  • Baby Ody: A Llama Adventure

    I wrote this book as a teaching aid for a 4-H program so that children and llamas could get to know each other better. The story tells about a Llama from the day that he is born until he grows up to become an adult. In addition to its educational value, the story has been received as both humorous and entertaining. This book is an interactive book that is being used for home schooling. The book is illustrated with black and white drawings to be colored by all ages. The cover is printed in full color, as Baby Ody leads you down the path of a Llama’s adventuresome life.

  • A Journey in Nature: Paintings, Drawings and Calligraphy

    This book takes a unique approach to exploring the joys of nature by combining beautiful floral paintings with pen & ink animal drawings. Companion passages to these works may be found throughout the book, skillfully hand-calligraphered in a variety of typefaces. The titles of several of the paintings make the viewer aware that a specimen of wildlife is concealed therein. You will savor the pages with the artist as your guide.

    Brendler has always been intrigued by the architecture of flowers. She has a special interest in gardening and photography. She walks along her trails, observing and taking pictures of the insects, birds and other creatures that move among the flowers. This provides source material for her large acrylic paintings.

  • The Making of A Llama Family

    THE MAKING OF A LLAMA FAMILY chronicles a couple’s 26-year odyssey with their Llamas, first at their farm in North Carolina and later at their ranch in southwestern Virginia. The story begins in 1976, when the author and her husband met in Fairfax, Virginia, and it traces their adventures from Fairfax to Florida, to the Carolinas and back to their present-day farm in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. The journey relates incidents from the early years of the couple’s marriage, and then evolves into the long partnership with their Llama herd, starting in 1990. The author recounts the tale of moving to their current Virginia property in 1996 and creating a Llama ranch from a blank canvas.

    The couple lived for several weeks in their van while their barn was being built and then, while their house was being constructed, they lived with their Llamas in the barn. Key to the story is how the couple interacted with the Llamas while sharing the barn with them, and how both humans and animals remain today as one family unit. The author details her years of observing Llamas as a family, and provides essential information for their care and happiness.
