
Boondoggle: The Grand Delusion of American Education

The author provides abundant, compelling, anecdotal evidence for what is really wrong with American education, and it isn’t what both the U.S education establishment and the politicians (“No Child Left Behind” & “Common Core”) have led Americans to believe it is.

What’s REALLY wrong is that it is the re-arranging of the deck chairs on the Titanic of a rigid, mechanistic education paradigm that has characterized American schools from the 18th through 20th centuries, but is inappropriate and inadequate for the 21st.

It goes on to describe how it SHOULD be, which is humane and Socratic, rather than sterile and dogmatic.

Standing Tall: On One Leg

When Joel Soukup was diagnosed with osteosarcoma at the age of sixteen, the diagnosis changed him and his family forever. This family traveled down an unknown path and emerged from their journey in a way they never expected.

Read how this young patient and his family handled the devastating diagnosis with strength, love, and faith in God.

BusiWord: Business World

“An incredible creative work! If you believe that learning finance has to be dry and boring, this book will change your mind with its creative spin on key concepts.”

Aswath Damodaran, Professor of Finance at the Stern School of
Business at New York University

“The author wrote an innovative workbook on financial management combining deep financial knowledge with an entertaining method of training”

Prof. Dr. Dr. Dietmar Ernst, CFM

“Very creative, and the puzzles are a fun way to learn or reinforce accounting and finance terms and topics!”

Jeff Thomson, CMA, CAE, Presisent and CEO IMA®

BusiWord includes major 350 business terms, concepts, models, and formulas in the accounting, finance, investment, management, economics, and marketing fields. The purpose of this book is to learn or assess your information while you are enjoying solving crossword puzzles. It is a fruitful use of time! A book in your bag everywhere! It can be on the road, at the airport, in the office, or at home. It can be solved in private, with your colleague, or within a group.

The Gold Mine: What would you do?

Could God’s love really be more valuable than gold? Does God have the power to change a person from the inside out? Take a couple of hours, and see what you think. Then ask yourself: how do I value the love of God? Is it way more valuable than I think?

The Gold Mine is a book that aids us in understanding the love of God and its value. It helps us comprehend how much it encompasses even the most precious of gold. It teaches every believer that even with the numerous circumstances, God’s love is as valuable to us as we are to him.

The Treasure of the Crystal Cave: A Fairy Tale

Rumors travel fast!

A long time ago, in a faraway land, everyone knows the legend of the Crystal Cave, a place that holds fabulous wealth and riches—which extends far beyond any man’s imagination.

According to the story, a few people have found it, only to die before claiming the ultimate prize. That is until the daring adventurer, Alaric, came along. Just like other men, he had hoped to find the cave of riches. But for years, all the clues always lead him to a dead end.

Yet just when he decides to stop looking for the treasures, his intuition kicks in and he is pushed into a journey full of dangerous adventures. He then finds something unwarranted that is much more valuable than a chest full of gold and a bag of rare gemstones.

The Terminal

Scuba diver Eric Rayner disappears while diving at Dean's Blue Hole in Long Island, Bahamas. Atlantis researcher Allison Chandley is approached by Italian billionaire Sergio Franca. USGS political liaison Walker Reade is studying a report by a young seismologist detailing a possible eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera. Each of these seemingly unrelated incidents is tied together, leading to an incredible journey back in time to the ancient kingdom of Atlantis. While following in Eric's footsteps, Allison is whisked away, pulled 70,000 years into the past to end up in the fabled Atlantis. She finds the kingdom in shambles and under constant attack by strange creatures called the Abaddon. When Allison is captured by the creatures, the people of Atlantis deploy an ancient biological weapon to destroy them. Eric and Allison must join together to find a control system called The Terminal, which can alter time and space. The Terminal is a stunning sci-fi thriller that adeptly explores how a past civilization could exist and what that existence could teach today's world.

A Long Stretch of Blue

Arfel Booker is a great young blues musician in the 1940s South. One night, after playing a blues gig in a new town, a beautiful woman takes him back to her log cabin to make love. In the morning (after blacking out from too much liquor), he awakens to an unwelcome surprise. Instead of the woman, an unfamiliar white man is in the bed, and the man’s throat has been slashed with Arfel’s knife.

Arfel knows he’s been framed, and he makes a run for it and heads north by hopping trains. Once in a safe distance from the southern town, Arfel makes the acquaintance of Lemontree Johnson, a fellow blues man who helps to reestablish Arfel’s music and him. Despite this spot of good luck, Arfel’s troubles are far from over.

Lemontree is the only person who knows the truth about Arfel’s run from the south and his current state as suspected murderer. All seems lost when a bounty hunter arrives looking for Arfel. Who is the strange murdered white man and how will Arfel Booker escape the long arm of the law this time?

Beyond Light : The X-Ray Photography of Nature

“Everybody knows that you need light to be able to see things. But is that really true? The doctor “sees” the unborn baby by using ultrasound. And in a slightly different way so does the bat. The air traffic controller “sees” the oncoming plane by using radar. Soldiers use heat wave to “see” the hidden enemy. Then of course the artist “sees” by using his imagination. And there are more examples: the scanning microscope uses electrons to “see” very small animals, etc. So, seeing with light is just one way of perceiving the world around you. The images in this book are made by using x-rays (the x-rays for finding broken bones). And you will see that x-rays help you see the world in another “light”.”

Kinsman Redeemer

A promise pact written on parchment was made between the Englishman Lord Harold of Rockhaven Castle and Kormac the Dane. But the parchment was stolen and altered. When King Svein Forkbeard arrives at Rockhaven in the spring of 1013 with that parchment he claims to be the recipient of the promises.
Wiley,13, alias Son of Nobody, is recognized by two Danish strangers. The parchment disappears again and Wiley flees for his life. Aided by an alchemist with Greek Fire, Thoren the Viking, a dwarf named Toadskin plus Forkbeard's son Knute, 17, Wiley learns his history and gains insight into God's foreknowledge.

World Revolution 101

One hundred years ago, the victory of Chinese October Revolution led by Dr. SUN Yat-sen and the victory of Russian October Revolution, headed by V.I.LENIN, opened up the new era of the Infant Socialist Revolution that has dominated the world affairs ever since. They pioneered the socialist revolution, yet they may have not realized the infant nature of such revolution. Without existing successful example to follow, they naturally always try to compare their behavior to the standard of Marx’s Orthodox socialist theory: that often caused them to make the mistake of leaning too far left. Yet there is no reason to expect that the Infant socialist countries which came from feudalist or undeveloped countries should be perfect; it cannot be, simply because they created such unprecedented social systems-beyond any revolutionary’s wisdom.

This book comprises:

  1. Contributions of main revolutionary theorists and practitioners, selectively chosen; to the present day socialist camp, from Karl Marx to Mr. DENG Xiao-ping; theory of Infant Socialist Revolution.
  2. 77 pieces of revolutionary songs, poetry.
  3. Some scientific articles dealing with health issues; some articles show that bourgeois scientists or experts make pseudo statements or judgments because they cannot tell right from wrong, white from black.

It is impossible for anyone with bourgeois ideology to not express his or her bias. The main contents are contained in 101 passages. Yet, the people of the developed countries, of the third world and of the Infant socialist countries are waiting for the coming perfect socialism to happen. That will be the Orthodox socialist revolution, the most important part of the world socialist revolution, the main leading force of the world revolution.