  • Will the Merchants Divide Him?

    The book plays itself in a few layers of American society, thus demonstrating Charlton Heston theses that “Amerika is reeling…” Vast majority of the society living here is not even aware of what that means and those who are looked upon with suspicion. The hero of the story is coming back home and because his driver’s license is expired, of which he is not even aware, he gets arrested, which opens up a reality in which his live isn’t his anymore and waiting for justice he gets the message that the courtroom has nothing to do with justice. It is about the law. Which is something the author working in one of the American courts has got to know. The hero is alone. He makes notes of his loneliness and isolation, and his notes thus prepared are later on found by his friends. This isn’t a book for those who think everything is nice and dandy. Which sound almost like a deterrent — yet, If you get it, there is a chance you may get interested, you may even find yourself in it together with your unnecessary, unwanted, meaningless life — it shall come to you to shake up your certainty — together with Hekuba’s cart sound: trundling under the burning sun, yet empty, but soon filled with the body of her son.

    About the author:
    JACK HABEREK speaks five languages. A building manager in Brooklyn New York. He grew up in Silesia (today’s Poland) and then in Germany (Munich). He attended his first class at Strasbourg, France of what’s called in Europe Lycée. He received his master’s degree from the University of Breslau (Wroclaw) in German literature. He then continued for his doctoral level in Vienna. This is his tenth book.

  • Concentration

    The story is that of betrayal, violation of friendship, and love in today’s world. Anyone can be a suspect under the Patriot Act, which makes a system that would like to call itself “democratic,” no different from the worst case of totalitarian regimes known in the history of mankind. The main character, framed by his former friend, is deported from the United States to Rumania, where he ends up in a concentration camp, tortured and deprived of his civil rights. Those who finally found out that Jack was innocent, do nothing. Afraid of embarrassment, they keep silent. Hopeless and stripped of any sense, Jack is liberated by a global event, when a black hole moving at incredible speed through space approaches Earth and destroys half the planet. Jack escapes his prison and walks through a crippled world, discovering that, as one of this author’s favorite once said: ‘a true life, life in the end discovered and explained, the only life hence simply lived through, that’s literature.’ Drawing on a massive body of learning that ranges from philosophy to theology, science, and art history, the author creates story that is a conglomerate of human knowledge reflecting the problems western culture faces today.

    About the Author:
    JACK HABEREK speaks five languages. A building manager in Brooklyn New York. He grew up in Silesia (today’s Poland) and then in Germany (Munich). He attended his first class at Strasbourg, France of what’s called in Europe Lycée. He received his master’s degree from the University of Breslau (Wroclaw) in German literature. He then continued for his doctoral level in Vienna. This is his tenth book.
