
Rediscovering the Use of the Tongue: Rejecting Offense, Strife, and Unforgiveness

REDISCOVERING THE USE OF THE TONGUE: REJECTING OFFENSE, STRIFE, AND UNFORGIVENESS speaks the plain truth about the great power that the tongue – the words spoken in the midst of relationships – has to bring pain by opening up wounds. On the other hand, when Christians rediscover the guidance of the Holy Spirit and then redirect the intentions of their words, they can use the tongue for upbuilding one another, seeking peace, and offering forgiveness.

The author, Samuel Kioko Kiema, draws upon his own experiences of coming to faith in Jesus Christ and of following the Spirit’s calling to minister as a missionary, teacher, and scholar to guide his exploration of the misuses and uses of the tongue in families, communities, ministries, and businesses.

Rediscovering the Use of the Tongue: Rejecting Offense, Strife, and Unforgiveness drawing upon a wealth of passages from the Scriptures and offering seasoned and wise teachings rooted in those passages, presents an approachable and understandable examination of the insidious power of the tongue to bring about pain. It pairs that portrait with words of encouragement, explaining how the Spirit can guide the use of the tongue for good. Whether you have experience with speaking words that have injured others or with hearing words that have caused you pain, Rediscovering the Use of the Tongue: Rejecting Offense, Strife, and Unforgiveness can offer you the consolation of discovering a path to encouragement, harmony, and reconciliation.

About the Author:

SAMUEL KIOKO KIEMA, a native of Kenya and a citizen of the United States of America, experienced salvation through Jesus Christ as seventeen. Responding to the Holy Spirit’s calling, he serves as
a missionary, teacher and scholar. His ministries connect people to the power of God. He and Jedidah, his wife, are cofounders of Kingdon Connection Ministries International, Inc.

Love at Camp Polari

The Honeycomb Salon/Academy in Atlanta, Georgia is one of the biggest hair and beauty schools that carry Hair Stylist, and Barbers. It is owned by Mr. Jack and his longtime mistress slash business partner Francine. They are very successful in pursuing their dream. An Academy of this magnitude are bound to have its share of
drama amongst the laughter and fun. Young female and male students revolve in and out, but regardless, they remain a family. Venice the protagonist of this story requires that everyone remain as a family and she is the glue of the Honeycomb.

Two new workers join their team, Rome Culpepper from Florida and Lisa from San Francisco. Rome is handsome, muscular and desired by all women. He is an expertise in designer cuts that give him the ability to fit in with Drew, Mitch, Marvin, and Joseph. Rome didn’t come with a lot of luggage, but he packs a deadly disease that is invisible to the naked eye. Joanna promiscuous ways get involve and causes her demise and the closing of the Salon. Lisa from San Francisco meet Drew, Joanna’s brother, and turn his life upside down, by withholding her secret as a transgender.

Venice the protagonist, starts a new life after her divorce. While in Italy she meets Virgo Valerino, a fashion designer. They both clique in their professions and fall in love.

As of 2017, Aids has killed between 28.9 million in the U.S. and 41.5 million worldwide. And an estimated 36.7 million people are living with HIV.

About the Author:

Robert E. Harris is a compassionate writer, who loves to inspire and teach hope in stories that reveal the greatness in everyone, big or small. He writes briskly through thorough information that sparks the imagination in an entertaining way. Robert writes with rich detail intriguing in anecdotal information. He has ventured in various genres such as women fiction, children books, commercial fiction, and historical fiction.

Hate in Those Eyes: Bullying To Die For

At age 85 I had published my first “Tryist” as an author, “A Cruise To Die For.” I referred to it as my Mini “Novel” covering 50 pages that can be read going up the elevator, great during halftime and easily slid under the door of your neighbor when finished.

My current work “Voyage to Cryon”, deals with Cryonics, the preservation of humans in ice chambers with the
hope of resuscitation in the future. A scheduled Anti-Aging Cruise sponsored by the Cosmetic industry changes course to indoctrinate unsuspecting candidates to prospective reincarnation and lasting life.

My third book “Tunnel Vision” not yet published may be wallet size.

“What’s it like being 80” is somewhat biographical and a comical relief in accepting yourself being “old”
and left to the reader to edit his own experiences in this Octogenarian Society, with limited (By attrition) membership. I have recently combined six books, “A Cruise to Die For”, “Tunnel”, “Diner for Two”, “Walk with the Son”, “What’s it Like Being 80” and “Cryon” into One volume entitled, “The Books of Rathe.”

I have just completed “Hate in Those Eyes” and “Octogenarian Guide to \Survival.” (Unedited)

At age 89 I still have a lust for life or whatever is left of it, so I keep on writing until the Great Author Above Closes His book on me.

The Fruit of the Vine

The undiscovered realities of Christianity according to Christ are examined. Today the true status of many comes under deceit of the enemy, therefore the overview of Christ Jesus becomes important. Many, masses, follow religious beliefs that vary and provides many versions of religion, Lord Jesus described His Person
as being …The True Vine, and reveals the Truth of the …Fruit that is expected. Now we can understand what is the “Abiding Presence Relationship” and the expectancy of each one’s purpose and place in this World. Now we can identify the works of the enemy and see the Kingdom of God …come, be established, on Earth as it is in Heaven, so that His Will be done! Understanding the religion will allow one to operate through relationship and overcome the barriers, bondages that are not recognized. Now we can see how easily our needs can be fulfilled, and look at helpings others overcome, and destroy the kingdom of the enemy, establish God in Christ Jesus.

About the Author:

The Author is the owner of Creation Architectural Consultants from the twin isle republic of Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean. Having lived in various places and conditions, David has become an Apostle and leads Rebirth Freedom In Christ Ministries to establish The Kingdom of God in Christ Jesus. The Abiding
Presence Habitation, is explored, bringing reality and completion to religious issues through relationship issues. Now author of:

Book 1, The Truth Shall Make You Free
Book 2, Who Do People Say That You Are
Book 3, Where Art Thou
Book 4, The Fruit of The Vine
Book 5, If I am Lifted Up
Book 6, Of Lions and Of Lambs
Book 7, The Lord Will Suddenly Come

Of Lions and Of Lambs

The hardships inflicted from others bringing affliction, damage, loss…hurt, causes the response to be “ battle ” ready, or to “ lock up ” the . . .heart in the soul for safety. It is hard for many to receive no compensation, see no justice, causing the move to be ready to judge and condemn. But wait…, there is ‘ One ’ who declared that… He will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. No need forlion spirits ’ to emerge in conquering, and ‘ lamb spirits ’ to run and hide., many will see Justice in Glory as … ‘ The Lion ’ will emerge and make all successful ‘ Lambs ’.

About the Author:

The Author is the owner of Creation Architectural Consultants from the twin isle republic of Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean. Having lived in various places and conditions, David has become an Apostle and leads Rebirth Freedom In Christ Ministries to establish The Kingdom of God in Christ Jesus. The Abiding Presence Habitation, is explored, bringing reality and completion to religious issues through relationship issues. Now author of:

Book 1, The Truth Shall Make You Free
Book 2, Who Do People Say That You Are
Book 3, Where Art Thou
Book 4, The Fruit of The Vine
Book 5, If I am Lifted Up
Book 6, Of Lions and Of Lambs
Book 7, The Lord Will Suddenly Come

A Dream Bunny’s Tale

A Dream Bunny’s Tale fable series are whimsical tales about how the hopes, dreams and wishes of all the children in the world float to a magical land known as the Place of Dreams. Barely hidden between the space of sleep and our dreams, you will find out how it all began, and how the children of this world find their way to this magical kingdom.

It all started when Dream Bunny and his best friend, a little star named Twinkley, who both resided in the Place of Dreams noticed that their charmed kingdom was slowly disappearing. The children of the world had stopped using their own creative imagination causing the magical land to slowly fade away.

Fortunately, Twinkley knows what to do, but it isn’t long before the two friends discover that the plan to be in the real world is a bit more complicated than they had anticipated.

Discover how Dream Bunny and Twinkley find a way to save the Place of Dreams!

About the Author:

Christine (cJ) Garrett was born in England to a mother who was an opera singer and a Shakespearean actress. The family moved to the United States when the author was very young. Her deep love for the arts was formed during the many hours she spent as a child backstage watching her mother perform. Following in her mother’s creative footsteps, she is both an artist and a writer.

A Dream Bunny’s Tales series is the author’s favorite works. From illustrations to original lullaby music, to animation screenplay and toys, she has created all aspects of this whimsical project.

Keep on Believing

Keep on Believing is the second of two book chronicling the five generational history of a family that took place on several continents and is multiple countries. The first book is entitled, “It is Appointed Unto Men.” It includes many tragedies and triumphs. The victories were the result of “Keeping on Believing.” The Payton story begins in St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada with the death of the four year old brother of Edwin Payton, and the death of Elsie Jones’s and her five sibling’s Mother before she was fourteen years old in Liverpool, England. How Edwin and Elsie found each other is one of the early miracles. The story of their lives together and that of their four children reminds us that when God is involved in people’s lives miracles happen.

About the Author:

The authorship of the book, “Keep on Believing” is the result of the combined cooperation of Edwin and Elsie Payton’s four children, Ernest who passed away in May of 2017, George, Frank and Margaret.

Uncloseted Love

THIS IS A fictional story of a woman turning seventy, who decided to step outside of the box. Rebecca took a trip to Europe to celebrate her big birthday and have an adventure. Within twenty-four hours, her life changed forever. Her first thoughts were, “OMG, I should have worn Depends” when she saw the most gothic looking man walk pass her. The sins of our fathers sometimes play a big part in how our lives take shape.
Mikael’s past provides the adventure Rebecca set out to have while touring Europe. Be careful what you wish for. This story encompasses love, sex, murder and suspense. He was ten years younger than she and that only enhanced their growing relationship. Life’s twists and turns will leave you breathless, the ending will leave you stunned.
“Teri Cobb has written a fascinating page-turner, replete with heavy doses of love, sex and suspense, not necessarily in that order. Whether you’re closeted with her main character Rebecca in her hometown in Middle America or exploring nightlife in London, Rome, and Paris, you don’t want to miss a second of this unpredictable yet thrilling journey. Fasten your seatbelt and hold on for an exciting and thoroughly satisfying ride.”

George E. Curry
Journalist and author

About the Author:

THERESA ELIZABETH COBB, known to her friends as Teri, a mother and grandmother. Born and educated in St. Louis, Missouri. With a degree in Management and Supervisory Development, she was able to excel in her career. Twice retired, first from the largest Newspaper in St. Louis and second from one of the largest Insurance Companies. While working for the newspaper she became second and first Vice President of the Newspaper Guild. Her dream has always been to write a book and enjoy her passion for photography.
Yes, at age seventy she did it. Divorced for more than thirty years and very active in church, chair for The Griot Museum of Black History and Treasurer of her High School alumni committee. Most of all she is the care giver of her father and aunt both loved very much.

This is her first book, but hopefully not her last.

The Challenge

The Challenge is a contest about being self- sufficient and living off the land for five years. The cast of characters come together in many unsuspecting ways. This is a journey that takes many twists and turns on its way to a competition winner and surprising destination. The competition is a story based on true grit and living a life from days gone by in a modern world. Everyday brings a new twist to an ever changing and exciting plot. In the Challenge you never know what will happen next and something always does!

About the Author:

Over the years my friends have tried to talk me into writing down some of my adventures that I always considered to be my dull and boring life. Once I retired I was out of excuses not to write so I really hope that you will all enjoy my story and future stories. Also for all of my many friends who have been both willing and unwilling participants of my life, I changed your names to protect your innocence. Thank you so much for being my friends. Please enjoy my book.

The Streets Keep Calling Me

A young girl tries hard to fight her drug addiction cold turkey, but due to the skeletons hidden in her closet the streets keep calling her back.

About the Author:

Shirley Jordan is a mother of four and a grandmother of five, she was born and raised in Houston Texas and is a true entrepreneur. For ten years she was an owner, founder and operator of PlayHouse Cuts, a hair salon that catered to children of all ages and disabilities.