  • No Son of Mine

    No Son of Mine, Kevin L Backer’s second novel, stands out as a story of love and perseverance during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The novel addresses some of the consequences of gay youth come out to their families as well as the plight of throwaway youth on America’s streets. And in the end, love truly does conquer all – no matter who one loves!

    “I liked everything about this book. Kevin Backer showed a wonderful depth of feeling for his characters. I would recommend this book for everyone.”


    “Backer again shows in his writing a wonderful depth of feeling for his characters. They come to life and jump off the pages. I could not put this book down.”


    The Preacher’s Son, Kevin L Backer’s first novel, stands out as a heartwarming coming of age story for America’s gay youth. The exemplary novel details the decisions all gay youth must make-do they come out to their parents, family and friends? And face the consequences of their decisions? Or do they continue to hide who they are and who they love?

    “This was a great book, written very well, and a subject which affects so many lives today. It was very refreshing to hear that other people endure what others do. I would love to see more books like that.”

    “I love this book and had a very hard time putting it down. I couldn’t wait until the next day to read more. I kept wondering what was going to happen next with Paul and Jeremy. This book was very emotional for me because I grew up in a Pentecostal Free Will Baptist church and had heard all my life that being gay was a sin. I could feel the emotion of the characters in the book based on the experiences I have had in my life…this book is well written and would make a great movie. I could picture the characters in my mind as I read the book. This book made me anxious, laugh, cry and was a healing experience for me. I hope Kevin Backer will pursue the movie idea and write other books. Thanks Kevin I will never forget this book.”
