  • The Thin Blue Li(n)e: Perception is Deception

    The Thin Blue Li(n)e picks up the saga of the Office of the Sheriff where Hands Across The Sea left off.

    As the real talk grows contentious, the characters and storylines square off against puppeteers trying to pull the strings. While Sheriff Brendan Callaghan and Undersheriff H. Maxwell Ulrich dig deeper at the crux of the Union’s complaint, the needs of the Agency must balance the political muscle of the Board of Supervisors and the bureaucratic clout of the Vasco city officials.

    Retired Captain Asa Belle not only pushes the envelope, but starts opening the ones sent from convicted killer, Daniel Bouchette. Will he confront his demon, or resist him?

    Witness Sheriff Emeritus Garrison Cottrell’s spiral descent from Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease. The more the condition takes control of his state of mind, the more shocking secrets begin to be revealed that will sure to have ramifications countywide.

    The truth is getting closer for Vikki Morgan to discover who left her mother for dead years ago, and what will prove to be worse: the person behind it or the cover-up.

    The Thin Blue Li(n)e will test the Blue Wall of Silence across interpersonal and professional landscapes. Will the lines get crossed or will the lies finally catch up?

  • Hands Across The Sea

    What happens when real talk gets a little too real? That’s the 800-lb. gorilla confronting the Office of the Sheriff.

    This character-driven saga puts the rear echelon in the crosshairs as Brian Cook gives it to you straight, no chaser with his debut vehicle, Hands Across the Sea.

    Hands Across the Sea delves into the professional and personal sides of the badge where the rubber really meets the road. Explore how the Command staffers of The Office of the Sheriff, known as the Agency, come face-to-face with the unexpected: the changing of the guard.

    Their larger-than-life Sheriff, Garrison Cottrell, abruptly resigns and passes the torch to his hand-picked successor – Brendan Callaghan.

    Explore how their egos and isms intertwine with their leadership styles and principles, and come to light during professional and personal situations that will test their character and patience beyond enforcing the law. Gear up for what happens when the door shuts and the dialogue begins, and sometimes not in that order.

    Cook doesn’t just peer back the curtain, he pulls it down with a look inside the Agency that often takes on the guise of Peyton Place. But we’re talking about professionals, right? Hands Across the Sea is the first in a literary series.
