  • Creatures of the Night

    Set in New Orleans Terry is unaware she is surrounded by creatures of the night, until one night, their leader Tim turns her into one. But she soon realizes Tim’s true intensions are to over throw an ancient
    prophecy. She discovers her true destiny is to stop him from destroying her kind, will lead her into a dark journey.

    About the Author:

    Stacy Newton is a native Houstonian and currently lives in Los Angeles as a writer and actress. She finished her book signing with ANGELS SURVIVE this summer, and is currently working on her next book.

  • Angels Survive

    Dian Bingham, a young writer from Houston, finds herself living an exciting lifestyle in Los Angeles and writing for Chris Kendrick, one of the most talented producers in Hollywood. But when the Reverend Michael, leader of a mega evangelical church finds out about her relationship with “the bad boy of Hollywood”, she finds her soul threatened.

    About the author:

    STACY NEWTON is a native Houstonian and lives in Los Angeles as a writer and actress. She has finished writing a children’s book which will be her fifth book.
