  • Never Remove the Cornerstone

    The story set in modern-day (early 2007) Metropolitan Atlanta (Atlanta and Riverdale, Georgia) and details the one-on-one interview with a mysterious, enigmatic, middle-aged man, who proves to have been a real person, documented a having been born in a Louisiana Creole French town around 1844. The author interviews the stranger, discovering certain supernatural abilities. Recollections of past events of both gentlemen intersect in time and space, a unique message—the stranger, insisting that one should never remove life’s fragile and
    necessary cornerstones. Then, just as bizarre as the mystery man appeared, he disappears.

    About the Author:

    The author, Byron Marcellɵ Coleman, born the year Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka was decided, is a self-employed independent business consultant, educator and accomplished gardener. His passion is to celebrate his understanding that mankind is a marvelous creation and that “…Through his (mankind’s) mind he can leap oceans, break through walls, and transcend the categories of time and space.” His interests include: History, the arts, music, genealogy and ‘growing stuff.’
