
The Gift of Gems

A story of lost and found, second chances, and intrigue. Will the second time around be the gift that keeps on giving?

About the Author:

Patricia Byrd Barone is the mother of five children. She is a native of North Carolina and a graduate of Meredith College. In B.C., her lifetime before children, she was an elementary school teacher in Goldsboro, N.C., Bellevue, Washington, and Mannheim-Kafertal, Germany. While teaching in an Army Dependents School she met her husband Bob. They now reside in Ohio. For fun she writes, plays the piano, volunteers for the performing arts, and paints portraits of her grandchildren, Ashley, Zack, Alex, Carley, Will, Hannah, Madison, Samantha, Madeline, Allison and Benjamin.

The Woman’s Seat of Authority In The Kingdom Of God

Before the question of when or where; before the awakening of the concepts of here or there, there was God. Before blessing and cursing, or life and death ever walked the isle of solitude, there was God!!!

It was a true blessing when our heavenly Father revealed dark meaning within the words, “For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee. In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with ever lasting kindness will I have mercy on thee, sayeth the Lord thy redeemer” (Isa 54:6-8; 60:10). This was His promise to woman, and this promise is insured by His Words, “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth; but the word of our God shall stand forever” (Isa 40:8; 1Pet 1:24-25).

This is the promise all women must hold fast to with all their heart, mind, spirit and soul. This is what is written about the covenant established between the Lord God, and the woman “In the beginning”!!! What will it take for humanity to acknowledge, accept, and obey God’s perfect will concerning “The Woman’s Seat Of Authority In…” His “… Kingdom…”.

About the Author:

DR. EDDIE L. BLACKWELL, OF DENVER, CO, has a doctorate in Christian (Nouthetic) Counselling which he earned at Aspen Christian College & Seminary. As a facilitator of crisis intervention with 40 + years of experience he, supported by his wife Dr. Denise D. Lessard-Blackwell, a Montessori Education Specialist, continues to find peace, tranquility, and blessings in every season of victory that God sheds upon those who learn to walk through their turbulent storms in the spirit of commitment, unity, and truth.

Acting Out: Carrying the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth

Do you know the story about how the church began? The book of Acts begins with Jesus going to heaven, but first promising the disciples that the Holy Spirit was coming to give them power, and that they would go around the world carrying the message that Jesus was alive.

Jesus called His followers to be witnesses, not to keep the good news to themselves, but to act out for His name.

Come follow the Apostles on this 30-part study of Acts, and see how God is calling you to continue to Act Out for the sake of the gospel.

About the Author:

Tommy Mann is a pastor and author of nine books on theology, including Asleep in Heaven’s Nursery. His latest book, Acting Out, is the third Bible study he has released. Tommy is married to Alicia, and they are raising their children Reagan and TJ in South Carolina. In 2009 Tommy Mann Ministries was created to spread the message of Jesus Christ through the written and spoken word.

All of Tommy’s books are available at www.TommyMannMinistries.com.

The Seven Churches of Asia Minor: The Churches in Revelation

If you have ever read about the seven churches of Asia Minor, or the seven churches in Revelation, and wondered what they are all about, this book will help you get a deeper insight into the character of these churches. You will get a look at their geographical locations, their historical backgrounds, and their experiences that shaped the way Christ addressed them. Christ introduced himself to these seven churches in seven different ways because their works were different, and he wrote them according to their works. The church of Ephesus—the first of the seven, left its first love, and the last of the seven, the church of Laodicea focused on material wealth without recognizing that Christ was on the outside knocking, seeking the opportunity to come in. The Seven Churches of Asia Minor, (The Churches in Revelation) will take you through each church one by one; it will help you to identify actions for which they were chastened or encouraged. Five out of these seven churches were admonished, warned, and given specific steps to take for their restoration. They could take these steps of face the consequences that were meted out by Christ himself. This book will certainly be an eye-opener for any church or individual who are curious to know more about the seven churches in the book of Revelation.

About the Author:

Dr. Orville Beckford Sr. has been a pastor for thirty years, in Jamaica, the Easters Caribbean, Rochester New York, Rochester New York (1995-2011), and now in New Rochelle New York, 2011—present. He has a Bachelor of Divinity, a BA in Biblical Studies, a MA in Psychology and Christian Counseling, and a PhD in Philosophy in Biblical Studies. He and his wife Deana, have three children, and lives in Peekskill New York.

Where Art Thou?

This is book no. 3. The reality of dealing with religious issues is overcome by seeing the relationship issues value. One is exposed to the Abiding Presence Relations and the problems that keep many in bondage through the deceit of the enemy. Freedom In Christ is discovered and through the Abiding in The Lord one can now be able to help others having dominion over life and the World. The main problem is discovered with religion by going back in history and see in the solution for living as was intended and purposed. True fulfillment can only come from knowing who you are and your purpose. In knowing who you are and where you should be, you can now fulfill destiny.

About the book:

The Author is the owner of Creation Architectural Consultants from the twin isle republic of Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean. Having lived in various places and conditions, David has become an Apostle and leads Rebirth Freedom In Christ Ministries to establish The Kingdom of God in Christ Jesus. The Abiding Presence Habitation, is explored, bringing reality and completion to religious issues through relationship issues. Now author of:

Book 1, The Truth Shall Make You Free
Book 2, Who Do People Say That You Are
Book 3, Where Art Thou
Book 4, The Fruit of The Vine
Book 5, If I am Lifted Up
Book 6, Of Lions and Of Lambs
Book 7, The Lord Will Suddenly Come


James Armstrong, a man diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, and his traveling companion, an attractive physician from Italy are chased around the world in a dangerous cat and mouse game by pursuers that want to keep their secret protected and their millions protected. Adding to James urgency is the diagnosis of his sixteen year old daughter with same disease.

About the Author:

Mr. Kuhn resides in Reno, Nevada. Mr. Kuhn has two young adult children and a grand-daughter. His daughter is the Vice principal of an elementary school and his son is an environmental engineer. Mr. Kuhn has had the privilege of traveling through Southeast Asia for work and many spots in Europe for pleasure. His writing style is largely based on personal experiences and stories he brings to life in riveting prose. Mr. Kuhn’s writing skills developed after many years of technical writing in the environmental field. Mr. Kuhn has a bachelor’s degree from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and a master’s degree from the University of Nevada at Reno.

Later in life, Mr. Kuhn found his voice as a recreational writer after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Today he manually types his manuscripts with one finger while entrenched in his wheelchair. He writes fictional stories in the adventure, mystery and science fiction genres. He also writes short stories and poems.

Mr. Kuhn seeks to convey answers to mysteries we encounter in very day life. It is his hope to make us all question and seek the truth behind life’s surprises. If he is successful in making just one of his readers ask why, he deems himself a triumph in making us question a little above and beyond the ordinary.

Fallen Woman

In 1630 England, our heroin Lady Catherine, who has a bastard child is left with an estate that she can’t inherit, because she is a woman. Therefore, the Queen, Henrietta Maria who adores Catherine and lets her take care of her horses, and the King, Charles I who wishes to reward a loyal Knight for 10 years of service decides to arrange a marriage contract so that Catherine will be able to keep her land. The King and Queen arrange for a Norman Knight named, Giles, to enter into a marriage. Giles’s mistress tries to figure out a way not to lose Giles, so she gets him drunk and fills him with lies about Catherine before he is to meet to sign the agreement. Upon arrival the belligerent Knight began belittling Catherine in front of the King and wants no part of the contract unless she gives up her child. All the while not knowing the Queen and Catherine were listening. At this point Catherine is furious and would rather give up her land and the Keep than give up her child.

About the Author:

Linda Kennedy is a 6th generation Texas that lives in Amarillo, Texas. She is a mother of 2 grown daughters and Nana to 5 grandchildren. Linda has done upholstery of furniture for over 40 years, but her true passion has always been to write. At the urging of her family she decided to publish her first novel.

Inspirational Wit & Wisdom

HOWARD ARNOLD CROSBY, Sr., born December 3, 1926 in Coudersport, PA is a World War II and Korea War
Navy veteran. He was fifth from his family to have served WW II. Graduated from LeTourneau University and joined LeTourneau Del Peru in 1954 on a project to build 32 miles of road in the upper Amazon Jungle of Peru.

Returning to the states in 1956 he joined New York State Office of Mental Health as senior engineer on projects throughout the state. Retired December 1981 and immediately was appointed as project engineer for the Army Corp of Engineer on a project for 22 miles of tunnels under Rochester New York. Retired in December 1991 but continued on several small projects until 1998.

Howard, is not just good at building airstrips, roads or tunnels but he also has a very kind heart. He has been very active with church works and has dedicated his life to help the community. He has been part of Mission trips around the world to mention he has been to Peru, Mali, Ghana, Ireland and Haiti.

In Who’s Hands: Cause & Effect

This story, the first in a trilogy, begins in a Barbaric world, thousands of years in the future, where scientists, known as “the smart ones”, have spent generation after generation planning and preparing to bring down their ruthless rulers. These “smart ones” have written a story, it, and the development of time travel, many thousands of years after the story was written, will be key to the success of their plan, but was there success?

Their hope is twofold, firstly that people will one day live peacefully and in a free world and secondly that science will be allowed to develop naturally rather than be oppressed by fearful Barbarian rulers who view “the smart ones” as a necessary but dangerous evil.

This story has science and theology completely intertwined. It’s a story that answers the most asked question in human and theological history. People may actually change their minds based on the theory this fictional story suggests.

Horrific atrocities, much mystery, believable science, mistakes, love, anger, fear, more mistakes, hope and drama fill the page and your mind. It’s cliffhanger ending leaves you knowing it is not over, you will be confused but the confusion will only fuel your thoughts and want of an answer. Visit “IN WHO’S HANDS” on social media and let us know what you think happened.

The subtitle for the 2nd story is “The Answer” and it does totally answer the ENDING of this 1st story but it still leaves some mysteries up in the air. The 3rd novel will clear up these mysteries and totally blow you away. So much so that I can not even reveal the subtitle.

Mara Entering the Book

Mara is a teenager who likes to read. She always thought it would be fun to pretend to be one of the characters in a book. A new one was on the market and came recommended. Her interest was activated, and she bought the book. Once her chores were done, she climbed to the attic and began to read. She heard the caution, watch what you wish for, yet moved forward anyhow.

About the Book:

Sharron L. Ensign is a published author and spends her time writing in her home state. She enjoys reading, traveling, and meeting new people. Her dream is to be able to travel some of the world where she has not been before. She is a published, as an author, international poet where she received an award, and short story writer. Her book is available to blind people via the Montana Library. An invite to an International book show was presented and she attended. Now it is time to return to writing.