through his (mankindā€™s) mind he can leap oceans, break through walls, and transcend the categories of time and space.ā€ His interests include: History, the arts, music, genealogy and ā€˜growing stuff.ā€™

The Perfect Woman

There is a hermaphrodite born in about one of every 250 thousand births annually! Paula, or shall I say Paul, was one of them.

An overzealous Dr. Meggett would further complicate natureā€™s cruel error by ordering the wrong surgery. Being raised as a boy with two brothers by just his mother brought confusion and emotional turmoil to this human being.

Nature at work, Paulā€™s body began changing at the onset of puberty, so his mother finally revealed his birth. Now he understood his confusion and could start his life as Paula, like nature originally intended.

As this story winds through her life, she encounters many, many obstacles.

Get ready to experience the ride of your life.

About the Author:

SPIKE LYNCH resides in Southern California and has written more than twenty-three screenplays and/or stories, some of which have been produced or published, such as the films Dead in the Morning, Windshield Wiper, and Tough Competition. Watch for his next thriller, Zekeā€™s Peak.

Crossroads of Souls

This place of desolation became a window to the past.
A lone caretaker witnessed the metamorphosis. She silently absorbed the shock, the awe, the inspiration each guest experienced. Each was immersed in apparitions long ago forgotten or, buried in their soul to soothe their current existence without encumbrances. The antiquities harbored on dusty shelves waited for their revelation to unleash the secrets long ago embedded there. It was only time that would allow seekers to one day again take in their presence.
This strange place was a portal of discovery. Where truth was reborn.

About the Author:

Mr. Kuhn resides in Reno, Nevada. Mr. Kuhn has two young adult children and a grand-daughter. His daughter is the Vice principal of an elementary school and his son is an environmental engineer. Mr. Kuhn has had the privilege of traveling through Southeast Asia for work and many spots in Europe for pleasure. His writing style is largely based on personal experiences and stories he brings to life in riveting prose. Mr. Kuhnā€™s writing skills developed after many years of technical writing in the environmental field. Mr. Kuhn has a bachelorā€™s degree from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and a masterā€™s degree from the University of Nevada at Reno. Later in life, Mr. Kuhn found his voice as a recreational writer after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Today he manually types his manuscripts with one finger while entrenched in his wheelchair. He writes fictional stories in the adventure, mystery and science fiction genres. He also writes short stories and poems.
Mr. Kuhn seeks to convey answers to mysteries we encounter in everyday life. It is his hope to make us all question and seek the truth behind lifeā€™s surprises. If he is successful in making just one of his readers ask why, he deems himself a triumph in making us question a little above and beyond the ordinary.

Game of Stealth

A future President of the United States is paralyzed by the errant bullet from the gun of a drug and gun smuggler. Frank Dewey Ryder, still partially disabled, and his Secret Service bodyguards are nearly killed by a top secret surveillance dolphin while diving in Hawaiian waters thirty years later. Why? International intrigue follows the President, the drug and gun smuggler, and the bottlenose dolphin as their lives wind around each other like stands of DNA. The President is captured and taken aboard a foreign submarine. Can he be rescued by anyone or anything in the Presidentā€™s huge hightech arsenal? Game of Stealth is a powerful and provocative story, rich with characters and a punch that will leave you wondering if it was all true.

About the Author:

Robert William Hult has played dual roles for most of his life. At the same time he was a submariner, he was a student of animal behavior. At the same time he was a scientist, he was a practicing, published expert in dolphin, porpoise and whale behaviorā€”a cetologist. While he was a retailer for nearly thirty years, he was a filmmaker and a writer of science, science fiction and history. As a caretaker, he has also been a book publisher.

Fatal Coincidence

Fatal Coincidence takes the reader from the jungles of a Central American country to the concrete jungle of New York City. It takes the reader from the tough streets of little Italy in south Philly to the lofty privileged environment of Wall Street. Miguel, Dante, and Robert are on a collision course. Their lives are about to converge in a web of mystery, violence, jealousy, and a string of coincidences that puts them in the same place, at the same time, affected by the same tragic event, that took the lives Dante and Robertā€™s associates.

About the Author:

Before founding CFG Tony spent his career in the electronic distribution industry. He started in sales and finished as CEO running a multi hundred-million-dollar company. Twelve years ago, he decided to get out of the corporate world. After a number of entrepreneurial ventures losing almost his entire net worth they found themselves needing to go back to work.

Consequently, he founded Cucchi Financial Group, an insurance based financial services agency. Since then he has helped hundreds of clients put their money where they can never lose it and never lose their gains yearly. His clients NEVER experience the tremendous loss that he did and they can never outlive their retirement funds. He is also a member of the National Ethics Bureau.

Strike at the Heart: The Rescue Mission

Colonel John Harris, U.S. Army Special Forces, goes back in time to retrieve his lost men. But something is blocking their way from leaving. Some blame the ghost of Harrisā€™s adversary, Mhalglami, and some blame the land gone wild. Harris is afraid that this time they may bring back more than they bargained for.

USA, both Teri and Masai, longs for a world where her mixed heritage does not matter. Although promised to Nā€™Grundbligimi since childhood, their marriage is opposed by powerful forces from both within and outside the tribe. She wants to pursue her dreams. But will she find such place?

About The Author:

Born in Davenport, Iowa, L.W. Berrie was educated in California. Graduated from California State University of Los Angeles with a B.S. in Mathematics and Science, he worked 23 years in the aerospace industry. He went back to school in the Legal Assistance Program at the University of California at Irvine (UCI) and graduated with a perfect 4.0 grade point average. He took additional writing courses at UCI to improve his skill as a writer. The UCI library system and the Special Forces at Fort Bragg, N.C. provided the research materials to write the story.