  • 108 Chinese Poems from ShiJing: 108 Chinese Ancient Quatrains before 77BC

    This book consists of two parts: 108 Chinese poems from ShiJing, which mainly coming from the first section of ShiJing and 108 ancient Chinese quatrains before 77 BC, in English, Chinese and French. We tried to use latest interpretations published in China to avoid misunderstanding on original texts. For the titles we tried to translate their meaning as close to the original as possible so as to maintain the ancient styles. We also made corrections on some missed words, lines, and misinterpreted terms on few flowers and plants etc. Your criticism is welcomed, please contact at [email protected].

    About the author:

    A retired machine design engineer was interested in ancient poetry translations and the study of modern socialism, mainly occurred in Russia and China, their experiences and lessions.

  • World Revolution 101

    One hundred years ago, the victory of Chinese October Revolution led by Dr. SUN Yat-sen and the victory of Russian October Revolution, headed by V.I.LENIN, opened up the new era of the Infant Socialist Revolution that has dominated the world affairs ever since. They pioneered the socialist revolution, yet they may have not realized the infant nature of such revolution. Without existing successful example to follow, they naturally always try to compare their behavior to the standard of Marx’s Orthodox socialist theory: that often caused them to make the mistake of leaning too far left. Yet there is no reason to expect that the Infant socialist countries which came from feudalist or undeveloped countries should be perfect; it cannot be, simply because they created such unprecedented social systems-beyond any revolutionary’s wisdom.

    This book comprises:

    1. Contributions of main revolutionary theorists and practitioners, selectively chosen; to the present day socialist camp, from Karl Marx to Mr. DENG Xiao-ping; theory of Infant Socialist Revolution.
    2. 77 pieces of revolutionary songs, poetry.
    3. Some scientific articles dealing with health issues; some articles show that bourgeois scientists or experts make pseudo statements or judgments because they cannot tell right from wrong, white from black.

    It is impossible for anyone with bourgeois ideology to not express his or her bias. The main contents are contained in 101 passages. Yet, the people of the developed countries, of the third world and of the Infant socialist countries are waiting for the coming perfect socialism to happen. That will be the Orthodox socialist revolution, the most important part of the world socialist revolution, the main leading force of the world revolution.

  • The 108 Quatrains of Omar Khayyam

    The 108 Quatrains of Omar Khayyam

    The 108 Quatrains of Omar Khayyam includes 108 Persian quatrains in English, Persian, and Chinese. This book classifies the poems by subject matter into 10 groups including Morning song, On love, Learning, On fate, Dialectic thinking, World outlook, Hell and paradise, and view of the universe.
