
Narnols, Blumblums, & Friends

A collection of rhymes and poems for children ages 4-10 or for parents to read to preschoolers for their enjoyment. The themes cover animals, activities that children indulge in, ideas that challenge them or they could pursue creatively. The book introduces new vocabulary not common to everyday use which will be easily understood in their context. There is humor, adventure, and familiar situations which they can identify with.

About the Author:

Manila born author, Maryknoll College alumna; graduate studies at Stanford, Santa Clara, USF, 46 years’ experience with early childhood education and administration; owner/director of Lilliput infant/toddler center for 35 years in Palo Alto, California

No Excuses: Train Survivors – Lead Warriors

It’s about school safety and leadership…

About the Author:

Inspired and driven to help others, Dr. Mike Steele dedicates himself to serving the needs of others and helping them build leadership capacity. As a former United States Marine, and law enforcement officer, Dr. Steele needs no encouragement to be highly motivated and passionate about life.

Dr. Steele currently serves as an Executive Principal of a 5-12 STEM school in Nashville, Tennessee and is a highly sought after motivational speaker on topics such as leadership, bullying, school safety/survival mindset and experiencing excellence with underserved and minority students.

Dr. Steele consults both nationally and internationally, and has helped districts develop safety plans. As a former school resource officer, S.W.A.T. team member and firearms instructor, Mike knows what it takes to keep you and your students safe. In this most recent book, Dr. Steele gets to the bottom of school safety and what is needed to survive a rampage shooter. Mike and his beautiful wife Joyce have been married for 26 years, and have four incredible children and three adorable grandchildren.

“What more are you expecting out of life, and why can’t you find it?” – Mike Steele

What Should Christians and Jews Know About the Qur’an and Muhammad

Some Christians and Jews believe that Muhammad wrote the Qur’an and do not know that he was illiterate and could not read or write. Others have not read the Qur’an and do not know its contents or message. This book is an attempt to clear misconceptions and answer questions such as who wrote the Qur’an, and how was it preserved, and if it is divine in origin, what is the evidence for its

The book illustrates the message of the Qur’an and discusses such concepts as the Oneness of God, and our accountability to Him. It also explores God’s prophets and God’s divine revelations, as well as rituals of worship, morals and ethics, family values and our interaction as human beings with one another.

There are similarities between the Qur’an and the New Testament regarding morals and ethics, and our accountability to God, yet there are differences regarding the divinity of Jesus Christ and the concept of the Trinity and salvation.

The Qur’an acknowledges God’s blessings on the Children of Israel and relates to us the story of Abraham and Moses. We are close to God and favored by Him because of what we do, not because of our ancestry.

Islam is based on the Qur’an and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Few Christians or Jews know his life story, his noble character or the message that he preached. This book describes the lessons that we learn from Muhammad, and clears misconceptions about him.

About the Author:

Dr. Foad is a rheumatologist in private practice in Cincinnati, Ohio, since 1975. He pursued academic studies in religion and has a BA and master degrees in theology. He has written many books about Islam, including “Understanding the life story of prophet Muhammad in the context of the
Qur’an”, “Understanding the sayings of prophet Muhammad in the context of the Qur’an”, “Islam is a religion of logic”, “Understanding the Qur’an”, “Noble character” 3 volumes, “Understanding the New Testament in the context of the Qur’an”, “Understanding the Hebrew Bible in the context of the Qur’an”.

He is active in interface dialogue and taught Islam for the past 40 years. He approaches religion from a logical prospective, seeking to understand the rationale of divine orders. Dr. Foad is a founding member of the Islamic center in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Zero Turned Hero

Zero Turned Hero will take readers from fantasy to reality. Many of us are faced with bullies in our experiences. Some of us may use bully tactics at times, and we know this is wrong. Sometimes incidents in our lives turn us into people we were not meant to be.

“Tip Top Finds Hope” will open the door to what he felt when kids made fun of him.

Victor has to accept the consequence of being deceitful and not telling the truth in “Victor Learns a Lesson.”

What has been your greatest fear? Did you ever get over it? Read “Nightmares” to learn how Joseph overcame his fear.

A twelve year old girl, had years of pain and grief for doing something for a loved one. Do you agree with the mother or the daughter in “The Onion?” In “The Lavender Dress” readers will find out how a person… can go from being poor…to well off, and yet not be happy.

Jennifer has a hard decision to make in Jennifer’s Luck. Would you have made the same choice?

Will has to challenge three bullies in “The End of an Era.” What do you think helped prepare him for the day of his victory?

Evil may bring out evil. What causes “The Stone King” to become ruthless?

Zero Turned Hero will challenge minds and imaginations. At times it may seem like an emotional roller coaster ride. Stories can provoke sensitivity, empathy, or remorse. This book has strong messages and critical thinking skills that can lead to great discussions.

This book contains colorful illustrations.

About the Author:

Bessie Frazier was born in Brooklyn, New York. She received her B.A. degree from Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee and her M.A. degree from Montclair State College in New Jersey.While at Fisk, she became a member of the Fisk Writer’s Workshop, under the well known author John Oliver Killens.

She majored in English and Sociology at Fisk University but received her degree in Sociology. She received her Masters Degree in Education from Montclair State College in Upper Montclair New Jersey, and completed Post Graduate work at Brooklyn College and New York University. She taught English for over 30 years in Brooklyn NY and New Jersey Middle Schools.

She is the author of poems, stories, plays, and positive raps. She has performed for schools, colleges, churches and special interest groups. Her work has appeared in anthologies, magazines
and other sources, as well as being featured in Who’s who in the East. Students have performed her work in schools, and she has received countless letters of praise from electrified readers.

IRAQ Prophecy “Parable” Revelation

Did the Bible predict the war with Iraq?

Prophecy “Parable” Revelation proves, IRAQ was God’s Personal War!

Can the Bible foretell events with future calamities?

Correct interpretation reveals God’s End-time messages for us and His 3rd & 4th Predetermination against Babylon’s elite society on the earth.

Iraq: Babylon topical area is a type for global range Babylon. “The Lord of Armies” with a U.S. & U.N. Coalition ousted Saddam Hussein. In similar way His angelic hosts will cast down Satan.

Prophecy: God as “the Holy One” warns – the mighty USA that led the invasion – “their country is full of guilt [found in sin] against the Holy One of Israel. Flee out of the midst of Babylon and save every man his life;” (Jer 51:5-6, Rev 18:4).

Parable: God’s highly intimate Prophecy is in symbolism! Recently a Living Parable, “you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say,” (Isa 14:4) not just in words, in the story of a late tyrant in Iraq the same traits of Satan’s spirit, pride and wickedness were carried in human form!

Revelation: Hidden symbolisms are revealed only to trusted servants “rightly dividing the Word” from the mouth of God in original texts and not by translations. It is vital to know how to walk in the coming urgent times [Gr. ‘kairoi’]. This book settles a huge misinterpretation how translators gave to Satan the name ‘Lucifer (?) that does not exist in the text Isa 14:12; plus, various intriguing issues Bible scholars will be blessed to deem in.

About the Author:

John P. Voulgaris was born in Alevrou, a small village near Sparta Greece in 1935. After his
education in ancient Greek with zeal to studying also Scriptures in Hebrew serves as senior minister
in Apostolic and Messianic churches. In 1984 coming from NYC to New Jersey heard the Lord’s calling in Greek clear words:

“This By-Message of Mine you must fulfill, for I WAS, I AM, and I WILL BE;” for writing spiritual books that reveal Truth. He now lives in New Jersey with his wife Irene, their four children, and six grandchildren.

Lyme Disease In Horses

Lyme disease is a contagious disease that is a common and troubling medical dilemma for horse patients. Learn your enemy before it attacks you and your prized horse. Basic and thorough knowledge about this disease and its related illnesses, its sources, and remedies can help stop its potential spread into your homes and stables.

Deal with Lyme disease the right way.

About the Author:

Mark T. Reilly, DVM, Diplomate ABVP (Equine) is a practicing veterinarian for over twenty-five years. He earned his bachelor of science degree in animal science at the University of New Hampshire. He continued his education at the Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine. He owns and operates the South Shore Equine Clinic & Diagnostic Center in Plympton, Massachusetts.

Dr. Reilly has presented numerous times to local, national, and international horse owner and veterinary seminars.

Top Ten Strategies To Prepare Your Horse For Winter

The winter season brings new challenges for your horse. Learn how to keep your horses comfortable and warm by using the practical tips formulated by a veteran equine veterinarian, Dr. Mark Reilly. Within its covers, this book will help you perform the following necessary preparations:

• Barn inspection
• Winter shoeing options
• Appropriate vaccinations
• Storage capabilities and manure disposal system
• Snow removal equipment preparations
• Proper ventilation

And many more!

In the coming winter season, you can be sure that you are ready and capable to take care of your horses with the right strategies and preparations. This book aims to help you plan and solve issues before the first snow arrives.

About the Author:

Mark T. Reilly, DVM, Diplomate ABVP (Equine) is a practicing veterinarian for over twenty-five years. He earned his bachelor of science degree in animal science at the University of New Hampshire. He continued his education at the Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine. He owns and operates the South Shore Equine Clinic & Diagnostic Center in Plympton, Massachusetts.

Dr. Reilly has presented numerous times to local, national, and international horse owner and veterinary seminars.

The Senior Horse

The twenty-first century brings new technologies and discoveries to prolong the lives of humans and
horses alike. Consequently, this century also brings in new challenges to horse owners as their horses age.

Dr. Mark Reilly offers quick, practical, and detailed steps to caring for aging horses. He reveals the basic but often neglected responsibilities of the owner, and he answers the prevailing questions commonly asked by his patients. Dr. Reilly puts his years of research and experience in equine veterinary into his book.

About the Author:

Mark T. Reilly, DVM, Diplomate ABVP (Equine) is a practicing veterinarian for over twenty-five years. He earned his bachelor of science degree in animal science at the University of New Hampshire. He continued his education at the Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine. He owns
and operates the South Shore Equine Clinic & Diagnostic Center in Plympton, Massachusetts.

Dr. Reilly presented lectures and mentored in many local and international seminars.” should read “Dr. Reilly has presented numerous times to local, national, and international horse owner and
veterinary seminars.

Behind the Scenes of Jenna Castoron

In the follow-up to Behind the Scenes of Jenna Shale, Jenna faces the loss of Aiden and continues to look back on her life, drawing comparisons between life and television as she shares the events that transpired around the tragic loss of her husband, the difficulties in finding love again, and the trials she faced as she tried to come to terms with the harsh realities of her world. With the narrative frame still focusing on television, Jenna tackles the difficult topics of domestic violence and sexual assault at the same time as she continues her exploration of the topics of sex and love.

About the Author:

Chelsie Keller has lived in northwest Ohio for most of her life and continues to enjoy spending time with her friends and family in the same county where she was born. She earned her Associate of Arts degree from Northwest State Community College, her Bachelor of Arts in English from Bowling Green State University, and, recently, her Master’s in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing from Southern New Hampshire University. Chelsie claims that she has been writing for as long as she can remember but also notes a wide variety of interests including women’s issues, literature, and popular culture that have always had a tremendous influence on her academic studies as well as her writing. It is these topics that she works to unfold in the Behind the Scenes series.

The Way Leaders Think

The only limitation on your leadership potential is the one you create by how you think.

When a leader completes the necessary positive action to change the way they conduct business, the whole organization completes the same postive transformation. At the end of the day, “Leadership is all about you”. But also remember, “It’s more about the people in your organization who you influence and lead.”

The individual who receives critical lessons in thinking on how to think like a leader is given an advantage in life.

About the Author:

JOHN E. MARKLEY is recognized for his work in program and leadership development. He has developed curriculum, written books and materials and provided training programs for local, county, state and federal government employees and leaders. He has developed training programs, written curriculum and provided training programs for private sector employees and leaders. He developed a pilot training program for the U.S. Department of Labor: OSHA Consultation Program in conjunction with The Small Business Development Centers and the University System in West Virginia. He was appointed by the U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Corrections Academy Division to serve a three-year term as a Northeast Region Field Coordinator. In this capacity he developed curriculum and provided training programs to corrections employees and leaders on a national level. He was appointed for an additional year as an alumnus to assist in training newly appointed field coordinators. He has worked as an adjunct professor teaching university students Criminal Justice theory and practice. He has worked for the Department of Education teaching OSHA approved courses. He has assisted in supporting community programs for the youth.