  • Ramblings 2.0

    About the Book
    By infusing my art with my words, like lyrics to music, I’ve literally given you a piece of me on each
    and every page! In my life, I’ve learned a lot and I wouldn’t change a thing. It is my prayer that you’ve
    been enlightened!”

    About the Author
    “Wendy “RojoLoco” Rhodes
    Native Texan from Dallas!
    Where did “Rojo Loco” come from? Christopher Carcerano, my former acting teacher, christened me with it in 2004! I’m the mother of two grown sons and the grandmother of two grandsons! I’m a writer, a published author, radio personality, producer, caregiver, A&R, promoter, actress, model, play-write, and as of late, I paint and sketch! I’ve always been passionate about art; that passion was reignited when my baby boy battled Cancer and WON! I’m EVERY Woman…constantly EVOLVING!
