  • What Is In Your Hand?

    What is in Your Hand? – Martha Kinney
    Moses led the nation of Israel from slavery to their promised land with just a shepherd’s staff.
    As common as it appeared, that staff contained hidden powers that accomplished great things, from defeating the greatest magicians of Egypt to bringing water from a rock. Like Moses, each of us possess powers we may not even recognize though they are within us. All we need to do is recognize what we have in our hand.

    About the Author:

    Martha resides in the mountain community of Lake Arrowhead with her husband of 45 years. After
    raising four children they now enjoy their eleven grandchildren. From home educating to working with people around the world she has discovered people’s personal dreams are the same; regardless of country or culture.

    Martha’s goal in writing is to help people discover the abilities they already possess. She aims to make life’s universal laws easy to understand and apply in practical ways.
